By Art Gallagher
On Tuesday November 7, I will enthusiastically cast my vote for Highlands Borough Council for Ken Braswell and Rosemary Ryan. If you live in Highlands, I hope you do too.
Ken and Rosemary are ‘new blood with experience,’ if that makes sense. They both have worked hard, as volunteers, for the Highlands community for many years while avoiding the often nasty political fray. They have both served our community unselfishly with dignity and respect for all. They truly are “level headed leaders.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 4th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 Elections, Highlands, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2017 elections, Frank Nolan, Greg Wells, Highlands, Highlands NJ, John Coberg, Ken Braswell, Monmouth County News, Rosemary Ryan | 1 Comment »

Photo credit: Stephanie Agresta via facebook
Seastreak Manager Jack Bevins told MMM that the ferry that crashed into Pier 11 in Manhattan at 8:45 this morning was out of Highlands, not Atlantic Highlands as has been reported by multiple media sources.
News12 is reporting that 30-50 people have been injured, one critically.
The Star Ledger is reporting that there were 326 commuters and 5 crew members on the boat.
Seastreak issued a statement acknowledging the accident and pledging to work closely with Federal, State and local authorities to determine its cause. They said their thoughts and prayers are with the injured.
Donovan Mannato of Rumson was on the top deck of the ferry when the crash occurred.
“As we were approaching the pier I was packing up my Ipad and closing the seat tray when I felt and severe impact,” Mannato said, “my head hit on the tray in front of me and I saw a gentleman who was standing fly several feet and land on the ground where he laid for quite sometime. There were two glass doors cracked but still in their frames. It was obvious that people had hit those windows.
“When I got up to get off the boat I saw a man severely injured with people surrounding him at the bottom of the stairs. When I finally got downstairs, there were many people bleeding and with head injuries being tended to by passengers who were not injured.”
Mannato said he has a shiner under his eye and a stiff neck. He has not yet received medical attention. He is concerned for the recovery of those more seriously injured.
Seastreak has cancelled the 5:55 departure from E 35th Street and the 6:10 departure from Pier 11.
Posted: January 9th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Seastreak Ferry | Tags: Highlands, Highlands NJ, news, Pier 11, Seastreak, Seastreak Ferry, Seastreak Ferry accident, Seastreak ferry crash | 2 Comments »