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Posted: May 3rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: Chris Christie, White House Correspondents Dinner | Comments Off on Table talk could be chilly for Christie at White House correspondents dinner
NJ debt downgraded for fifth time under Christie (via
TRENTON — A major Wall Street credit-rating agency downgraded New Jersey’s debt again Thursday, unnerved by “both the scale and belatedness” of an $807 million budget gap disclosed this week by Gov. Chris Christie’s administration. The action…
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Posted: May 2nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Fitch NJ Credit Rating, New Jersey's Credit Rating, NJ State Budget | 2 Comments »
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Posted: April 26th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Jersey Shore, Seaside Fire, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Chris Christie, Jersey Shore, Seaside Heights | Comments Off on Chris Christie promotes Jersey Shore summer, aims not to fight on boardwalk
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Posted: April 24th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Christie Administration | Tags: Brick Township, Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Christie Town Hall Meeting | Comments Off on Chris Christie lashes out at bridge scandal critics who say his attitude inspired lane closures
Citing the shortage of federal and state funds available to assist Superstorm Sandy impacted homeowners in rebuilding their homes, the Middletown Township Committtee this week joined Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik and Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon in calling on the state legislature and Governor Chris Christie to put the more than $100 million in Affordable Housing Funds that are sitting dormant to work.
With a unanimous 5-0 vote, the committee passed a resolution on Monday, April 21, calling for legislation that would reinstate Regional Contribution Agreements (RCAs) “for the limited purpose of getting victims of Superstorm Sandy back in their homes during this time of need.”
RCAs were created in the original 1985 Fair Housing Act whereby towns with funds raised from developer fees or through bonding could transfer up to half of those funds to another community for the purpose of building affordable housing as required by the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Mt. Laurel decision.
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Posted: April 23rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: COAH, Declan O'Scanlon, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Marlboro, Middletown, Monmouth County, National Flood Insurance Plan, NJ State Legislature, Tony Fiore | Tags: Affordable Housing, Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon, Chris Christie, COAH, Declan O'Scanlon, Jon Corzine, Jon Hornik, Jonathan Hornik, Middletown, RCA, RCAs, Regional Contribution Agreements, Steve Sweeney, Superstorm Sandy, Tony Fiore | Comments Off on Middletown Calls On Christie, Legislature To Allow Affordable Housing Funds To Assist Sandy Impacted Homeowners

Photo by Paul Scharff
Throughout the relative austerity of the last five state budgets, Governor Chris Christie somehow managed to spend $100 million in cancer research through Rutgers Cancer Institute. In his current proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015), Christie has proposed funding the program at the same level it was funded in fiscal years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, $18 million.
Christie proposed spending $18 million in the FY 2014 budget too. In negotiations with the legislature the amount was raised to $28 million for the current year.
Now Rutgers Cancer Institute and their friends at The Star Ledger are spinning the new $18 million proposed for the coming year as a cut of $10 million.
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Posted: April 22nd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Rutgers | Tags: Cancer research, Chris Christie, Rutgers Cancer Institute | Comments Off on Christie spends $100 million on cancer research, proposes to spend $18 million more in coming year
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Posted: April 22nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Property Tax Tool Kit, Property Taxes | Tags: Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Chris Christie, Interest Arbitration Cap, Property Taxes | Comments Off on Christie and Prieto negotiating over renewal of key NJ property tax law
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Posted: April 20th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, Realty transfer fees | Comments Off on Chris Christie’s comments spark debate over realty transfer fees in NJ
Magyar admits mistake, promises to fix it but doesn’t
By Art Gallagher, [email protected]
Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray responded to my post this morning, Patrick Murray is emphatic that his next poll will be negative for Christie, about his quote in Mark Magyar’s anti-Chistie spin piece on NJSpotlight with an email asserting that his analysis was mischaracteriszed.

Patrick Murray
Murray provided an email exchange between himself and Magyar wherein Magyar admits his mistake and promises to fix it.
Murray said:
My assessment of what is likely to happen to public opinion going forward was based on an analysis of the underlying dynamics of my own poll released on April 2 — specifically the public’s underlying initial skepticism of the Mastro report was in my own poll and my analysis of potential movement in that opinion. Mark, by his own admission, mischaracterized my analysis, which was based on actual public opinion data that I have collected and analyzed.
In the NJSpotlight piece, Magyar quoted Murray as follows:
A Quinnipiac Poll released last week showed that 56 percent of New Jerseyans regarded the report as a “whitewash” and only 36 percent believed it to be a “legitimate investigation.” Even more ominously, 65 percent of voters knew of the Hoboken case, and 57 percent of that group believe Zimmer’s allegation that the Christie administration improperly withheld Sandy aid from her city because she refused to support the Rockefeller Group development.
Murray said he expected to see similar results in his next Monmouth Poll. “It will be negative. This is not going to be positive,” Murray stated emphatically, asserting that the controversy over the Mastro report clearly resonated with voters. “The question now with Christie is, ‘Have we hit a floor where a certain percentage of people will defend him no matter what, and everyone else will attack him?’”
Murray corrected Magyar in a email at 9;32 this morning:
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Posted: April 16th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Department of Community Affairs, Kim Guadagno, Monmouth University Poll, Patrick Murray | Tags: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken, Kim Guadagno, Mark Magyar, Monmouth University Poll, NJSpotlight, Patrick Murray, Richard Constable | Comments Off on Patrick Murray: Mark Magyar mischaracterized his analysis
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Posted: April 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Bridgegate, Chris Christie | Tags: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Mastro Report, Randy Mastro | Comments Off on He Said, She Said: Quotable Moments From The Bridgegate Interviews