
Lillian Burry is running for reelection

Lillian G. Burry

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Lillian Burry is running for a fifth term on the board.

Burry is completing her perhaps most accomplished term on the Board of Chosen Freeholders.  Her work was instrumental in the acquisition of Fort Monmouth from the federal government.

While working through her decision to seek reelection or enjoy a well earned retirement, the Director told MMM that she loves doing the job, but did not relish another campaign or possible nominating convention challenge.  She told MMM yesterday that Freeholder Gary Rich’s decision not to seek reelection was the deciding factor in her choice to soldier on. “I feel strongly about the need for continuity on the Board,” Burry said. “With Gary stepping down and with Serena (DiMaso) likely moving on to the the State Assembly in January, there could have been three new freeholders next year.”

Monmouth GOP Chairman Shaun Golden said he was very happy with Burry’s choice to continue her public service.  “Director Burry’s contributions to Monmouth County—from our great park system, library and the arts to the redevelopment of Fort Monmouth and Sandy Hook to open space and historic preservation–are legendary.  She works harder and has more energy that most elected officials in the state.”


Burry is likely to be teamed up on the ballot with Holmdel Township Committeeman Pat Impreveduto.   Howell Councilman Bob Walsh and Middletown Committeeman Steve Massell said they are not running this year.   Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle has not yet declared his intentions.  Golden said he was scheduled to speak with Doyle today.  The deadline for candidates to file for the GOP’s endorsement for state and county offices is tomorrow, March 4.  The nominating convention is March 18.

Posted: March 3rd, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: 2017 Elections, Lillian Burry, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Lillian Burry is running for reelection”

  1. You, go, dear lady, said at 9:42 am on March 3rd, 2017:

    and thank you: as usual,she is smart and forward- looking, and, putting aside her own comfort, for the good of the order: we need to keep all five Freeholder seats: with a more competitive county, once we lost that board, it would be difficult to get it back! Glad for some good news, today!

  2. [email protected] said at 11:10 am on March 3rd, 2017:

    As a long time Monmouth County Park Commissioner, I have had the great learning experience of working with (or for) Freeholder Burry. Lillian has a kind of boundless energy and a real sense of the big picture. It is all about history and the future.

    Since her election to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders in 2005, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry has been the front-line leader of Monmouth County’s open space mission. Freeholder Burry’s passion and commitment to open space and our parks has inspired us and the entire Freeholder Board. It is about the quality of life in Monmouth County where we live. It is about vision.

    While so many federal pols dropped the ball at Fort Monmouth (with the ensuing economic disaster) , Freeholder Burry and her fellow Freeholders have stepped up and are leading the way in creating a visionary plan.

    In 1609, as Henry Hudson’s ship the Half Moon sailed north along the coast and entered the Raritan Bay, the crew marveled at the natural beauty of landscape and rivers inspiring crewmember Robert Juet to write in the ship’s journal “This is a very good Land to fall with, and a pleasant Land to see”.

    That first bucolic vision of Monmouth County has been a constant reminder to our Monmouth County Freeholders who have created, supported and implemented a strategic plan that calls for the preservation and protection of our open space and waterfront access while establishing and maintaining one of the finest County parks in the nation.

  3. Kathy Baratta said at 12:39 pm on March 3rd, 2017:

    Look around Monmouth County. If you like what you see, (and you probably do if you live here), a good deal of thanks for the quality of life you find should go to Lillian Burry. What you see is the direct result of the dedicated commitment of Lillian Burry. She is one class act and we should continue to re-elect her for as long as she can continue to want to serve.

  4. Frank wells said at 12:40 pm on March 3rd, 2017:

    A great gift for Monmouth County residents. Lillian is hard working, intelligent, and knows the County workings from A to Z. Thank you Freeholder in your decision to seek another term. We have a great Republican team in Monmouth County. One of the best counties in this great United States.

  5. Tim H said at 3:40 pm on March 3rd, 2017:

    That the lord! Now just NO BOB WALSH. Liliane and Pat will be a great team. Although watching NO BOB WALSH get beaten again at the convention for like the 14th time would be enticing to watch! NO BOB WALSH

  6. Tim H said at 4:51 pm on March 3rd, 2017:

    NO BOB WALSH!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Art? said at 11:39 pm on March 3rd, 2017:

    is this blogger in danger of becoming a new Rastaman or like the former “Spray on tan!” poster?

  8. TR said at 9:08 am on March 4th, 2017:

    If she is so concerned with continuity maybe should should have spoken up when the power brokers forced Gary not to run. Politicians all so full of crap.

  9. Maybe she said at 1:10 pm on March 4th, 2017:

    was shell- shocked at the betrayals and fighting for her own political life?

  10. Tim H said at 5:55 pm on March 4th, 2017:

    Patrick will not survive the race. Scandal!!!!! Pick a new candidate fast as the Democrats will have a field day. Pension scandal!


  11. Tim H said at 8:58 pm on March 5th, 2017:

    SCANDAL! The Democrats will have a field day over this. Milking the system on the taxpayers dime! Miss Liliane will not stand for this…….Oh Gary!!!!!!!

    Absent principal sworn in as deputy mayor in Holmdel

    by E. Assata Wright
    Reporter staff writer
    Jan 10, 2010 

    EXPLANATION, PLEASE – Schools Superintendent Cynthia Randina has asked Secaucus Middle School Principal Pat Impreveduto to respond to issues raised in Dec. by the Reporter.

    While Secaucus Middle School Principal Pat Impreveduto remains on sick leave from his job here, he is still making regular appearances in Holmdel, where he lives, in accordance with his duties as deputy mayor there.

    Impreveduto was again sworn in as Holmdel’s deputy mayor on Jan. 4. This was the latest in a string of public appearances he has made at official Holmdel functions since he fell and injured himself on school property on Sept. 14.

    He went out on worker’s comp after his accident until he “was released back to work on Nov. 17, 2009 by the worker’s compensation doctor,” according to School Administrator Ed Walkiewicz. Since then, Impreveduto has been out on paid sick leave. He had 310 days of sick leave as of July 1, 2009, Walkiewicz told the Reporter last month.

    Throughout his absence from school in Secaucus, however, Impreveduto has faithfully fulfilled his official duties as deputy mayor in Holmdel. He has regularly attended Holmdel Township Committee meetings, missing only one – on Nov. 5 – since his accident. He even attended a Sept. 17 township meeting held just three days after his fall.

    “At the direction of our attorney, Stephen Fogarty, I have given Mr. Impreveduto an opportunity to respond to some of the comments that appeared in the newspaper,” said Schools Superintendent Cynthia Randina said last week.

    Although the principal has been contacted, Randina said there is no deadline for him to respond to her questions.

    It is likely that Impreveduto, who earns about $180,000, has not broken any laws but the matter does not look good for a school system that has requested, and received, big tax increases for the last two years – in the middle of a recession.

    “If somebody is ill, generally speaking, a doctor will indicate the amount of time that person is expected to be out,” Randina said. “I consider everything on an individual basis. In the case of Mr. Impreveduto, I had every reason to believe that the communication from his doctor was accurate, and therefore I approved it.”

    Impreveduto did not return calls to his Holmdel residence last week.

    Last month, colleagues in Holmdel said they were unaware of Impreveduto’s accident in Secaucus, and one Township Committee member said he has not been seen with a cane, a walker, or other walking aid.

    Daniello appointed acting principal. Despite Impreveduto’s absence, the Middle School is moving on. Just before the holidays, the Secaucus Board of Education officially appointed Humanities Director Rob Daniello as acting Middle School principal in Impreveduto’s place. Daniello, who has certification to be a principal, had already been serving in the position in Impreveduto’s absence.

    “Mr. Daniello certainly has a lengthy history in the school district as a teacher of English and as a teacher of English as a Second Language,” Randina said. “He has worked in both the High School and the Middle School environment. He knows the community very well, has an excellent demeanor, and he has the credentials to fill in in Mr. Impreveduto’s absence.”

    Thus far, Impreveduto has not indicated when he might return to work, so it’s unclear how long Daniello may serve as acting principal.

    Read more: Hudson Reporter – Impreveduto temporarily replaced at Middle School Absent principal sworn in as deputy mayor in Holmdel

  12. Tim H said at 9:22 pm on March 5th, 2017:

    Correction…….the story speaks to him having accumulated the sick time. This is a non-story and he is fine. Various sources have now confirmed NO issue. Good it was addressed now and resolved here long before the election!! NO ISSUE! Great news. Go Liliane and Pat!!

  13. Then tell that said at 10:22 pm on March 5th, 2017:

    to the lyin’ Dems, with their selective headlines. Rots a ruck, folks.

  14. Then why said at 10:28 am on March 6th, 2017:

    would he “resign” a $180,000 job, if all is “good?” Then why bring it up, and splash it around? Don’t get this, at all..

  15. That weird smell said at 11:03 am on March 6th, 2017:

    you might be smelling, could be a rat, under the woodpile….?

  16. @ Little Timmy H said at 2:58 pm on March 6th, 2017:

    You are such a hater. Grow up.

  17. Jimmy Jones said at 7:31 am on March 10th, 2017:

    It’s time for her to go..she has totally lost touch with reality. The queen of nepotism….but…Bob Walsh totally screwed Howell…helped screw his former employees out of thousands, was a part of the cause for the housing collapse, tried to use his position to help family members – a total BAD GUY