Independent study by UVA, Vanderbilt measures legislative effectiveness in 116th Congress
A newly published, independent analysis on the legislative effectiveness of members of Congress ranks Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) as the most effective Republican lawmaker on healthcare issues in the House of Representatives. The study also shows that Rep. Smith is the second most effective House Republican lawmaker overall.
Lisa Annetta, center, Marilyn Piperno, left and Kim Eulner
The Monmouth County Republican Committee will run a slate of three women against Senator Vin Gopal and Assembly members Joann Downey and Eric Houghtaling in the 11th Legislative District, Chairman Shaun Golden announced this morning.
Lisa Annetta of Freehold Borough will seek to unseat freshman Senator Vin Gopal. Marilyn Piperno of Colts Neck and Kim Eulner of Shrewsbury will seek to deny Downey and Houghtaling fourth terms in the Assembly.
The 11th is the only district in Monmouth County with more registered Democrats than Republicans.
By Monmouth County Commissioner Director Tom Arnone
There is a very important
topic I would like to focus on this week.
As we all know, the majority of New Jersey residents last
fall voted in favor to legalize marijuana for use by adults at least 21 years
of age. There is no question, nor debate, on the outcome of the ballot
Excerpts of remarks by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) at the Shine the Light conference on human traffiWashington, DC—March 8, 2021
“Words are inadequate to convey my respect and gratitude for the amazing work you are doing to end modern-day slavery and to rescue victims of both sex and labor trafficking.
Like you, I believe we have a duty to act—to shine a bright light on these egregious human rights violations, and to eagerly accept Jesus’ challenge to “hunger and thirst” for righteousness and to recognize and help those, as we would the Lord Himself, who have been forced to be the “least”.
Democrats are Speaking Out Both Sides Of Their Mouths When It Comes to Protecting Children from Marijuana and Alcohol
Senator Declan O’Scanlon
By Senator Declan O’Scanlon. Jr
Two-faced. This is the word that first comes to mind when I try to describe to family and friends as to what happened with the recent passage of our marijuana laws here in New Jersey. After the abysmal failure of Trenton Democrats to garner enough support from their own members to pass sensible cannabis legislation, it was punted to the voters in a ballot question.
Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, wearing a pre-COVID mask, and Red Bank activist and Board of Education member Sue Viscomi. photo via Viscomi’s facebook page
By Tommy DeSeno
“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by
those who hear it.” – William James
A regrettable development in American culture is that racism
is being obscured by false claims of racism.
Both destroy their targets.
If a racist is one of the worst things a person can be, then
falsely claiming someone is a racist is one of the worst things you can do to a
person. We are in a current whirlwind of
Cancel Culture and instant ostracization by social media. Those who are
careless labeling others as racist can easily ruin the life of someone who had
been careful not to be one. No one should have such power over the reputation
of others, but in these odd times where the Internet is forever, everyone does.
Mr. Speaker, the precious right to vote in free and fair elections
at all levels in the United States will be seriously jeopardized if H.R. 1
becomes law.
Under an egregiously false façade of reform, the legislation
consolidates and conveys new sweeping powers to regulate elections to bureaucrats
in the federal government and nullifies all existing state laws requiring valid
identification before either registering to vote or casting a ballot.
I dare not fight; but I will wink and hold out mine iron. Shakespeare, Henry V, II:1
The Star Ledger is running a story about the fate of Tillie (I’d
add a puke emoji after saying his name if I knew how).
If you can’t get past the paywall, the Star Ledger story is
about the non-art cartoon mural of a psycho named Tillie that was once on the outside
wall of the old Palace Amusements, knocked down long ago.