GOP Mayoral Candidate Applauds Asbury Park, Encourages Howell To Also Defy Murphy On Eateries Reopening On June 15

Suzanne Brennan, the Republican candidate for Mayor of Howell Township, issued the following statement in support of restaurants opening for indoor dining on June 15:
“In a move that runs contrary to Gov. Murphy’s latest executive order, the Asbury Park City Council approved a Resolution yesterday allowing City restaurants to allow indoor dining at 25% of the building capacity or 50 people, whichever is lower, beginning June 15th.
“I applaud this move by the Asbury Park governing body and am asking that the Howell Township Council call for an emergency meeting to enact a similar resolution as soon as possible so that Howell restaurants may be operational along the guidelines set by Asbury Park by June 15th (or sooner). This measure would be a direct reassurance that the Howell governing body will stand by these businesses and want to see their success.
“I have spoken with Councilman Russo and Councilwoman Richmond, both members of the Howell Economic Task Force charged with helping Howell businesses, and they have pledged their support to move on this measure immediately. Deputy Mayor O’Donnell supports the measure as well. I am hopeful the other members of the governing body will agree. We must move swiftly and give themguidelines to follow if they choose to voluntarily re-open.We must give them the support they need to move forward.
“Governor Murphy has picked which businesses to open and which to keep closed for too long. He is crippling our small businesses. This must end now. Outdoor seating helps but will not be enough to sustain our restaurants. How can he continue to prevent people from earning a living after he participated in a massive outdoor event without social distancing? He doesn’t follow his own rules,yet heuses his power to keep businesses shuttered. This is unacceptable. We must do everything possible now to show the members of our business community that we support them!”