CD-6 “Debate” Update
By Art Gallagher
Due to overwhelming public interest the Monmouth County Medical Society has moved the venue of the NJ-6 candidates forum from Riverview Medical Center to the Oyster Point Hotel. The time remains 7PM on Thursday, October 21.
Catherine Johnson, Executive Director of the MCMS, emphasized that the event is not a debate. She said that each candidate would be given 10-15 minutes to speak, followed by a Q & A session.
Frank Pallone has not confirmed his attendance. Johnson said that his staff told her that they are working on his schedule.
Call Frank Pallone and tell him to attend the Monmouth County Medical Society’s candidates forum. His campaign office phone number is 732-571-4141. His congressional office phone number is 731-571-1140.
To quote from a great movie ‘The Black Shield of Falworth’ after the challenge of a fight to the death is issued by the protagonist to the antagonist in the middle of the king’s court by throwing his gauntlet at the antagonists’ feet and proclaiming that his father wasn’t a traitor and proclaiming his father’s murderer (the current antagonist) to be a traitor, coward and a liar. As the antagonist moves to accept said challenge, the king says “Stop! Once take up the gauge (gauntlet used to issue the challenge) Milord, this matter passes from this court. Let it lie, unless you are content to let heaven decide the issue in Trial By Combat”. The antagonist pauses, and the Crown Prince says “Fail to take it up Milord, and you stand branded – Not only a coward, but a traitor as well”. The antagonist replies “Sire, the ways of heaven are a mystery to me, but of my own prowess, I have no doubt” and he bends down and picks up the gauntlet – accepting the challenge.
The challenge that has been cast is this – that Frank Pallone is a traitor to the people of CD-6 by acting in his own best interests, not that of the people he has sworn to represent made blatantly obvious by his comment that he knows better than the people of the district what’s best for them. He has shown himself to be a shameless liar on many occasions, and a coward by refusing (except for once when he thought it would be a friendly crowd) to stand before the people in a side-by-side debate to let the people of the district see the 2 candidates and their positions.
Now we wait to see if he accepts the challenge.
[…] their website today, Pallone, Little to debate Thursday at Riverview Medical Center. MMM reported yesterday that the venue had changed to the Oyster Point, and earlier today that that Phoney Palloney pulled […]