Goofy Gopal
Vin Gopal went on the Tommy G Show yesterday, his 32nd birthday, and confessed the obvious—he’s not too bright.
“I’ll be the first to confess that I was not a good student,” Gopal told Tommy.”I liked history and entertainment and art, but wasn’t good at math.”
Gopal spent the majority of his hour with Tommy doing the same thing he’s been doing since he declared his candidacy for State Senate in the 11th District—trying to convince people that Governor Chris Christie and Senator Jennifer Beck share a brain.
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Posted: May 19th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2017 Elections, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County News, Vin Gopal | Tags: Equine Industry, Goofy Gopal, John Forbes, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Park, New Jersey Throughbred Horsemen's Association, Senator Jennifer Beck, Vin Gopal | 2 Comments »
State Senator Joe Kyrillos, whose district includes Oceanport, the home of Monmouth Park, said, “This court reversal puts us back on the right course to create opportunities here, improve the quality of life, and enhance the state’s economy and job creation and retention at Monmouth Park and Atlantic City. As I’ve said for months, we will prevail, and the repeals that this legislature enacted on a bipartisan basis will ultimately stand.”
TRENTON — New Jersey’s years-long battle to legalize sports betting will get another day in court — and experts say the outlook for the state is suddenly a positive one. Nearly two months after a three-judge U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals panel rejected the state’s latest bid to legalize sports wagering at casinos and racetracks,… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 15th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Horse Racing Industry, Joe Kyrillos, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Park | Tags: Atlantic City, Equine Industry, Gambling Industry, Gaming Industry, Monmouth County News, NJ Sports Betting, Oceanport, Sen Joe Kyrillos, U.S. Third Circuit Court | 1 Comment »
There will be a parade of horses in Freehold on Saturday as the 3rd annual Open Space Pace and Festival of Horses kicks off at 10am.
The free, all day event starts with a parade past the Hall of Records and continuing to Freehold Raceway. At the racetrack, there will be educational exhibits, amateur horse races, under-saddle races, and many more fun events for all ages. The standard race card will begin at 12:30pm. Between races, we will have live music and family-friendly entertainment. After the races there will be a concert and fireworks.
The Open Space Pace seeks to highlight the relationship between the horse and open space in New Jersey. The Open Space Pace is a non-profit corporation seeking 501 (c)(3) status, formed to create an annual event at Freehold Raceway to celebrate the New Jersey State Animal, the Horse, and all of the people that work with this great animal. This event will raise necessary funds for nonprofits that work with horses and other non-profit organizations involved in the promotion of open space.
Posted: September 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Community Announcements, Horse Racing Industry, Monmouth County, Things to do in Monmouth County | Tags: Equine Industry, Freehold, Horse Racing Industry, Open Space Pace, Things to do in Monmouth County, Things to do in Monmouth County this weekend | 1 Comment »
Yesterday’s Equine Symposium, co-hosted by Senator Jennifer Beck, Senator Paul Sarlo, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, Assemblywoman Connie Wagner, Assemblyman Ralph Caputo brought more than 80 attendees including elected officials, equine experts, business owners and breeders to Perretti Farms to discuss the present challenges to New Jersey’s equine industry and possible solutions to facing those challenges.
“The goal of today’s event was to educate interested parties on the far-reaching effects of the horse industry in New Jersey,” said Casagrande, “and I believe it was quite a success. By bringing together experts from all equine and equine-related industries in New Jersey, as well as legislators from both sides of the aisle who believe in a future for horse racing in our State, we were able to create a full picture of exactly how vital this industry is to the economy in New Jersey.”
“We hosted this event in order to educate people on the complexity of this industry,” said Beck, “and possible long-term strategies that are needed to run these businesses. The equine industry is an important economic driver in our State, bringing in jobs and revenue. Today we heard in more definite terms the impact it has on Monmouth County and New Jersey. The numbers don’t lie. Horse racing was a self-sustaining industry until 2007 when gaming competition began appearing on our borders, and with the right type of out-of-the-box thinking, it can be that again, and New Jersey can once again take it’s place as a world leader in this area.”
Speakers at the Symposium included Karyn Malinowsi, Director of the Equine Science Center at Rutgers University; Anthony Perretti, owner of Perretti Farms; Tom Swales, President of the New Jersey Thoroughbred Association; Tom Luchento, President of the SBOANJ; Dennis Drazen, Chairman of the New Jersey Racing Commission; Rick Wills, owner of Rick Saddle Shop; and Dr. Scott Palmer, NJ Equine Clinic.
Also in attendance were Freehold Director Lillian Burry, Assemblyman Joe Malone, Assemblyman Ronald Dancer, Assemblywoman Alison McHose and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove.
The discussion ranged from the dollars and cents the equine industry brings to New Jersey to its contribution of maintaining nearly 200,000 acres of open space throughout the State.
“As we heard here today,” said O’Scanlon, “the horse industry is not simply racing and racetracks. It’s hay and feed suppliers, it’s drivers and jockeys, tack suppliers, and veterinarians. We will continue to work with all of these industries in our efforts to make the horse racing in New Jersey, not just sustainable, but maintain its place in the world arena.”
“I fear that if the Meadowlands Racetrack closes,” said Wagner, “there will be a ripple effect that negatively impacts not only the gaming industry in NJ but several sectors of our economy and thousands of jobs will be lost as a result. The racetrack is in Bergen County but the financial impact will be felt statewide.”
Posted: September 28th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Caroline Casagrande, Declan O'Scanlon, Horse Racing Industry, Jennifer Beck | Tags: Caroline Casagrande, Declan O'Scanlon, Equine Industry, Jennifer Beck | 1 Comment »
A bipartisan group of State Legislators will be hosting a Symposium on the Equine Industry in New Jersey on September 27th at Perretti Farms, New Jersey’s largest horse farm, in Cream Ridge from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. as an opportunity to educate fellow legislators and other New Jersey residents about the importance of horse and horse-related industries to the State’s economy.
The event is co-hosted by Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, Assemblyman Ralph Caputo and Assemblywoman Connie Wagner.
“Recently,” said Assemblywoman Casagrande, “there has been a great deal of discussion about the future of the horse racing industry in New Jersey. It is our hope that this event will serve as an opportunity to learn about the present state of the equine industry, the challenges it currently faces, and possible solutions to make it once again a self-sustaining industry.”
“We are hosting this event at the largest standardbred horse farms in New Jersey,” said Senator Beck, “so that people can see firsthand the complexity and long term strategy needed to breed and raise racehorses. This fall, Perretti Farms has approximately 100 yearlings bred from some of the best standardbred horses in the State. Farms like this are an important economic engine for New Jersey.”
“Horseracing alone is a $4 billion industry in New Jersey,” said Assemblyman O’Scanlon, “and horse-related professions account for around 13,000 jobs in the State. This event will provide a venue for a discussion that all interested parties need to have about the survival and sustainability of this industry.”
Among the featured guest speakers are Karyn Malinowski, from the Rutgers University Equine Science Center; Anthony Perretti, a standardbred breeder; Tom Swales, president of the Thoroughbred Breeder’s Association of New Jersey; and Peter Furey, Executive Director of the New Jersey Farm Bureau.
This event is a bipartisan, educational opportunity to continue the discussion on the future of horse racing and gaming in New Jersey.
“Horse racing is an essential component of New Jersey’s gaming industry,” said Assemblyman Caputo, “and we must do all we can to support it by enticing customers back to the racetracks and the Atlantic City casinos alike. The installation of video lottery terminals (VLTs) at the Meadowlands is something to seriously consider in order to stem the tide of gambling revenue flowing out of New Jersey to racinos and casinos in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Delaware.”
“Discussions such as the ones we will have at this Symposium are vital to continued economic growth in New Jersey,” said Senator Paul Sarlo. “I am eager to see in-depth discussions continue that include both the equine industry and casinos so that the best solution can be found for our State.”
Perretti Farms is located at 329 State Highway 526, Cream Ridge, New Jersey and can be contacted by calling 609-259-7555
Posted: September 22nd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Caroline Casagrande, Declan O'Scanlon, Horse Racing Industry, Jennifer Beck | Tags: Caroline Casagrande, Declan O'Scalon, Equine Industry, Horse Racing Industry, Jennifer Beck | Comments Off on BIPARTISAN GROUP TO HOST EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM