Thomas DeSeno, an attorney from Asbury Park and frequent MMM contributor, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to buy safety vest for Asbury Park Press reporters.
DeSeno seeded the $200 campaign with a $20 contribution.
Officer Thomas Foster, center, in a 2016 photo. Photo via Middletown PD facebook page
Middletown Police Officer Thomas E. Foster, 33, was charged with fourth degree falsifying records, according to an announcement this morning by Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni.
Foster, who has been on the Middletown Police force since August 18, 2014, has been suspended without pay, according to an announcement by the Middletown Police Department.
“Today, I signed onto a resolution that just strikes me as peculiar. Peculiar in the sense that I never would have imagined the need for this to exist in a democracy. SCR-117 is intended to curtail the Governor’s power to issue emergency executive orders without reapproval by the legislature every 15 days. It’s a proposed constitutional amendment that if passed, would create a ballot question potentially altering our State’s constitution and let the public decide whether a Governor needs to have their power more frequently checked by the Legislature.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon placing his order at Sissy’s in Atlantic Highlands
State Senator hopes to avoid gaining 30 pounds
Senator Declan O’Scanlon, Jr. announced today that he is celebrating the reopening of New Jersey’s restaurants with by patronizing 30 Monmouth County eateries in 30 days.
O’Scanlon launched his tour this morning at Sissy’s at the Harbor in Atlantic Highlands.
Superior Court Judge Robert Lougy Ordered the City of Asbury Park not to implement their resolution allowing indoor dining in City restaurants effective Monday, June 15. Judge Lougy’s Order was requested by Governor Phil Murphy who had filed a lawsuit against the City earlier on Friday.
Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn posted an announcement of the Order on facebook and asked restaurants to comply.
Suzanne Brennan, GOP candidate for Mayor of Howell, left, and Deputy Mayor Evelyn O’Donnell at Cammareri’s Famous Brooklyn Bakery and Deli on June 5
Suzanne Brennan, the Republican candidate for Mayor of Howell Township, issued the following statement in support of restaurants opening for indoor dining on June 15:
In a move that runs contrary to Gov. Phil Murphy’s latest executive order, Asbury Park will allow its restaurants to have limited indoor dining for the first time since the state’s eateries were banned from allowing patrons to dine inside during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Asbury Park City Council approved a resolution Wednesday evening allowing restaurants to allow indoor dining at 25% of the building’s capacity or 50 people, whichever is lower, beginning June 15.
The measure was part of a larger resolution outlining plans for establishment to allow outdoor dining and outdoor retail display a… Read the rest of this entry »
Congressman Chris Smith has been awarded distinguished honors twice in the past month for his willingness to reach across the aisle in order to get things done.
On June 9, 2020, Smith was recognized with the Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce during a virtual celebration marking their inaugural recognition of congressional leaders.
Jada Tulloch, the 2020 valedictorian of Middletown High School North, said she “had a great experience in Middletown public schools” and that she “wouldn’t have it any other way” in an interview with Sophia Haber Brock of Sophia Directs published on May 24.