NEWARK — Ending a nearly five-month drought on taking questions from New Jersey reporters that began at the start of the Bridgegate trial, Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday said he won’t provide answers for every “loony” thing that was said during the trial. The governor, speaking at a drug rehabilitation event in Newark, briefly scolded reporters… Read the rest of this entry »
Voters Give Christie, Legislature low marks. No confidence in government impacting addiction crisis, State is on the wrong track
State of the State 2017(Governor’s Office/Tim Larsen)
The vast majority of New Jersey voters, 74%, think individuals and families should be most responsible for ensuring that those seeking treatment for alcohol and drug treatment find what they need, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Mind Poll released this morning. 22% think government should be most responsible for getting addicts help.
Those who favor personal and family responsibility over government intervention include 64% of Democrats, 82% of Independents and 87% of Republicans. 60% said the know someone personally who is or was addicted to alcohol or drugs. 70% said they know someone who has died as a result of addiction.
TRENTON — President-elect Donald Trump said during a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal that Gov. Chris Christie may end up working in his administration after all. “At some point, we’re going to do something with Chris,” Trump said in a report the newspaper published late Monday. “Don’t forget: We have a lot of positions,”… Read the rest of this entry »
Governor Chris Christie is holding two events tomorrow, according to the daily schedule released by his office.
The first event is in Newark, at 11:30 a.m., one half hour after Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno launches her own campaign for Governor at LaPlaya in Keansburg. Christie is signing an Executive Order and holding a round-table with recovering addicts at Integrity House. His second event is a bill signing at outside his office in Trenton at 2:30 p.m.
Christie’s schedule says the events are open to the press but there will be no availability– meaning he won’t take questions from reporters.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will forego the traditional formula of laying out his achievements and policy goals when he gives his final State of the State address Tuesday.
Instead, he plans to use the entire speech to put forth a plan to fight the nation’s drug epidemic, sources close to the governor told NBC News.
Christie’s approval rating is mired in the teens after the Bridgegate scandal, the investigation that led to the convictions of two allies who conspired to cause a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge in 2013 to punish a Democratic mayor who didn’t endorse the governor for re-election.
“On Thursday, the Legislature advanced a commonsense piece of legislation that was first proposed in 2004 and will reform the archaic practice of requiring taxpayers and private businesses to pay for costly legal notices in print newspapers. The legislation provides the option of posting notices online and citizens will be allowed to take advantage of modern technologies that are already in use by the vast majority of the people in our State.
“It also saves money.
“The current unfunded mandate that is being addressed by this legislation costs New Jersey taxpayers and private citizens more than $80 million per year. That is $80 million annually from property taxpayers, including those facing the nightmare of foreclosure.
TRENTON — President-elect Donald Trump offered Gov. Chris Christie numerous positions in his incoming administration, but the New Jersey governor turned them down, two sources with knowledge of Trump’s transition efforts told NJ Advance Media. The sources said those jobs included Cabinet-level posts like Homeland Security secretary and Veterans Affairs secretary, as well as other posts,… Read the rest of this entry »
Govenor Chris Christie at his Belmar Town Hall on July 31, 2014
Only 18% of New Jersey registered voters approve of Governor Chris Christie’s job performance and 73% disapprove, according to a FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning. 52% of registered Republicans disapprove of Christie’s performance. 33% of Republicans approve.
“A proposed renovation of the statehouse may improve the executive wing, but public attitudes are proving more difficult to change. This is the lowest recorded approval rating for any New Jersey governor in the years since the FDU poll has been measuring voter attitudes,” said Krista Jenkins, professor of political science and director of PublicMind.