Assembly Republican Rob Clifton, R-Monmouth, Burlington, Middlesex and Ocean, said he believes it is appropriate for legislation approved by an Assembly committee last June that would allow voters to decide if judges should have the authority to deny bail to defendants deemed dangerous while awaiting trial, to be considered as part of Thursday’s Assembly voting session.
The legislation, ACR-153, was unanimously released by the Assembly Judiciary Committee, but has yet to receive consideration by the General Assembly. Under the resolution, a court must find that no amount of bail, pretrial release conditions, or combination of bail and pretrial release conditions would assure the defendant’s appearance as required or to protect the public safety.
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Posted: February 20th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Legislature, NJ State Legislature, Press Release, Rob Clifton | Tags: ACR-153, Alison McHose, Annette Quijano, Assembly Judiciary Committee, bail, BettyLou DeCroce, Chris J. Brown, Crime, Dave Rible, Donna Simon, General Assembly, Holly Schepisi, incarceration, Judicial discretion, Ralph Caputo, Rob Clifton, Scott Rudder, Sean Connors | 3 Comments »
Former Congressional candidate is seeking Democratic nomination for Freeholder. Democrats still looking to fill their Monmouth County slate
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso announced yesterday that they are seeking the Republican nomination for their offices and re-election as a team. There is no known opposition to the incumbents for the GOP nomination. The party will award the organization’s “line” for the June primary at its nomination convention on March 23.

Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Deputy Director Serena DiMaso and Sheriff Shaun Golden
In a joint statement the team cited the county’s reduced spending, its response to Superstorm Sandy, and the positive business climate as the accomplishments of their first terms. Golden and Arnone are completing their first full term in office. DiMaso was elected by the Republican County Commitee in January of 2012 to fill Assemblyman Rob Clifton’s seat when Clifton moved to the Assembly. She was elected by the voters last November to complete the term.
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Posted: February 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Brian Froelich, Chris Smith, Joe Grillo, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth Republican Committee, Rob Clifton, Serena DiMaso, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone, Vin Gopal | 3 Comments »
Old Bridge, NJ – The 12th District Team of Sen. Sam Thompson and Assemblymen Ron Dancer and Rob Clifton today announced their plans to run for re-election and continue their fight to make New Jersey more affordable for middle-class families by cutting taxes, growing the economy and creating jobs.
“After a decade of decline, we have begun to turn the tide by working with Governor Christie to reject tax increases and other harmful economic policies that left the state with higher taxes and fewer jobs,” Thompson, R-Middlesex, Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean, said. “The property tax cap and benefits reform have begun to turn the tide on property taxes and we have a lot more work to do to create jobs and make our state more affordable for middle-class families.
“No one can match our team’s experience in fighting for common sense solutions to reduce the burden on taxpayers in our district,” Thompson added.
Thompson, a full-time legislator, is seeking his second term in the Senate after serving in the Assembly for more than a decade.
Running with Thompson is Assemblyman Ron Dancer, R-Ocean, Burlington, Middlesex and Monmouth, an Assemblyman since 2002. A former Mayor of Plumsted Township, Dancer knows first hand the priority of reducing property taxes at the local level while providing for the safety and security of our schools and community.
“Last year was the lowest property tax increase in two decades and we are committed to driving that number down further with more reforms that will reduce costs for property taxpayers, such as, reversing Court decisions that send 60% of all State School Aid to just 31 inner city schools at the expense of our rural and suburban school districts,” Dancer said. “Property taxes remain too high and we want to keep fighting to reduce the burden on our constituents.”
Rounding out the ticket is Assemblyman Rob Clifton, R-Monmouth, Burlington, Middlesex and Ocean, who is in his first term in the Assembly after serving as a Monmouth County freeholder from January 2005 until January 2012 and as Mayor of Matawan from December 1996 until January 2005.
“New Jersey is winning the uphill battle to create jobs and grow the economy without raising taxes,” Clifton said. “We cannot allow our momentum to roll backward by returning to the reckless tax and spend policies that made our state unaffordable for many families and senior citizens.
“We’re excited at the prospect of running with Governor Christie and other taxpayer-friendly candidates in the four counties we represent,” Clifton said.
Posted: January 30th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: NJ State Legislature, Press Release | Tags: NJ 12th Legislative District, Rob Clifton, Ron Dancer, Sam Thompson | 1 Comment »
Serena DiMaso will be Deputy Director

Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso with Sheriff Shaun Golden
Freeholder Tom Arnone will be elected Director of the Freeholder Board when Monmouth County’s government reorganizes tomorrow, 4PM, at the Biotechnology High School in Freehold. Freeholder Serena DiMaso will be Deputy Director.
Arnone, the former Mayor of Neptune City, is entering the third year of his first term on the board. DiMaso was first elected to the board last January by the Monmouth County Republican Committee to replace Rob Clifton who had resigned to take his seat in the State Assembly. She was elected by the Monmouth County voters last November to complete that term. She is expected to seek her own full term in November with Arnone who is expected to seek a second term on the board.
Posted: January 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders | Tags: Rob Clifton, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | 2 Comments »
American Conservative Union, the folks who put on the CPAC conventions and who have since 1971 been rating the conservatism of members of Congress have rated the conservatism of New Jersey’s state legislators.
ACU tracked the votes on 11 pieces of legislation for Assembly members and 9 votes in the Senate. Those who voted the way ACU favored 100% of the time were declared “Defenders of Liberty.” Those who voted with ACU on 80% or more of the bills earned the designation “ACU Conservative.”
Those legsilators who never voted the way ACU favored, most of the Democrats, earned the designation “True Liberals of the Garden State.”
Some of the results in the Monmouth County delegation, Districts 11, 12, 13 and 30, are surprising. At least they are to me.
If you asked me to predict who among the Monmouth County delegation would have earned a 100% conservative, “Defender of Liberty” designation I would have guessed only 11th District Assemblywoman Caroline Cassagrande. I would have guessed wrong. Cassagrande didn’t even make the 80% “ACU Conservative” cut. She voted the ACU way 8 of 11 times for a 73% rating. The 3 votes Cassagrande cast that did not meet ACU approval were for 1) for legislation that requires businesses to post notices that employees have the right to be free from gender inequality, 2) for legislation that would ban treating waste water from fracking and 3) a bill that provided tax credits for electric car charging stations.
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Posted: December 19th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: ACU, American Conservative Union, Amy Handlin, Caroline Cassagrande, CPAC, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Jennifer Beck, Joe Kyrillos, Mary Pat Angelini, Rob Clifton, Robert Singer, Ronald Dancer, Sam Thompson, Sean Kean | 3 Comments »
Assemblyman Rob Clifton, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters and Freeholder Tom Arone, Gary Rich and Serena DiMaso have joined the long line of Monmouth County elected officials who are supporting Christine G. Hanlon in her quest to become the first female Chair of the Monmouth County Republican Organization.
They sent the following letter to County Committee members earlier this week:
We are writing today to express our strong support for Christine Hanlon to become our next Republican County Chair. Reorganization of our party will take place on June 12, 2012 at 7pm at the Colts Neck High School. We urge you to come to reorganization and cast your vote for Christine Hanlon for County Chair.
Over the years, Christine Hanlon has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to electing Republicans at every level of government. She served as the Monmouth Coordinator, under Chairman Joe Oxley, for national, state and county races. Christine was the coordinator for the McCain-Palin campaign in 2008, the Christie-Guadagno campaign in 2009, and our county campaigns in 2010 and 2011. She also assisted with state legislative campaigns for years.
The success our party has achieved in recent years is due in large part to Christine’s tireless efforts. She has the unique experience, skills and leadership abilities needed to lead our party into the future.
Our candidates need a strong leader with unparalleled organizational skills and the knowledge of our county-wide Republican operation. Christine Hanlon has the experience and the ability to ensure that Monmouth County will remain in Republican control and that our candidates and party have the resources we need to win.
This year, the Democrats will have a new County Chairman and will work hard to win two seats on the Freeholder Board and the constitutional office of County Clerk. They will also seek to defeat our national candidates by increasing Democrat voter turnout in Monmouth County. We must not let that happen! We need to maintain the stability of our organization and continue the progress we have made over the past four years. We must continue moving forward!
We strongly and enthusiastically support Christine Hanlon for Monmouth Republican Chair. Join us in showing your support for Christine at the Colts Neck High School on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 7pm.
Posted: June 6th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Christine Hanlon, Gary Rich, Rob Clifton, Rosemarie Peters, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 19 Comments »
Assemblyman Rob Clifton will join Senators Joe Kyrillos and Jennifer Beck, and his Assembly colleagues Mary Pat Angelini, Amy Handlin, and Dave Rible in endorsing GOP State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon as the next Monmouth County GOP Chair.
A formal announcement is expected later today or tomorrow.
Clifton’s endorsement will give Hanlon the formal support of 6 of the 9 member of the Monmouth County Legislative Delegation. Assembly members Sean Kean, Declan O’Scanlon and Caroline Casagrande have yet to express a preference for either Hanlon or her opponent, former Senate President John Bennett.
Posted: May 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Caroline Casagrande, Christine Hanlon, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Jennifer Beck, Joe Kyrillos, John Bennett, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth GOP chair's race, Rob Clifton, Sean Kean | 5 Comments »
Fresh off her 2010 defeat at the hands of Congressman Frank Pallone, former Highlands Mayor Anna Little blamed the fact that she lost in her hometown by 55* votes on the lack of sophistication of her constituents and colleagues on the borough’s governing body.
Little told Politickernj her Highlands loss “was likely to involve some borough employees” who would could be effected by a layoff plan she had agreed to support. One month after the election, lame duck Little killed the layoff plan by voting with the Democrats on the governing body over the objections of her fellow Republicans.
“The council is not politically savvy,” Little said, “They were running too.”
“I think there’s some feeling that I left them behind, too,” she said. “I’m their mayor, and I’m off doing something else. (But they don’t understand), everything I do outside of Highlands will relate back to Highlands.”
Little was the only Republican on the ballot in Highlands who lost in 2010. Republican Frank Nolan was elected Mayor to replace Little. Shaun Golden was elected Sheriff. Rob Clifton and Tom Arnone were elected Freeholder. We’d give you their numbers in Highlands, but the County Clerk’s Office hasn’t gotten around to posting the official election results of 2010 and 2011 on their website.
* News reports at the time indicated that Little lost Highlands by 76 votes. When mail in and provisional ballots were counted the loss was by 55 votes.
Posted: May 24th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Nolan, Frank Pallone, Highlands, Rob Clifton, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 8 Comments »
The Monmouth County Democrats are holding their nominating convention on Thursday, March 22 at the Bayshore Senior Center, 6:30 PM.
Michael Steinhorn of Rumson is the only candidate who has filed to run for County Clerk. He is expected to be nominated to run against Republican incumbent M.Claire French. Steinhorn was the nominee for County Surrogate last year.
Former State Trooper Bill Shea, a candidate last year, and former Hazlet Mayor Kevin Lavan, a candidate for Assembly last year from the 13th district , will be freeholder candidates.
There are two freeholder seats up this year; a full term that is being defended by incumbent Republican Freeholder Director John Curley and an unexpired term that will be defended by Freeholder Serena DiMaso. DiMaso was elected by the Monmouth Republican Committee to fill the vacancy created by Rob Clifton’s election to the State Assembly.
The Democrats have yet to determine which seats Shea and Lavan will challenge.
Former Freeholder Amy Mallet has not ruled out re-seeking the office that she lost last November. Asked repeatedly by MMM if she was going to make an run for freeholder either at the convention or in the primary, Mallet said, “no, not at this time,” and “I am not running as of now.” Asked to give a definitive answer, she declined.
Two candidates have thrown their hats into the ring for the nomination to take on Congressman Chris Smith in the 4th congressional district. Former Monmouth County Surrogate Patricia Bennett, now an elder law attorney in Red Bank and Spring Lake businessman Brian Froelich will compete for the Democratic endorsement on Thrusday night.
Froelich has a website and says he’s filed with the FEC to be a candidate. He would not rule out a primary challenge should he lose to Bennett on Thursday, saying, “I intend to win at the convention and have not thought beyond that.”
Bennett could not be reach for comment.
Posted: March 20th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Chris Smith, Congress, Democrats, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Amy Mallet, Assemblyman Rob Clifton, Bayshore Senior Center, Bill Shea, Candidates, Chris Smith, County Clerk, Freeholder candidates, Freeholder Director John Curley, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, John Curley, Kevin Lavan, M. Claire French, Michael Steinhorn, Monmouth County Clerk, Monmouth County Democrats, Rob Clifton, Serena DiMaso | 17 Comments »
Serena DiMaso fires back
Manalapan Township Committee Member Ryan Green, a candidate for Freeholder in tomorrow’s Title 19 election, has taken the gloves off in what until now has been a clean and collegial intra-party contest.
Green issued a press release late last night criticizing the Holmdel Township Committee for considering selling land, including land purchased with Green Acres dollars, to close a budget deficit. Green based his criticism upon a January 6 article in the Holmdel Patch.
Holmdel Deputy Mayor Serena DiMaso is competing with Green, along with Howell Mayor Bob Walsh and Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle for the freeholder seat vacated by Assemblyman Rob Clifton.
“To learn that the Holmdel Township Committee would consider selling one of our most valued resources in Monmouth County, open space, is very disappointing. I have a strong record of preserving open space, as I believe it improves our quality of life. I will never support selling any of it,” Green said.
Green said he believes very strongly that when governing bodies purchase land, especially with Green Acres funding, it should be maintained as open space. He said he has been a leader in preserving open space in Manalapan since joining the Township Committee.
He is also concerned that selling land, as the Holmdel Township Committee is considering doing, is a short-term solution to address Holmdel’s looming budget deficit.
“In order to address budget deficits, we need long-term solutions. We need to prioritize what services are being provided, reduce spending, and find new shared services agreements that can save taxpayer dollars. Once that land is sold, it’s unlikely that Monmouth County will ever get it back,” Green stated.
DiMaso shot back, “If we sell, it would be 10 acres of a 400 acre facility to a soccer academy. It will be deed restricted for recreational use, so it will remain open space, and its use will not change. The sale will have Green Acres approval.”
“The Plum Lane property that Ryan ‘read’ about was not purchased with Green Acres money. It was donated to the Township and is surplus land.”
“If Ryan wanted to engage in a genuine debate about open space, why wait until the 11th hour with a press release? I saw Ryan on the campaign trail three times this week. He has my number and my email. He could have brought this up anytime. This type of last minute distortion is very disappointing coming from a so called Republican. Maybe Ryan’s ambition and NJEA DNA is more dominant in his character than his status as a Republican, especially one who promised to run a positive campaign. If he broke this promise to a fellow Republican, what promises will he break to the Monmouth County taxpayer? ”
Update from Ryan Green:
I was informed of this issue while walking door to door on Wednesday evening. I have never mentioned one of my fellow candidates by name during this campaign, nor have I ever engaged in personal attacks. The actions of the Holmdel Township Committee raise a legitimate policy issue for Monmouth County regarding open space, and I feel that it’s important for the voters to know where each candidate stands on this issue.
Posted: January 13th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Republican Committee | Tags: Bob Walsh, Holmdel Patch, Monmouth County Freeholders, Monmouth GOP, Peter Doyle, Rob Clifton, Ryan Green, Serena DiMaso | 22 Comments »