Former Monmouth County Prosecutor John Kaye is an artist.
On Sunday, April 8, the Tenner House Gallery in the Ocean Township Library, 601 Deal Road, will kick of a show featuring 40 of Kaye’s watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings. The show is entitled “Boats, Birds and Fly Fishing.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 5th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: John Kaye, John Kaye Art Show, Monmouth County News, Ocean Township Library, Tenner House Gallery | 2 Comments »
There is an important organization that we missed in our year end giving guide, the 200 Club of Monmouth County.
Led by former Monmouth County Clerk M.Claire French, the President, and former Monmouth County Prosecutor John Kaye, the Executive Director, the 200 Club is made up of leaders of business, industry, labor, public service, education and other professions including all of the Chiefs of Police of Monmouth County. Their goal is to provide financial assistance and comfort to families of law enforcement and first responders who are killed or disabled in the line of duty, as well as baccalaureate scholarships for their children.
In 2015, the 200 Club of Monmouth County gave scholarships to 107 children of law enforcement officers and first responders. Additionally, the club contributed generously to the Seidle family; the nine children of Tamara Wilson-Seidle who was killed by her ex-husband, Neptune Township Police Sgt Philip Seidle, in June. Kaye told MMM that the club paid the property taxes on the children’s home and gave them a $12,000 no strings attached check this month.
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Posted: December 29th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: 200 Club of Monmouth County, John Kaye, M. Claire French, Monmouth County News, Philip Seidle, Tamara Wilson-Seidle | Comments Off on 200 Club of Monmouth County: Supporting First Responders’ Families
By Art Gallagher

John Kaye
Former Monmouth County Prosecutor John Kaye, currently the President of the Monmouth County Affiliated Republican Club, wrote to the Republican County Committee members today to warn that Vin Gopal, the County Democrats and the press, will use Sheriff Shaun Golden’s “dual offices” as a campaign issue in the event he becomes Chairman. Here’s a copy of Kaye’s letter.
Just as important as what John has done, is what he has not done – and that’s gift wrap a campaign issue for Vin Gopal and the County Democrats to beat us all over the head with. Unfortunately, I am concerned that is exactly what electing Shaun Golden to the dual offices of County Sheriff and County Republican Chairman will do.
Chairman Bennett called me on the day Golden announced he was running for Chairman and asked if I was going to “be fair with him this time.” He felt my coverage of the 2012 Chairman’s race when I endorsed his opponent was unfair. I told him I would be and I believe I have been. Earlier this week I sat down separately with John and his daughter, Meghan Bennett Clark. They both acknowledged that MMM’s coverage of the Chairman’s race has been fair.
So, if fairness, I have to say, the argument Kaye raises today in his letter to the County Committee is the same argument I raised against John Bennett being Chairman two years ago. I argued that the Democrats and the press would have a field day with Bennett. I argued that they would use Bennett’s record, pension and multiple public jobs to beat Monmouth County Republicans over the head. It would be Club Monmouth all over again.
I was wrong. It didn’t happen.
I don’t think it will happen this time either. But if it does, both Bennett and Golden could both be vulnerable.
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Posted: June 6th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Bill Dowd, Fred Niemann, Harry Larrison, John Bennett, John Kaye, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth Dems, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden, Vin Gopal | 17 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Former Monmouth County Prosecutor John Kaye is the new president of the Monmouth County Affiliated Republican Club.
Kaye takes over from Wayne Pomanowski who served as president for the maximum two years allowed by the club’s bylaws. 1st Vice President Gerri Popkin and 2nd Vice President Bob Burlew were unable to step up to the presidency due to other obligations. Howell Chairman John Costigan, the club Sergeant-At-Arms, declined the post because he is running to replace Monmouth GOP Chairman John Bennett on the GOP State Committee. Pomanowski said he suggested Kaye to Bennett.
Bennett said that Kaye was the unanimous choice of the club’s trustees at their January meeting. All other officers, except Pomanowski, retained their previous club offices. Pomanowski remains on the board.
The choice struck me as odd given 1) the wealth of up and coming talent in the Monmouth GOP and 2) Kaye’s rocky historical relationship with Govenor Chris Christie including the controversy surrounding Kaye towards the end of his distinguished 23 year career as Monmouth County Prosecutor.
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Posted: January 22nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Affiliated Club | Tags: Bob Burlew, Chris Christie, Gerri Popkin, Governor Tom Kean, John Bennett, John Costigan, John Kaye, Luis Valentin, Richard Codey, Wayne Pomanowski | 1 Comment »