Axelrod Arts Center Presents Israel Film Festival
The Monmouth County Israel Film Festival proudly presents an entertaining, thought-provoking and high-quality line-up comprised of the best Jewish and Israeli films from across the world. This year’s festival will provide you with your pick of award winning documentaries, dramas and comedies!
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Posted: July 15th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle | Tags: Axelrod, Films, Israel | Comments Off on Axelrod Arts Center Presents Israel Film Festival

SUMMER JAZZ CAFÉ Presented byJazz Arts Project
Audiences, artists, and critics alike rave about Summer Jazz Café, citing an excellent atmosphere, great acoustics, and consistently high level of artistry as reasons to return each year. This series has been named a “Pick of the Year” by the Tri-City News.
A Great Date Night Idea for Summer! Snuggle up with your significant other or a new friend and enjoy an evening of elegant world-class Jazz. You’ll be seated at cozy candle-lit cocktail tables with warm theatrical lighting in an intimate setting. Enjoy coffee, tea and delectable treats available from our café or bring your favorite bottle of wine and share a New York style nightclub atmosphere at a fraction of the price.
These will surely be the most exciting and romantic evenings you will spend all summer. Drop in after dinner for desert or begin your
“Night on the town” listening to these great jazz artists. Save the dates and reserve your tickets early. This ever-popular summer series is curated by the non-profit organization Jazz Arts Project. All proceeds help support unique educational programs for area youth.
For tickets contact the Two River Theater Box Office at
732-345-1400 General admission tickets, $25, Season series discount (choice of 4 shows) $80 Student discount – $10 per ticket (with student ID)
Each ticket is subject to a $3 box office fee.
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Posted: July 8th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County, Red Bank | Tags: jazz, Jazz arts project, music, Red Bank, summer | Comments Off on Summer Jazz Cafe

along picturesque Third Avenue in Spring Lake with a
Juried Art Show with artwork on display
All artwork available for purchase.
From 4PM-7PM, Spring Lake Theatre will be celebrating THE 5TH OF JULYIncludes a Pooch Parade & Bicycle Decoarting Contest
Please register by 3:45PM, 732-449-4530
There is also Music, Food, Entertainment, Prizes,
watermelon eating contest, whipped cream pie eating contest,
3 legged race, apple pie eating contest and lots of more fun
Admission is $5/Children and $10/Adults
Madison Brighton and Third Avenue, Spring Lake
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Posted: July 5th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: arts, children, food, fun, Games, music, Spring Lake, walk | Comments Off on Celebrate the 5th of July in Spring Lake

The arrival of Hurricane Arthur has forced some towns to make adjustments to their previously announced plans. See below for the latest:
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Posted: July 3rd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: Fireworks, friday, Independence Day, July, new dates, saturday, sunday | 1 Comment »

See the 19th century mill in action
1PM – 4PM
Saturday July 5 , 12, 19 , 26 & Sunday, July 6, 13, 20, 27
Saturday, August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & Sunday, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Historic Walnford
62 Walnford Road, Upper Freehold
Info: 609-259-6275
1PM – 4PM on Sundays through October 26
Bayshore Waterfront Park
719 Port Monmouth Road, Port Monmouth
Info: 732-787-3033 , x 2
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Posted: July 2nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Park System | Tags: Avon, Bradley Beach, concerts, Cruise Nights, Monmouth County, Ocean Grove, Open House, Port Monmouth, Red Bank, Upper Freehold | Comments Off on Monthly & Weekly Events from BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth

“FAITH VOYAGE” VBS 2014 – Ahoy Mateys for a Sailing Adventure!
Monday, July 14th – Friday, July 18th – 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Ages 4-12 years – NO registration fee –
First Assembly of God,
220 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Join us as we set sail on an epic adventure to discover God’s truths! Children will enjoy our journey through the Bible to learn how we can trust and depend on Jesus! For more information or to register, visit our website atwww.shrewsburyag.com.
Posted: July 1st, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle | Tags: July, Shrewsbury, VBS | Comments Off on “FAITH VOYAGE” VBS 2014 – First Assembly of God, Shrewsbury

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Middlebrook Cinema
1502 Rt 35 South, Ocean Twp
FREE Seating, First Come, First Serve!
When the weather starts getting hot, you will enjoy the coolness of the theater.
Tuesday, June 24 & Wednesday, June 25
Tuesday, July 1 & Wednesday, July 2
Tuesday, July 8 & Wednesday, July 9
Tuesday, July 15 & Wednesday, July 16
Tuesday, July 22 & Wednesday, July 23
Tuesday, July 29 & Wednesday, July 30
Tuesday, August 5 & Wednesday, August 6
Tuesday, August 12 & Wednesday, August 13
Tuesday, August 19 & Wednesday, August 20
Posted: June 21st, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: free, kids, Middlebrook Cinema, Movies, Ocean Twp | Comments Off on Stay Cool with Free Indoor Movies at Middlebrook Cinema

Be sure and take a visit to Guild of Creative Art to see the David Levy & Annette Margulies Exhibit: Abstraction: Expressive? Precisely!
now appearing until June 25, 2014
The diverse nature of Abstraction is revealed in the art of Annette Margulies and David Levy; heart-felt, cerebral, and a feast for the eye.
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Posted: June 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle | Tags: Art, bizeturtle, Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury | Comments Off on Guild of Creative Art Exhibit: Abstraction: Expressive? Precisely!

Saturday, June 14 & Sunday, June 15
Take advantage of NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife’s annual No-License-Required fishing weekend on June 14th & 15th.
The Monmouth County Park System is hosting it’s second annual fishing derbies at Turkey Swamp Park and Manasquan Reservoir for beginners as well as experienced anglers. So, come out and get hooked on a new hobby!
No idea how to fish? No problem! Our staff will provide
FREE hands-on clinics to show you how to cast, how to rig and answer any questions you may have. Prizes will be awarded for the longest fish in three different categories.
The cost of each fishing derby is $25 per family of 4 or $8 per person.
Pre-registration is suggested; walk-ins are welcome (cash or check only on site). A container of worms is included with each registration.
Fishing poles are available for rent for a cost of $5 per pole.
Saturday, June 14 – Manasquan Reservoir Visitor Center,
311 Windeler Road, Howell
FREE hands-on fishing clinic from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Fishing Derby from 2-5 p.m. (#XMF43A) | Register Online
Sunday, June 15 – Turkey Swamp Park, 200 Georgia Road, Freehold
FREE hands-on fishing clinic from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Fishing Derby from 2-5 p.m. (#XMG43A) | Register Online
The above information was brought to you by,
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner of
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth, www.bizeturtle.com
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth County
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: June 14th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Freehold, Howell, Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Monmouth County Park System | Tags: fishing, Freehold, fun, Howell, kids, Manasquan Reservoir, Turkey Swamp Park | Comments Off on No-License-Required Fishing Weekend

The St. Leo the Great Parish Carnival is coming your way.
This fun filled pack event runs from Monday, June 16 to Saturday June 21st from 6PM to 11PM every night.
This carnival is our largest fundraising event and we have been doing it since the 1980’s. Not only do we raise funds for the Church and School we use this event as a parish family building experience.
We have over 15 rides and 18 skill games as well as a food tent where we prepare fresh food and snacks and there are no outside vendors.
We are totally staffed with members of our parish. We have a beer tent
and we run a Super 50 raffle and we have attractions for our young supporters which includes face painting, and sand art activity.
Don’t forget Tuesday/Thursday and Saturday are bracelet nights,
ride all the rides as many times as you want for one price.
Staffed by over 1,500 volunteers that help run this week long event and
we have been fortunate that our Saint Leo the Great Family embraces this event and has contributed to its success over the years.
We thank you in advance and would like to invite you to please come to
our event at St. Leo the Great Parish, located at 50 Hurleys Lane
in Lincroft, so we can infect you with the Saint Leo the Great Family spirit.
The above information was brought to you by,
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner o
fBizEturtle:Events in Monmouth, www.bizeturtle.com
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth Count
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: June 11th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle | Tags: carnival, fun, Games, kids, Lincroft, prizes | Comments Off on A Week of Fun at St. Leo the Great Parish Carnival