NJ Dem Chairman John Currie, standing between Congressman Frank Pallone and state Senator Vin Gopal in 2014. That’s Dem Freeholder candidate Lawrence Luttrell, left of U.S. Senator Cory Booker
Congratulations to NJ Democratic Party Chairman John Currie on his new job as the Public Information Officer of the Passaic County Board of Social Services. And congratulations to the Board on finally finding the right man for the job after an exhaustive 14 year search.
Currie is the perfect man for the $92,000 part time job because, as the head of the Passaic County Democrats, the New Jersey Democrats, the Passaic Board of Elections and his partnership in a Chevrolet dealership, “he knows everybody,” BSS director Tony Desimone told The Record. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 11th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats, NJ Democrats | Tags: Congressman Frank Pallone, John Currie, Lawrence Luttrell, Lunging Larry Luttrell, New Jersey Democratic Party, New Jersey Democrats, NJ Pension Crisis, Senator Vin Gopal | 8 Comments »
Political mailers by the Howell Democrat candidates for mayor and council, paid for by the NJ State Democratic Party, that prominently point out that development sites are owned by Jewish organizations and charge that the Republican candidates are offering special deals to Lakewood developers have prompted Republican elected officials and Party leaders to condemn the Democrats’ tactics as anti-Semitic and racist.
Mayor William Gotto and Deputy Mayor Rob Nicastro, both Republicans, held a press conference in Howell to condemn the Democrats mailings, according to reports on The Asbury Park Press and News12. Howell Republican Chairman Juan Malave posted a letter condemning the Democrats mail on facebook.
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Posted: November 4th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Howell, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2016 Elections, anti-semitism, Dan Cardellichio, Evelyn Malsbury O'Donnell, Howell, John Currie, Joseph Montella, Juan Malave, Monmouth County News, Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, Rob Nicastro, Theresa Berger, Vin Gopal, William Gotto | Comments Off on Howell Republicans Accuse Democrats Of Anti-Semitism
….there were no surprises out of the IBEW Local 400 Union Hall in Wall this morning.
Senator Cory Booker was endorsed for the nomination to seek his first full term in the U.S. Senate.
Congressman Frank Pallone was nominated for his 14th term in the House of Representatives.
In the 4th congressional district, criminal defense attorney Ruben Scolavino has agreed to take another one for the Democratic team. Scolavino lost to Sheriff Shaun Golden, 64%-36% last year. He will likely face a worse fate against Congressman Chris Smith who running for his 18th term. Scolavino is probably angling for a Judgeship.
For Monmouth County Freeholder, Larry Luttrell, a Holmdel attorney who came in last against Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso in 2013, hopes to do better this year against Freeholder Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Gary Rich who were renominated by the Monmouth GOP this morning. Joining Luttrell on the County Democratic ticket for freeholder is Joe Grillo of Asbury Park. Grillo is making his first run at elected office. He is the municipal chairman of the Asbury Park Democrats, the former executive director of the Monmouth Dems, and works for his family’s tile business.

CD-4 Candidate Ruben Scolavino, Larry Luttrell, Senator Cory Booker, Joe Grillo, Congressman Frank Pallone, NJ Democratic Chairman John Currie and Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal. Photo via Pallone’s facebook page.
Posted: March 22nd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Congressman Chris Smith, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Gary Rich, Joe Grillo, John Currie, Larry Luttrell, Lillian Burry, Ruben Scolavino, Serena DiMaso, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone, Vin Gopal | 1 Comment »