New Jersey Governor Phil MurphyÕs daily press briefing at the the War Memorial in Trenton, NJ on April 24, 2020, regarding updates on the corona virus.
Governor Phil Murphy will announce that he is lifting restrictions on indoor dining from 25% capacity to 35% and that he will lift the 10 pm curfew on the establishments, according to a report at
Municipal officials with political death wishes will be allowed to impose their own curfews.
State Senators Declan O’Scanlon and Anthony Bucco launched an online petition today urging Governor Phil Murphy to allow New Jersey’s bars and restaurants to stay open for the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Murphy has mandated that eateries close at 10pm, despite the fact that there is no evidence of greater COVID-19 transmission after 10. With the Super Bowl scheduled to start at 6:30 pm, it is likely that the game will extend beyond 10 pm and forcing the establishments to send their customers home before the Vince Lombardi Trophy is awarded.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of U.S. and New Jersey law enforcement agencies who took part in a Joint Super Bowl Operation deserve tremendous credit for rescuing 25 children ages 13-17 from lives of misery and sexual abuse, and for arresting 45 suspects who allegedly exploited the children for commercial sex, said Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), Chairman of the House congressional panel that oversees global human rights, and author of the landmark law, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-386).
According to the FBI, which announced the arrests yesterday, some suspects claimed to have traveled to New Jersey from other states specifically for the purpose of prostituting women and children at the Super Bowl. High-profile special events, which draw large crowds, have become lucrative opportunities for child prostitution criminal enterprises, the FBI said.
“This unprecedented effort by federal agencies in collaboration with local law enforcement from New Jersey aggressively focused on combating commercial child sex trafficking,” said Smith. “The joint efforts and the extraordinary leadership shown by Governor Christie and the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task force is to be applauded for working effectively to help save lives.
“Young victims now have a chance for a new start thanks to these arrests and rescues. Those who took advantage of young runaways and women forced or mislead into a life of sex trafficking and abuse must now face justice. Hopefully this effective effort will become a prototype and have a chilling effect on perpetrators across the nation and around the globe.”
EAST RUTHERFORD — The Brooklyn man arrested after he interrupted Super Bowl XVIII MVP Malcolm Smith’s postgame news conference didn’t start Sunday looking to make it onto national TV and, ultimately, into handcuffs. Matthew Mills, an 30-year-old independent…
MIDDLETOWN — The heavyweight college coaches rarely make it to the Jersey Shore, unless maybe it’s for a vacation. So when Urban Meyer, who was coaching at Florida at the time, Virginia Tech’s Frank Beamer and several other of the top college coaches…
New Jersey, New York and federal officials, along with their private sector partners in the transportation and hospitality industries have been working to thwart human trafficking associated with the Super Bowl since the day it was announced the big game would be played in New Jersey this year.
Congressman Chris Smith, Chairman of the House committee that oversees global human rights, will hold a hearing this afternoon at 2PM to examine the measures that are being deployed this week before the game.
“As sports fans prepare for February’s Super Bowl, the prospect of human trafficking threatens to darken the festivities,” said Smith, author of the landmark Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. “Fortunately, we have learned from past sporting events and have new best practices, such as training for the transportation and hospitality industries to help identify and rescue victims being trafficked in plain sight. This hearing will examine how we can transform this Super Bowl —and other major sporting event worldwide— from potential trafficking-fests to trafficking-free zones.”
Representatives from the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, AMTRAK, the airline industry and End Child Prostitution and Trafficking-USA are scheduled to testify.
The Asbury Park Press has a piece of the by the State and non-profit groups to crack down in human trafficking in New Jersey.
The Super Bowl is said to be big business for human traffickers. With the big game coming to the Meadowlands in February, the State and the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking is working to educate and mobilize local hotels to stop trafficking in their venues.
But trafficking in a year round problem. Judging by the ads in the app, there is quite a bit of it happening right here in Monmouth County.
The sanctimonious nudniks should do their part and stop accepting ads that offer “A HOT SPECIAL TREAT Blondes and Brunettes Russian, Brazilian & Spanish Girls Brand New Girls Every week,” “Beyond Therapy” and the like.
Following the Canyon of Heroes parade in lower Manhattan, the New Jersey Super Bowl Champion Giants and Governor Chris Christie will rally at MetLife Stadium. Admission and parking are free.
MetLife gates will open to the public at 2:15 PM. The rally is scheduled to start at 3PM and last until 3:30. PM
Christie was a guest of Boomer and Carton on WFAN radio this morning.