Murder suspect checked in with law enforcement one week after the double murder

Brian R. Farmer’s mugshot taken August 6, 2014, one week after the murders of Joan Colbert and Veronica Roach, for which he is accused.
The man accused of murdering Joan Colbert and her 10 year old foster daughter, Veronica Roach, in their Long Branch home on July 30, visited the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office one week after the murder occurred, as part of his mandated monitoring as a registered sex offender.
Brian R. Farmer was convicted in 1996 of aggravated assault for engaging in sexual penetration of a 15 year old girl while he was armed with a knife. Farmer confined the victim and her mother for three days, keeping them tied up. The victims escaped and Farmer burned down their house, according to the New Jersey State Police Registry of Sex Offenders.
Farmer was arrested early this morning for murders of Colbert and Roach. He was additionally charged with first, second and third degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child. Photos of Farmer engaging in a sex act with the 10 year old Roach were found on his phone.
Sex offenders are monitored by the County Prosecutor’s Offices of the county where they reside, according to State Police Information Officer, Trooper Jeff Flynn. As part of that monitoring, their photos are updated periodically for the Sex Offenders Directory.
Farmer’s most recent mugshot was taken on August 6, 2014, one week after the July 30th murders occurred.
Posted: August 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Crime, Crime and Punishment, Law Enforcement, Long Branch, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Monmouth County Prosecutor, News | Tags: Brian Farmer, Brian R Farmer, Child Pornography, Joan Colbert, Long Branch Murders, murder, Veronica Roach | 10 Comments »Judge Drops 3 of 8 Murder Charges Against Philly Abortion Doc
The Judge presiding over the Philadelphia trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell has dismissed three of the eight murder charges against the abortionist after agreeing with defense attorney Jack McMahon that the prosecution failed to prove that any of the slaughtered infants were born alive, according to reports at LifeNews, WND and The Blaze.
Five counts of corpse abuse were also dismissed.
Gosnell still faces charges that he killed a mother and four babies born alive. The prosecution rested its case last Friday after five weeks of testimony. The defense started presenting its case today.
Posted: April 23rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Abortion, Kermit Gosnell | Tags: infanticide, Kermit Gosnell, Kermit Gosnell trail, murder, Philadelphia Massacre, Philadephia | 1 Comment »Internet Buzzing With Theories That Breitbart Was Murdered
Andrew Brietbart’s acolytes have taken to twitter with the theory that the conservative blogger was murdered this morning.
Brietbart would very likely approve.
Twits on the left have take to twitter to celebrate the blogger’s death. Brietbart would have retweeted them.
#Breitbart click here for the twitter feed.
The conspiracy theorists point to Brietbart’s speech at CPAC in February wherein he said he had video of Barak Obama in college that he would release during the heat of the presidential campaign to vette the president.
Here’s that portion of Breitbart’s CPAC address:
Later in the speech Breitbart said he had copies of emails that would prove that the mainstream media is conspiring with lefitist radicals to ensure Obama’s reelection and the destruction of the United States.
Here is the entire CPAC speech. The email comment is at about the 11:10 mark.
The Los Angeles coroner’s office is expected to perform an autopsy tomorrow.
Posted: March 1st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Andrew Breitbart | Tags: Andrew Breitbart, Barack Obama, Breitbart murdered, conspiracy theories, CPAC, Mainstream Media, murder, Twitter, Was Andrew Breitbart murdered? | 5 Comments »