
Scott’s “Trail Mix” for September 20



My endorsement by Trenton City Council President George Muschal was one of the highlights of a very, very good week for Team Sipprelle. George said I impressed him with “my heart.” My commitment to bring a new sense of empowerment to our nation’s most economically distressed citizens is a central plank of my campaign. It is time to introduce democracy to a city which has been ignored by Republicans and taken for granted by Democrats.


Tammy’s Rule

At a recent meeting, an undecided voter was listening to me intently, but saying nothing. At the end of my Q&A, I asked her what she thought. She reflected for a moment, and then repeated a comment I have heard literally hundreds of times, “It sounds really good, you sound committed, but I am afraid that once you get there you will become just like all the others, detached from our issues and focused on your re-election.” So, I coined Tammy’s Rule, so named for my questioner: Be courageous, be independent, and do not ever forget the people who sent you there. My personal term limits pledge will do wonders, as well, to keep me focused and give me a sense of urgency. You won’t ever see Scott Sipprelle wheeled in and out of the Capitol building!


I Reject Mr. Holt’s Politics of Division

This will likely become a recurring entry in my weekly updates. My opponent has added a new weapon of cynical political deception to his arsenal.  Volunteers at his campaign office are now being asked to copy and sign staff-authored talking points onto campaign postcards, which are then mailed to voters. The new “Falsehood of the Week” is that Scott Sipprelle favors denying healthcare to people with pre-existing conditions. What can you say about someone who will say or do anything to cling to political office? We are better than that.


Our Weapons Are Stronger

Last week I met a woman with a powerful gaze emanating from her deep brown eyes. She took me by the hand and said, “You have to win this election. You have to win it for our young people.” I replied quickly and politely, “Yes, that is what we intend to do,” and proceeded to move on, before realizing that the woman had not released her grip. She pulled my face back to hers and repeated with passion in her voice, “No, I mean you really have to do this.” I have been so moved by the notes and personal letters from people who tell me that they have never before staked out a lawn sign or mailed in a political donation. I will not let these people-or youdown.



We have a wonderful series of events planned for the weeks ahead; I hope you can attend one of these gatherings:


September 24:

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno will join me at a cocktail reception fundraiser in Rumson to support our campaign. RSVP by emailing:

[email protected], or by calling (609) 902-2038.


October 1:

Silicon Valley entrepreneur, former CA Congressman, and current Princeton University professor Ed Zschau will join me for a breakfast fundraiser at my home in Princeton to discuss entrepreneurship, capitalism, and the proper role of government ($250). RSVP to [email protected] and mail in this form: Reply/RSVP Card 


October 3:

The Republican Jewish Coalition will host, “A Night of Policy and Politics,” with Jennifer Rubin of Commentary Magazine and yours truly. More details here: Republican Jewish Coalition Event 


Like Levy’s Rye Bread used to say:


“You don’t have to be Jewish” (to attend).


Thank you for your continued demonstration of passion and purpose in our campaign for America’s future.

Posted: September 20th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Scott Sipprelle, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Scott’s “Trail Mix” for September 20

Rebranding The Democrats

By Thomas F. Stokes, Middletown

On September 15th, the Los Angeles Times reported that the national Democrat Party had a new “rebranding effort” showing a new party logo and slogan.

Just released census data now show 43.6 million Americans living below the poverty line.

The census figures also show that among the working age (18-64) population, poverty levels rose to the highest level in almost fifty (that’s 50) years.

Together with the latest unemployment figures, it is no wonder that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their “progressive” (ultra-liberal) fellow democrats (such as incumbent Congressmen Frank Pallone and Rush Holt), who have controlled Congress, spending and taxes for the past four years, want to “rebrand” their democrat party. If I had such a dismal record, I would too.

Based upon the democrats’ actual record of digging the economic ditch we now find our country in, and continuing their spend, borrow and tax policies, which have obviously failed, may I suggest a new rebranding with “truth in advertising”. They are now “POP”, the Party of Poverty. The “D” now stands for “Digging the Ditch”.

Spare me the standard response that it was “Bush’s fault”. No president, whether Bush or Obama, pass a budget or taxes. That is only Congress. The president’s only responsibility is to sign or veto the legislation. Under the current administration fat chance of this president vetoing any increase in spending (or more government bailouts, takeovers or expansion of government).

Years ago, common sense was that if you found yourself in a hole, you should stop digging. Then again, the “progressives” in the Party of Poverty seem to have ignored Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity – keep doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result!

Even Fidel Castro was recently quoted as saying Cuba’s socialist economy  “doesn’t work for us anymore”. Cuba just announced the layoff of 500,000 government workers. Greece’s socialist economy has literally bankrupted that country. European socialism is going the way of the dinosaurs.

And our Party of Poverty progressives want to continue down the yellow brick road, paved with trillions of dollars of deficits. How long will it take our children and grandchildren to pay for this out of control spending? Here’s just one result of the democrats’ ballyhooed “stimulus” spending. The city of Los Angeles just reported spending $111 million of our tax dollars to create or save “only 55 jobs”. That’s $2 million for each job!

That is beyond ridiculous. It is obscene.

This November, the American People must join the Taxpayers’ Revolt and send a loud and clear message to the Washington elites. As the ad says, “Can you hear us now?”.

Posted: September 17th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Thomas Stokes, Uncategorized | Tags: , | Comments Off on Rebranding The Democrats


September 16, 2010, BELMAR, NJ – The Belmar Republican Club is collecting donations for “Belmar Operation: USO Care Package” which sends care packages and personal messages to deployed American troops around the world. Belmar resident Jim Bean, who spent eight years in the Marines, is spearheading the effort to help local residents express their thanks and support for our men and women in uniform.

 “After four years of active duty, I know firsthand how important it is to know that your fellow Americans support your efforts as a soldier,” says Jim Bean. “When you are in a faraway place with unfamiliar languages, sounds, foods, there is nothing more comforting than a letter and package from home.”

Mr. Bean went on to say that the due to heightened security, the Department of Defense does not allow items donated by individuals to be included in packages. Mr. Bean says that it costs $25 to sponsor one care package, which provides the soldier with the most needed and requested items valued at $75. 

 “Twenty-five dollars covers the cost of the items, which are purchased by the USO at a deep discount, as well as shipping costs. The packages are assembled by volunteers, so there are no handing charges,” he adds.

 At a minimum, each care package includes a personalized message of support from the donor, an AT&T prepaid international phone card, snacks, playing cards, reading material, camo kits containing shampoo, conditioner, sun block, hand sanitizer, tooth paste, tooth brush, sunscreen and other requested and needed items.  The USO works directly with the Department of Defense to distribute care packages where they are needed most.

 “We hope to be able to provide care packages to 50 American soldiers this Christmas,” Mr. Bean adds, saying that in order to do so donations should be sent to the USO by November 1st.

 “This is our country. These men and women are fighting for our freedom. This is the very least we can do,” he concludes.

 To support the “Belmar Operation: USO Care Package,” send your check for in $25 increments ($25, $50, $75 or $100) made payable to The USO and a personal note for each care package to Belmar Republican Club, PO Box 391, Belmar, NJ 07719.

Posted: September 17th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments Off on REPUBLICANS COLLECTING FOR “BELMAR OPERATION: USO CARE PACKAGE”

Before There Was A Tea Party, There Was The Perkolator

By Art Gallagher

The Tea Party is getting quite a bit of media attention, both here in New Jersey and throughout the nation for the impact it is making in the current mid-term election campaign.

The Tea Parties, Taxed Enough Already, are committed to electing members of congress who will reduce the size and intrusiveness of government so that businesses can grow, create jobs and restore our economy to healthy vibrancy.

In Monmouth County there is another grassroots group that has been quietly growing for over the last three years that empowers small businesses to grow, create jobs, and restore our regional economy to healthy vibrancy.  That  group is the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerces’s“Perkolator.”

Paul Morris.  Photo credit: www.3chicksthatclick.com

Paul Morris. Photo credit: www.3chicksthatclick.com

The brain child of the Chamber’s Executive Director Paul Morris, the Perkolator was started in 2007 shortly after Morris took the helm of the Chamber.  He sent out an email to his membership announcing that he would be having breakfast at a local diner every Friday morning and that any member was welcome to join him to discuss business with him and any other member who showed up.  The first week it was just Morris and Lenny Inzerillo, owner of Lenco Mortgage.  The second week Brian Compton of J,. Crawford Compton Realty joined them.  Three years later, with no more promotion than word or mouth and emails to the membership, 40-60 business people show up every Friday morning at 8am for breakfast at the Keyport IHOP.

Unlike formal networking groups, the Perkolator has no rules or quotas for referals or recruits.  Just show up and pay your $10 for breakfast, ($15 for non-Chamber members). Each attendee has an opportunity to introduce themselves and give their “30 second commercial.” Each week Morris arranges for a Chamber member to give a 5 minute presentation on their business.

Well established businesses and new ventures are finding that the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce’s Friday morning Perkolator just the stimulus they are looking for.  No red tape required.

Posted: September 17th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, Uncategorized | Tags: , | 4 Comments »

Trenton Council President Endorses Sipprelle

Trenton Council President George Muschal endorsed Scott Sipprelle for Congress today, according to a report by Politickernj.

Oceanport Council President Joe Irace endorsed Sipprelle in June.

Posted: September 16th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments Off on Trenton Council President Endorses Sipprelle

Rush Holt Champions Infanticide

By Abram N. Spangel

The Ku Klux Klan isn’t the only clan that Rush Holt has been caught frolicking under the sheets with. Holt is also in cahoots with the Rockefeller clan, in particular the Laurance Spencer Rockefeller cell. With their common connection to West Virginia and obsession with UFOs and infanticide, Holt and the Rockefellers formed a tight alliance. Larry Rockefeller and his wife have funded Holt’s current bid for re-election to the maximum extent possible.

With Rush Holt at a safe distance, there is now nothing wrong with West Virginia. Believing in UFOs is perhaps harmless but is nevertheless as wacky as Holt’s fetish with toilets. However, Holt’s and Rockefeller’s obsession with infanticide is truly despicable and should qualify as a crime against humanity. A well documented overview of Holt’s murderous rampage against newborn babies, as evidence by his votes in the House of Representatives, is available here.

Both Holt and Rockefeller are supporting-Princeton Professor Peter Singer-the world’s foremost promoter of gratuitous infanticide and murder of the disabled. Rockefeller sponsored the Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Professorship at Princeton University’s Center for Human Values which harbors Singer. Many of Princeton’s benefactors refused to make further donations of their own money to Princeton as long as Peter Singer remains on its faculty.

Singer has been lambasted by Simon Wiesenthal, the President of the National Federation of the Blind, and leading German intellectuals who compared Singer’s “ethics” to Nazism. With these credentials and Holt’s history of hate, it is not surprising that Holt is supporting Singer by diverting millions of taxpayer dollars to Princeton University.

 Here are some of Singer’s statements:

  • “Infants lack rationality, autonomy and self-consciousness. Killing them, therefore, cannot be equated with killing normal human beings, or any other self-conscious beings.”
  • “When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed…. Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Often, it is not wrong at all.”


  • “Some animals are worth more than some humans. A smart border collie is worth more, inherently, than a retarded child.”


  • “We should recognize that the fact that a being is human, and alive, does not in itself tell us whether it is wrong to take that being’s life.”

When it comes to the protection of our babies and young children, Holt’s policies are in effect no more nuanced than the partial birth abortion that Charles Manson performed on Sharon Tate.

Posted: September 16th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Holt, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

Rush Holt Is A Fraud

By Fred Lehlbach

No, I do not mean his “moderate” persona being a fraud in light of his radical record.

No, I do not mean his claim of support for Israel being a fraud in light of his working to strengthen its enemies.

I mean his claim, repeated often, by both his OWN campaign materials and by his sycophants in letters to the editor like that of self-loathing Democrat Vin Gopal published below. 

Rush Holt is NOT a rocket scientist.

Why he insists on calling himself one is beyond me. Perhaps, it is simply the base insecurities that come from having never been successful in the private sector, and having never experienced the rewards of sacrifice and hard work. (This, by the way, disappoints his father no end.)

I am not a psychologist. I am, however, capable of basic research skills.

First, what is “rocket science”? Rocket science, put most simply, is aerospace engineering. It involves the study, design and construction of rocket-propelled craft. It involves aerodynamics, avionics, materials, and the science of propulsion. Junior, as his Dad and I call him when we speak about him, has no experience in any of those endeavors.

Junior’s history is readily available from his wikipedia entry, but if we look deeper, we find that he is, perhaps, a “Space Cadet”, but he is not a “Rocket Scientist”. He is most famous for his role as Assistant Director of the Princeton Plasma Physic Lab, or PPPL. The PPPL is essentially a wholly funded government operation that studies cold fusion as a source of energy. It is, in fact, almost entirely funded by your tax dollars. Surprisingly, despite his nearly ten year term at PPPL, not a single rocket was ever launched from Princeton University. Of course, that is because they don’t do rocket science there, they do plasma physics.

So, unless Junior was working on an early version of the propulsion system for the Galactic Empire’s TIE Fighter (Twin Ion Engine) as described in the Star Wars movies, there is no current rocket science use for plasma physics. (It is not entirely implausible that Junior could be working for an Evil Empire, just not the Evil Empire of Darth Vader)

Prior to becoming the Assistant Director of the PPPL, Junior taught Physics, Public Policy and Religion at Swarthmore College. He also obtained his doctorate in…not rocket science, but physics. His doctoral thesis was universe altering. It was titled “Calcium Absorption Lines and Solar Activity: A Systematic Program of Observations”.  As I am sure every reader knows, prominent calcium absorption lines can be an indicator of strong magnetic activity.

Impressive? Perhaps. Boring? Absolutely. But Rocket Science? Definitively no.

But why does this matter? He does have, after all, a Doctorate in Physics. He did teach religion and Public Policy. And he did serve as the Assistant Director at PPPL.

In his eight-plus years as Assistant Director at PPPL, Junior was passed over for promotion to Director three times. He was hired in 1989, and Ronald Davidson was hired as Director in 1991. In 1997 John A. Schmidt was hired as Interim Director, and later in 1997 Robert Goldston was hired as Director.

So those that knew him best, worked with him every day for eight years, not only did not think he was worthy of being named Director, he was not even worthy of being named Interim Director.

Finally, many know that Junior ran unsuccessfully for the 12th District Democratic nomination in 1996, only to lose out to Dave DelVecchio, Mayor for life of Lambertville, NJ. In 1998, Junior cakewalked to the nomination, and was elected in November, 1998, taking office in 1999. What is interesting is that his tenure at PPPL ended in 1997. There are UNCONFIRMED rumors that he was fired from PPPL, and since he was unemployed, they gave him the nomination as a consolation prize because nobody thought Mike Pappas could be beaten.

Unfortunately, our “Rocket Scientist” who got his Doctorate from staring at the Sun, was ushered into Congress to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”.

Now, that’s a fraud.


Posted: September 15th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Fred Lehlbach, Holt, Uncategorized | Tags: , | 4 Comments »

Little Mo

By Art Gallagher

The wave is coming and Anna Little is riding it.

The enthusiasm that the “Little people” have had for her campaign in spreading. The Republican and Conservative elite have taken notice and are getting on board.  Those who have never been politically involved are waking up and digging deep.  The money that was trickling in is beginning to flow.  The Little campaign has raised well over $200K, has over $150K on hand and expects another $100K in the coming week.  That’s still paultry compared to Frank Pallone’s $4million, but  more and more contributors are getting caught in the wave.  The damn of cynicism that has been holding back jaded contributors in breaking.

Sharron Angle, Harry Reid’s opponent in the Nevada U.S. Senate Race is coming to Red Bank next Wednesday morning for a $100 per person Anna Little fund raiser hosted by Mollie Giamanco.  Angle and Little will also have a luncheon fundraiser the same day at Copper Canyon in Atlantic Highlands from 1-2:30PM.  RSVP for ether event to 732-535-0773 or [email protected] .

In addition to the local enthusiasm for Anna Little, her national profile is rising. She is in Washington this morning speaking to Faith and Freedom Conference and Strategy Briefing.  Here’s a list of the confirmed speakers at the conference:

Confirmed speakers: Anna Little, Brent Bozell, Brian Donahue, Chip Saltsman, Cong. Lynn Westmoreland, Cong. Randy Forbes, Cong. Thaddeus McCotter, Cong. Tom Price, Dana Loesch, Deal Hudson, Ed Goeas, Erick Erickson, Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Glenn Bolger, Gov. Bob McDonnell, Grover Norquist, Hans von Spakovsky, Herman Cain, Jack St. Martin, Jackie Walorski, Jenny Beth Martin, Jim Bopp, Jim Garlow, John Fund, Karl Rove, Kellyanne Conway, Ken Blackwell, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Mark Meckler, Mark Smith, Mindy Finn, Orit Sklar, Patrick Ruffini, Richard Land, S.E. Cupp, Sen. Jim Talent, Sen. Rick Santorum, Teresa Collett, Tim Scott, Tony Perkins, Tucker Carlson, Rich Lowry, Dinesh D’Souza.

Posted: September 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 14 Comments »

Dispatches from San Juan

 By Teddy Roosevelt

Advice to the Tea Party

 We have talked about what the Tea party is and what it means for NJ Republicans.

Since many Tea Party people are new to politics and as I admire the core principle that the Tea Party stands for, smaller government I wanted to leave the Tea Party with some words of wisdom gained through over 25 years of experience in politics, running campaigns, raising money, holding elected office and studying politics and the lives of famous politicians. For purposes of this piece when I refer to “Republicans” I am referring to those Republicans who have not affiliated with a Tea Party Group.

 1. Know this going in.  Many Politicians will cynically use your group.  Not all of them will be Republicans.  Some will be members of your own group or people you think are your friends.

 2. If you want a friend in politics get a dog.

 3. Its OK to be used if you realize it. That’s because if you realize it you are probably getting something out of it in return. This means you are really using the person who is using you.

 4.  MANY Republicans who do not belong to your group sympathize with its goals.  Do not automatically treat all Republican Party members and elected officials as the enemy.

 5. There are a lot of empty county Committee seats. Volunteer to fill them.  Most Municipal Chairman will be thrilled to get enthusiastic people. 

 6. Pick your Battles.  Don’t try to take out every elected Republican in the next primary. Choose the worst ones and don’t spread yourself too thin. Patience is a virtue, especially in politics.

 7. Realize there is no perfect candidate.  I believe Ronald Reagan had an 80% rule. If you agreed with him 80% of the time that was good enough.  That seems to me to be a pretty fair bench mark.

 8. Anger and passion are not the same thing.  Anger will alienate people and kill you.  Passion will inspire people and enrich your life. Try to be passionate about your beliefs more than you are angry about your opponent’s.

9. Power does strange things to people. People you thought you could trust will betray you. It is inevitable.  When it happens put it behind you and get back to work. Keep this in mind though; it’s OK to forgive but never forget.

 10. Don’t let success go to your head. It will be your downfall if you do.

Posted: September 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Comments Off on Dispatches from San Juan

Rush Holt and the Ku Klux Klan

By Abram N. Spangel


On his website, West Virginia native Rush Holt eulogized his home state’s most infamous member of the Ku Klux Klan. Holt writes about the passing of former Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV),”I’ve know Senator Byrd my whole life. He has a well-deserved reputation as an orator, a historian, and a defender of the rules, traditions, procedures, and functions of the Senate. Yet, I always will remember him for his extraordinary devotion and service to the people of West Virginia….”


Nowhere in his glowing eulogy did Holt mention Robert Byrd’s involvement in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd recruited and organized a new Klan chapter of 150 men and rose to the titles of Kleagle (recruiter) and when it came time to choosing a local Exalted Cyclops at Byrd’s KKK chapter, Byrd won unanimously. Holt was so adamant about saluting his home state’s most well-known klansman that he dragged his 96 year-old mother out of her bed to show her final respects as Byrd laid in repose.


Not only did Rush Holt know Byrd his entire life, but Holt’s parents were very close to Robert Byrd. His mother, Helen Holt, was the first woman Secretary of State of West Virginia and certified Byrd’s elections. Rush’s father was a prominent politician from West Virginia during the 1930’s to 1950’s. Holt’s knowledge of Byrd’s activities in the KKK is apparently of no consequence to Holt.


Nevertheless, Robert Byrd was actually more honorable that Rush Holt. Whereas Robert Byrd truly did atone for his activities in the Ku Klux Klan and reversed his stance on race issues as he got older, Rush Holt continues his foaming-at-the-mouth hate mongering to this day.


In 2007, Holt declined to vote for House Resolution 847 which called for rejecting bigotry and persecution directed against Christians, both in the United States and worldwide. In 2010, Holt declined to sign a letter to President Obama urging him to appoint a U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Such an Ambassador would have encouraged religious minorities in countries such as Iran, Egypt, Turkey, and China to practice their faith.

Based on his associations and voting record, it seems that the only instance in which Holt wants to see a cross is when one is burning on the lawn in front of a minority house of worship such as an African American church or Jewish synagogue.


Posted: September 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 3 Comments »