By Doug Steinhardt

NJ GOP Doug Steinhardt
Winston Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” In New Jersey, as long as we keep electing politicians who feed the State’s bloated budget, none of us are safe.
Phil Murphy calls New Jersey a high tax for high value state. But Democrats are squeezing out what little value is left. Our schools are failing, NJ Transit deteriorating, jobs leaving, and taxes rising. Policies passed to appease progressives instead of provide solutions are chasing businesses and families away.
Last year, Phil Murphy and New Jersey Democrats set the bar for their income ”success tax” at $5 million. One year later, they redefined “success” as a family making $1 million or more. That’s an 80 percent drop. Take 20 percent of that and by 2020 a family earning $200,000 would pay more taxes. By 2021, a family earning just $40,000 could be the next, New Jersey “success”. It sounds crazy, but it’s not. The middle class is next, because government is out of control. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 21st, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: New Jersey, Opinion, Republican Party | Tags: Doug Steinhardt, New Jersey, New Jersey Republican Party, NJGOP, Opinion | 1 Comment »
By Stuart J. Moskovitz, Esq

Stuart J Moskovitz
No matter the category, the answer is always Donald Trump to the liberal media and late night talk show “comedians.” All they need to do is figure out the question.
The latest foray into insanity was CNN’s blaming Trump for the disaster in New Zealand. There is so much wrong with that, it is difficult to know where to begin. The attack on the mosque in New Zealand is unacceptable. It is a tragedy. It is a further example of a world moving away from the civilization we thought had grown since World War II. That it would be exploited by anyone for political purposes is disgusting. That it is exploited by an organization claiming to be a “news” organization is not just reprehensible, it is a red flag that major changes are needed, beginning with the complete remaking of our media institutions.
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Posted: March 15th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: Opinion | Tags: American Values, Media bias, Opinion, President Donald Trump, Stuart J. Moskovitz | Comments Off on Jeopardy – Politics Style
By Steve Frank, Frankly Chatting
Don’t get me wrong. I love my daughter. Love her to death. We’ve always been there for each other through both our rough patches. I taught her to ride a bike, drive a stick shift. Sat through bone-chilling football games when she was a cheerleader. Fought with her when she was dating knuckleheads. Practiced a dance routine for her wedding. But now, I’ve got to put some distance between us. There has to be boundaries.
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Posted: March 11th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: breast feeding, Father-Daughter Relationships, Frankly Chatting, Frankly Speaking, Humor, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Pregnancy, Steve Frank | 2 Comments »
By Senator Robert Singer

Senator Robert Singer
A whopping 238 cities across the United States sought to be the home of Amazon’s second headquarters, dubbed “HQ2.” Of all city applicants, Newark, New Jersey offered Amazon the largest tax benefits in the country. Regardless of being one of twenty cities to make the final cut, Newark was passed over by Amazon not once, but twice. It speaks volumes that a package of tax incentives totaling $7 billion could not entice Amazon to choose New Jersey.
Our state’s prime geographic location, diverse workforce, state-of-the-art infrastructure, convenient transportation, and best-in-the-nation schools should have made the Garden State an easy sell. The New Jersey Legislature’s successful bipartisan effort to top all other competing tax incentive offers nationwide should have made the Garden State an easy choice. The competition was fierce to court HQ2, and New Jersey was in play.
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Posted: February 27th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: Amazon, New Jersey, Opinion, Senator Robert Singer | Comments Off on Why Amazon Did Not Choose New Jersey
By Stuart J. Moskovitz

Stuart J Moskovitz
At the academy awards Sunday night, Barbara Streisand made a comment about lying being in vogue these days. Everyone there knew of whom she spoke, but the reality is, her statement applies to the universe of dialogue in the United States, not just one favorite whipping boy.
If you confine your sources of “news” to the known liberal media, or, as most of America does, late night talk show entertainers, you probably think America’s farmlands are devastated by the trade wars. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 26th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: Monmouth County News, Opinion, Stuart J. Moskovitz | Comments Off on Lying and the Liars who Lie about Lying.
President Trump likes to compare himself to President Lincoln and indeed there are some similarities. Both won with less than a majority of the popular vote and took office in a deeply divided, polarized country with a substantial portion of the media engaging in virulent personal attacks on their character. They both expanded the President’s executive power to address what they saw as threats to homeland security and they devised new ways to communicate with the people.
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Posted: February 25th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: Donald Trump, Opinion | Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump, Opinion, Robert Kofman | 1 Comment »
By Steve Frank,

A. Tobias Grace, 1945-2019 R.I.P.
It was the autumn of 1964. The social winds of discord were in the air and nowhere more evident than at Trenton State College where the Theta Nu Sigma fraternity roamed the campus with the rebellious attitude that defined the decade. They subsisted on cheap beer and testosterone; ingratiated themselves to the other frats; and enjoyed the affections of the coeds so enchanted by the lure of the “bad boy”. They were loud and ribald; fiercely insular and prone to debauching themselves on weekends.
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Posted: February 24th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: A Tobias Grace, Bill Lewis, Frankly Chatting, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion, Steve Frank, Toby Grace | Comments Off on Frankly Chatting: Amazing Grace
By Steve Frank
We need the Marx Brothers today. Well, not the Marx Bros. physically – they’re dead. But their brand of humor: silly enough to be laughable but satirical enough to be thought-provoking. Take their movie, Horse Feathers (1932), for example. Their slapstick antics are woven around a clever indictment of the misplaced priorities given to collegiate athletics. In one famous musical number, “I’m Against It”, Professor Wagstaff (Groucho) asserts that “Whatever it is, I’m against it”. “It” being the absurdities of life.
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Posted: February 17th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, News, Opinion | Tags: Frankly Chatting, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Steve Frank | 1 Comment »
By Stuart J. Moskovitz

Stuart J Moskovitz
The point of Mary Shelley’s novel was that as excited as we may be when we have created a monster, we must recognize that we cannot always control that monster. What we believe is “ours” can easily go another way.
No objective historical scholar can deny that Obama was a media creation. He was an obscure state politician whom the media caused to give a speech at the Democratic convention in 2004. He parlayed that speech, with the media’s help, into the Democratic nomination in 2008. The rest is history. The Democratic party was thrilled at the job the media did, assuring them the election against a far more experienced, far more qualified, far more moderate candidate, a war hero, a committee chairman, a candidate familiar with foreign affairs who had spent his life in Washington, understood federal government finance, military positives and negatives, and had experience with all domestic and foreign matters with which a President needs to deal. Obama, the media creation, served in the Senate for less than one year when he announced he was running for office. As a state senator, he was most known for voting “present.”
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Posted: February 12th, 2019 | Author: admin | Filed under: Opinion | Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat Party, Frankenstein's Monster, Ilhan Omar, Obama, Opinion, Rashida Tlaib, Stuart J. Moskovitz, Stuart Moskovitz | Comments Off on Frankenstein’s Monster
By Steve Frank
I always sorta’ saw myself as a tough guy. Not physically but in a mental patient kind of way. I never pampered myself. Didn’t let the weather affect me; scorcher, nor’easter, flooding, blizzard -didn’t matter. I went about my business doing whatever it is I do. I used to coach wrestling. Anyone who’s ever spent time in a wrestling practice room knows the saying “Suck it Up!” When you’ve got nothing left in the tank; you’re gasping for air; there’s thirty seconds left on the clock. Suck it Up!
I incorporated this politically incorrect child-rearing philosophy into raising my kids. They flirted with 100% attendance almost every year of their school lives. Got a headache? It’ll pass. Queasy stomach? Don’t be a baby. Tired? Stop whining. And, of course, you never get to quit anything. Well, at least, without giving it your best shot.
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Posted: February 11th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: Frankly Chatting, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Steve Frank | 5 Comments »