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Keyport Councilman Clemente Toglia passed away yesterday. He was 53 years old.
Former Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod said Toglia had a heart attack while driving home from his office at Dominion Financial Group in Tinton Falls.
“He was a vibrant young man, ” McLeod said,”friendly, started of couple a businesses, played in a band, self-employed.”
Tinton Falls Police confirmed that Togila was involved in a two car accident on Shrewsbury Ave at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon.
He was pronounced dead at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank at 4:34 PM.
Toglia was reelected to his second term on the Keyport Council last November. He would have been sworn in today.
“Clem was an excellent man and an excellent public servant,” Mayor Harry Aumack said, “He was, a very good listener. When he did speak up, everyone listened. He will be missed.”
Toglia is survived by his wife, Danielle.
Posted: January 1st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: Bob McLeod, Clemente Toglia, Harry Aumack, Keyort | 4 Comments »

photo courtesy keyportgop.org
Former Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod said he resigned for “personal reasons” and that he did not enjoy the job. Having served for 2 years, 2 1/2 months, McLeod told MoreMonmouthMusings that he was thinking of resigning and talking to his friends about doing so for quite some time. His term would have expired at the end of 2014. He had long ago decided not to seek a second term.
“Like many municipalities, there are entrenched fiefdoms who fight change tooth and nail. As a retired judge, I felt the borough should be managed according to the law,” said McLeod, “I’m not talking criminal law, but the procedural manner in which the law says things should be done.”
Now fully retired at the age of 66 (as of next Friday), McLeod intends to spend his time traveling in his RV and writing a memoir of his father’s life. He resigned from all of his municipal legal positions in 2008 and from the bar in 2010. McLeod was the GOP nominee for the House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 6th district in 2008.
Keyport’s GOP committee now has 30 days to submit three candidates to replace McLeod to the borough coucil. The council, which is 4-2 Democratic, chooses the new mayor from those three candidates. The new mayor serves until the results of a special election in November are certified.
Posted: March 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: Bob McLeod, Keyport | 4 Comments »
MMM has learned that Keyport Mayor Robert McLeod, a Republican, submitted a letter of resignation to the Borough Clerk this afternoon at 4:15, to become effective at 5PM.
No word yet on what McLeod accomplished during his last 45 minutes in office.
Posted: March 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: Bob McLeod, Keyport, Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
Four years ago a young software engineer from Long Branch decided to serve his country and attempt to right the wrongs of Washington by running for Congress against Frank Pallone.
At the time I described James Hogan as Motivated, Dedicated and Completely Out of His Mind.
Jim was shunned by the Monmouth GOP back in 2008. He wasn’t allowed into the nominating convention that awarded the 6th district line to Bob McLeod and the U.S. Senate line to Andrew Unanue.
Hogan lost the primary to McLeod. Rather than go away angry, or stay around angry, Hogan volunteered for McLeod’s futile effort to unseat Pallone. He started a blog, became the ideal county committee member, and volunteered his time, talent, good humor and good nature to Monmouth County and Long Branch GOPs.
Sadly for America, but happily for his family and employer, Hogan has regained his mind and lost his motivation to change the world. He announced today that he is closing his blog and will not seek another term on the county committee from Long Branch.
I wish my friend well. He knows he is always welcome to contribute here. He has his own access to MMM. I look forward to the day when something moves him to write and he surprises me with a post that makes me laugh while exposing an infuriating circumstance of government malfeasance.
Godspeed my friend. Make money. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your life.
And I’ve been meaning to tell you, you’re not really that ugly.
Posted: March 15th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: James Hogan | Tags: Andrew Unanue, Bob McLeod, Frank Pallone, James Hogan, Long Branch, Monmouth GOP | 8 Comments »
The filing deadline is April 2.
With all the attention and excitement being paid to Joe Kyrillo’s U.S. Senate candidacy and a new map that most think makes Frank Pallone even harder to beat, there is little if any talk about a GOP candidate in the 6th Congressional District.
So let’s throw some names out there and have then have a poll. I start with names that come to mind. Please add names in the comments. Over the weekend I’ll create a poll.
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little
Selika Josiah Gore, Marlboro
Matawan Councilwoman Toni Marie Angelini
Matawan Councilman Tom Fitzsimmons
Assemblywoman Amy Handlin
Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle
Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod
Former Middletown Committeeman Tom Wilkens
Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore
Hazlet Committeeman Scott Aagre
James Hogan of Long Branch
Oceanport Councilman Joe Irace
Former Freeholder Bill Barham
Former Assemblyman, triCityNews Publisher Dan Jacobson
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno
Freeholder Director John Curley
Who else?
Posted: February 2nd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Congress, Congressional Redistricting | Tags: Amy Handlin, Anna Little, Bill Barham, Bob McLeod, Dan Jacobson, Frank Pallone, Jim Hogan, Joe Irace, John Curley, Kim Guadagno, NJ CD 6, Peter Doyle, Scott Aagre, Selika Joshua Gore, Tom Fitzsimmons, Tom Wilkens, Toni Marie Angelini, Tony Fiore | 38 Comments »