Menendez calls for ‘system controls’ when JP Morgan makes a risky bet with its own money, but looks the other way when individuals and families lose their savings with MF Global
Middletown, May 15…When individuals and their families lost their savings with MF Global, Bob Menendez protected his ally Jon Corzine by steering the Senate Banking Committee’s investigation away from the CEO’s role in the collapse. Yet, when asked about JP Morgan’s loss resulting from a risky bet, Menendez called for ‘system controls.’ Menendez’s self-serving double standard of protecting his political allies- like Jon Corzine and the rest of the executive team- while calling for everyone else to play by the rules has got to stop.
“The collapse of MF Global and the risky bet placed by JP Morgan clearly demonstrate that regulators need to take a closer look at Wall Street practices and institute reforms to protect investors and the economy as a whole,” said Joe Kyrillos, who has been calling for Menendez to recuse himself from the banking committee’s investigation citing conflict of interest.
“People who took advantage of the lack of controls on Wall Street need to be held accountable. Menendez has again proved that he is not willing to put his personal ties aside to serve as an unbiased congressional investigator. The people of New Jersey deserve someone who is looking out for their best interests- not the best interests of past political cronies.”
Two Piscataway physicians, Drs. John and Alieta Eck, who provide charity medical care to the needy, had an investment account with MF Global that was completely wiped out as a result of the collapse. The Doctors Eck lost $200,000 and rightly demand answers from a thorough Senate investigation.
“The fact that Menendez failed to even mention the CEO Jon Corzine by name demonstrates that he is putting his personal relationship with the CEO ahead of the customers of MF global and the people of New Jersey. This requires a fair and comprehensive investigation, not a political whitewash,” said Dr. John Eck.
In an interview on MSNBC yesterday discussing the JP Morgan loss, Menendez said, “What I care about is not an individual, I care about a system. Having system controls to ensure that no matter who is at the head of a company, this can’t happen.”
It is clear Menendez doesn’t care about holding ‘individuals’ accountable. See no evil. Hear no evil. Time and again, he has proved unwilling to put his oversight role on the Senate Banking Committee above his self-serving double standard. The people of New Jersey can no longer afford to play second fiddle to Menendez’s political allies.
Posted: May 15th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Corzine, MF Global, Press Release | Tags: Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Corzine, JPMorganChase, MF Global, Press Release | Comments Off on Menendez’s Self-Serving Double Standard
Could Gay Marriage Be An Issue In The U.S. Senate Race?
In an email to his membership this afternoon, Garden State Equality President Steven Goldstein claimed that the New Jersey State Legislature is close to overriding Governor Chris Christie’s veto of the Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions Act:
This has already been the most productive year in our organization’s history. We passed marriage equality through both houses of the legislature, and quickly followed that up with the passage and signing into law of a new school bullying bill. In recent weeks, we’ve been laying the groundwork to achieve marriage equality through an override of Governor Christie’s veto. Since the legislature voted to pass marriage equality in February, we’ve won over another couple of legislators to our side. If you signed up to form an Override Club of your friends and neighbors in your legislative district to help us strategize and organize for marriage equality locally, we’ll be calling you soon.
Friends, we are closer to seeing marriage equality become law in New Jersey than we ever thought would be possible under a Governor opposed to marriage equality. I swear to God, if someone would have told me a couple of years ago – when we all assumed we’d have to wait until another Governor to win – that we could be this unbelievably close this soon, frankly I’d have told them they were crazy. Our momentum is stunning. Our dream is in our grasp. And we have you to thank. You never stopped believing. Together, we have never let up.
“It’s not happening,” said a GSE sympathiser who asked not to be identified, “Steve must be trying to gin up his troops or raise money. An override is less likely now than it was in February.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 4th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Civil Rights, Gay Marriage, marriage, Marriage Equality, Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions Act | Tags: Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, civil unions, Democratic Leadership, Garden State Equality, Gay Marriage, Joe Kyrillos, Marriage Equality, over ride, override, State Legislature, top priority, veto | Comments Off on Garden State Equality Claims They’re Close To Marriage Equality Overide
Family practitioners John and Alieta Eck lost $200,000 in non-investment MF Global account
Middletown, April 4… Today, Piscataway family practitioners, Drs. John and Alieta Eck, joined Senator Kyrillos in asking U.S. Senator Bob Menendez to recuse himself from the Senate Banking Committee’s investigation into the collapse of MF Global. The Doctors Eck had $200,000 in a non-investment account that was completely wiped out as a result of the company’s collapse. They have not received any repayment of their money from MF Global.
“My wife and I were devastated when money that we though was safe was taken from us with no explanation. We were counting on this money for our retirement, and now we many never see it again. We stand firmly with Senator Kyrillos in asking Bob Menendez to step aside from the MF Global investigation proceedings. The fact that Menendez failed to even mention the CEO Jon Corzine by name demonstrates that he is putting his personal relationship with Corzine ahead of the investors of MF global and the people of New Jersey. This requires a fair and comprehensive investigation, not a political whitewash.”
Yesterday, Senator Kyrillos, called on Menendez to recuse himself from the Senate Banking Committee investigation, citing a conflict of interest.
“Recent press accounts and Menendez’s own actions during investigatory hearings are making it seem as if he is trying to protect the man who appointed him to the Senate. As a Senate committee with direct oversight of the MF Global regulators, it is Menendez’s duty to put his personal ties aside, and get to the bottom of this. That is why he needs to recuse himself from further proceedings immediately.”
Last week during the hearing, Senator Menendez made it a point to steer the Committee’s investigation away from Corzine’s role in MF Global collapse: See no evil. Hear no evil.
Previously, the Star Ledger’s Auditor shed light on the Menendez duck: “Menendez [is] not keen to question Jon Corzine on MF Global scandal on Senate Banking committee.”
The column continued, saying Menendez doesn’t want to be “questioning the man who handed him his current job.”
WATCH VIDEO: Menendez makes it a point to steer the Committee’s investigation away from Corzine’s role in MF Global collapse: See no evil. Hear no evil.
Posted: May 4th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Corzine, MF Global, Press Release | Tags: Bob Menendez, Drs. John and Alieta Eck, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Corzine, MF Global, Press Release, Senate Banking Committee | 1 Comment »
Watch the Senate Banking Committee Hearing on MF Global Collapse.
Middletown, May 2…The Senate Banking Committee held a hearing last week to investigate the collapse of MF Global Holdings, a major financial commodities brokerage firm.
The collapse of MF Global, also under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the FBI, federal prosecutors, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, resulted in the loss of $1.6 billion of investors’ funds.
In his questioning, Banking Committee member U.S. Senator Bob Menendez asked whether there were “structural problems” that led to the collapse. Terrance Duffy, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Executive Chairman responded, “There is nothing structurally wrong.”
“MF Global was poorly capitalized, had liquidity problems, was highly leveraged; was that the harbinger of its doom?” Menendez continued during his questioning.
Menendez avoided mentioning former CEO of MF Global Jon Corzine, who may face potential legal liability in the wake of the collapse and who appointed Menendez to his current position in the United States Senate.
See no evil. Hear no evil. Menendez whiffs on asking the tough questions and the obvious role his mentor Jon Corzine played in MF Global’s collapse.
Previously, the
Star Ledger’s auditor shed light on the Menendez duck: “Menendez [is] not keen to question Jon Corzine on MF Global scandal on Senate Banking committee.”
The column continued, saying Menendez doesn’t want to be “questioning the man who handed him his current job.”
here to watch the full webcast of the hearing…
Posted: May 2nd, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Press Release | Tags: Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Press Release | Comments Off on Menendez on Corzine’s role in MF Global: See no evil. Hear no evil