I enjoy signing up to Democrat e-mail newsletters, Save Jerseyans; it gives you perspective as to what their upcoming attacks and extremist proposals will look like.
Yesterday morning, Barack Obama’s New Jersey campaign sent out an e-mail saying that Gov. Chris Christie is on Romney’s short list for VP (I hope he is!) and that our Governor’s name has recently come back up as a possible pick. The e-mail goes on to say that New Jerseyans have to get “the truth” out about our Governor.
Team Obama has even created a website to collect stories from Jerseyans about Gov. Chris Christie and are encouraging their supporters to share their stories, “to hold him accountable on the campaign trail.”
As conservatives, I think we should submit our own stories to team Obama’s new website. Like the story of how Gov. Chris Christie capped property taxes at 2%. Or perhaps how Gov. Chris Christie saved New Jersey’s pension system for state workers. Or what about the story were Gov. Chris Christie proposed lowering everyone’s income tax rate by 10% and Democrats did nothing?
Let’s show team Obama that we are going to hold them accountable! Submit your Chris Christie story to team Obama here.
The negative Obama ads, the negative media coverage from the London Olympics and the ongoing controversy over not releasing tax returns seems to be dragging down Mitt Romney’s support, according to a Fox News Poll released yesterday.
Obama leads Romney 49%-40% in the poll. Last month the president’s lead was 45-41.
Romney’s approval rating has slipped from 52% to 46%. Obama’s rose to 54% from 52% in July.
30% of Independents are undecided about who they will vote for in November. Of those who say they have decided, Obama leads by 11%.
95% of the respondents said they were interested in the raise. Among the 40% who said they were “extremely interested,” Obama and Romney are tied at 48%. Last month Romney lead that group 53%-42%.
God is very precise about a great many things in the Old Testament including men not shaving, but he is troublingly vague about marriage.
Nowhere does he come out and say in those clear, precise tones adopted by today’s religious bigots, “biblical marriage is between one man and one woman.”
Let’s do a quick run-down…we have man + woman where bride proves her virginity or is stoned to death (Genesis 2:24); we have man + woman + concubines (Judges 19:1-30); we have man + woman + woman (the most common form of biblical marriage – polygyny); we have rapist + victim (Deuteronomy 22:28-29); we have son-less widow + closest male relative (Gen. 38:6-10); we have male soldier + prisoner of war (Numbers 31:1-18, Dueteronomy 21:11-14; we even have male slave + female slave (Exodus 21:4) and man + woman + woman’s female slave (Gen. 16:1-6, Jacob Gen. 30:4-5) because of course, slavery is also permitted in the Bible – it is not condemned and forbidden, as some southern bigot wishful-thinkers have reminded us.
So admittedly, we don’t have examples of male + male or female + female marriage in the Bible, but we also don’t have any place that says that Biblical marriage is man + woman. Obviously, there are a great many variations. In a strict sense, all these examples above are of biblical marriage and fundamentalist Christians should be fighting for all of them, not only your basic man + woman marriage
Haraldsson declares himself a Heathen and a progressive liberal on his twitter site. His Politicususa profile dubs him a social liberal with centrist political leanings. He has degrees in history and philosophy.
Haraldsson weakens his argument with his own anti-Christian and anti-Republican bigotry: (emphasis added)
God helps those who help themselves is actually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, and like loving the sinner but hating the sin, goes against biblical teachings. The whole self-reliance thing is very popular and chic among conservative Christian Republicans these days but the Old Testament teaches that when you harvest your crops you leave some “for the poor and the alien” (Leviticus 19:9-10). Can you imagine a Republican urging farmers to do this?
No, I can’t either. They won’t even help put out the flames when your house catches on fire. Can you imagine Jesus standing by and watching a house burn?
I know volunteer firefighters who happen to be Republicans. I’m offended for them by Haraldsson’s bigotry. Some of those Republican firefighters are also politicians who have run into burning homes before Newark’s Democratic Mayor, Cory Booker did that, tweeted about it and told the media it was a come to Jesus moment.
I also know quite a few Republicans who are very charitable, leaving large sums for the poor.
Let’s be charitable with Haraldsson and look beyond his bigorty. Are his biblical arguments valid? Is same sex marriage a violation of God’s Word?
State Senator Joe Kyrillos, the NJ GOP nominee for U.S. Senate and Mitt Romney’s 2008 NJ presidential campaign chairman wants Governor Christie to be Romney’s 2012 runningn mate.
“Obviously, I would love for Christie to be the nominee.”
“One, because I think he’d be very good at it for, you know, a lot of different reasons. But also because nothing would be better for my candidacy than to have Chris on the ticket this November. You know, I’ll look like the smartest guy in North America in September for being running for the U.S. Senate if Chris should be the vice presidential nominee.”
Governor Chris Christie is still on Mitt Romney’s VP short list, if we can believe FoxNew’s extrapolation from a list of speakers announced for the Republican National Convention.
Fox speculates that it is “safe to say” that the vice presidential candidate will not be one of the headline speakers announced by the Romney campaign. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, are those speakers.
That leaves Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for Romney to choose from for VP and the keynote speaker.
New short list same as the old short list, with the exception of Rice and Bush trading places.
Mitt Romney seems to be putting a dent in the Democratic Party’s support coming from Hollywood.
Clint Eastwood made Romney’s day with an endorsement at an Idaho fundraiser on Friday. Robert Duvall is holding a fund raiser for Romney at his home next month where Anne Romney will be in attendance. Neither Gov or Mrs. Romney were present when retired porn star Jenna Jameson announced her support for the Republican presidential candidate at a San Francisco strip club, but Jameson’s remarks to a CBS reporter covering the strip club’s anniversary party have garnered more media coverage than Eastwood’s and Duvall’s endorsements combined.
Eastwood’s endorsement is notable because many in the media spun his Halftime in America Super Bowl commerical for Chrysler as a tacit nod to Obama.
GQ columnist Reid Cherlin says Mitt Romney should pick Governor Chris Christie as his running mate over the “milkiest of milquetoast options,” Ohio Senator Rob Portman or former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. Hat tip to Bob Ingle.
Yes, I know the criticisms. Chris Christie is a hot-head and a showboat. He’s overweight. He doesn’t represent a key swing state. He’d be uncontrollable, in the way that Sarah Palin was uncontrollable. He’d suck up all the oxygen and leave Romney fiddling in the wings, or worse, cleaning up his messes. All that is true, to a degree.
But let’s remember the other key truism here: people vote for the top of the ticket, not the would-be VP. As you’ve read countless times, the real virtue of the running mate pick is that he can be nastier on the attack, he doubles your capacity for in-person campaigning, and your selection of him says something essential about your judgment. I think Christie would be a win for Romney on all three fronts. He is an excellent attack dog. He lives for town-hall campaigning. And his pick would make loud and clear—to Romney’s still-unenthused Republican critics, and to swing voters who love moderate East Coast Republicans—that he’s serious about kicking ass. Most of all, though, Christie is damn entertaining. He is disarmingly blunt. He’s a ham, he takes tough questions head-on, and he loves the parry-and-thrust that is weaker pols’ undoing. There’s a reason he remains so popular.
The campaign so far has been an utter grind, and Romney’s VP announcement is our last, best chance for an infusion of something fresh, interesting, and new. Please, Governor Romney: I know you’re a businessman above all else. But can’t we all just have some fun for once?
I have to agree. Portman or Pawlenty will put voters to sleep.
I would love Romney to make an “out of the box” VP choice like Condie Rice, Allen West or Marco Rubio. But Rice doesn’t want to do it and probably would not perform well on the campaign trail. West is a patriotic hero but comes across as angry. Angry scares voters. I don’t think Rubio is ready, for the office or for the glare of negative media attention that would come down on him.
No one articulates the case against Obama better than Christie. Christie has a Reaganesque optimism and ability to communicate it in a way that inspires like no one else on the national scene.
Christie will bring an excitement, and fun, to the race that no one else can bring.
If the presidential race keeps going the way its going, voters will tire of the campaign before Halloween. Christie will engage voters more than any VP candidate since Thomas Jefferson and the media won’t get the better of him like they did of Sarah Palin. ( I can’t believe I just put Thomas Jefferson and Sarah Palin in the same sentence.)
Most importantly, with Chris Christie as his running mate, Mitt Romney can win.
Regarding the Senate race, Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray said, “There is certainly more room for a GOP upset in the Senate race than the presidential one here in New Jersey, but it’s a contest that few voters are taking an interest in.”
Matt Rhoades, Mitt Romney’s campaign manager, says,
President Obama claims his “you didn’t build that” quote has been taken out of context, but as you can see in this video — released by his own campaign — the quote in question is insulting and the context is even worse.
Clearly this President’s whole philosophy on the American Dream is upside down. It’s time to make a change.
Mitt Romney understands success is not the result of government, it is the result of hardworking people who take risks, create dreams, and build lives for themselves and their families.
So if you watch only one video during this election, watch this one. And if you share one video on Facebook, Twitter or email during this election, share this one.
Watch the video, judge President Obama’s mixed-up ideology for yourself, and spread the word: