
Message Testing and Push Polls

More Proof that Pallone and Holt Are Worried

By Art Gallagher

MMM has received reports from readers in both CD-6 and CD-12 that they were polled by the Pallone and Holt campaigns this weekend.

Not surprisingly, Pallone plans to divert voters attention away from the economy and the health care bill that he was so proud of just a year ago.

Pallone is preparing negative ads depicting Anna Little as a career politician and right wing extremists.  He will attempt to make the election campaign about guns, including bullet proof vest piercing armour, stem cell research, abortion, and oil drilling.  He will depict Little as a tax raising mayor who would raise taxes on the middle class.

Holt is planning to stick with the economy, which he will blame entirely on Scott Sipprelle.   At least they’re not blaming Bush any longer.

Posted: September 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Economy, Holt, Pallone, Sea Bright | 13 Comments »

13 Comments on “Message Testing and Push Polls”

  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 2:03 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    If Anna Little is having Sharron Angle come and help her raise funds, and endorse her, then Little is an extremist and he has every right to point that out to the voting public.

    And what do you call someone who is currently Mayor, was on the Highlands Council AND a Monmouth County Freeholder at the same time and is now running for Congress if not a career politician. A semi-career politician?

  2. Monmouth Conservative said at 3:16 pm on September 13th, 2010:


    Please stop your meaningless dribble. Anna is not an extremist. You are the left wing NUT. Frank is too left wing for the voting public of this district. He has made that point for himself. If all he can do is try to paint anna in a negative light, let him, it will backfire!!

    You know little about the way it works. You can’t make someone endorse you, they do it because they feel that you are a good candidate for your district.

    Anna is getting national attention and support from all over the country. That is a sign of her candidacy becoming national. This helps her… thus your criticism.

  3. Freespeaker76 said at 3:20 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    This is typical of the left, turn to the politics of personal destruction. One sure sign that Phoney Pallone is nervous is that he had to attend Neptune Day yesterday in order to shore up his base, a very UNEXCITED base at that.

  4. Belford boy said at 3:31 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    Wow I guess that means two extremists are going to get elected Sharon in Nevada and Anna in NJ.

    Frank will go Negative because that’s all he’s got.
    It will backfire on him.

    Holt must be really desperate because Scott wasn’t even on Wall street when it went to pieces.
    Its sort of like blaming “Rocket Scientist” Holt for the Challenger disaster. Holt can’t even come up with a decent lie.

  5. Bayshore Bob said at 4:55 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”

  6. Rick Ambrosia said at 5:26 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    Wow…what a bunch of testy little conservatives. Must be hitting a nerve.

  7. Freespeaker76 said at 5:53 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    Obviously Rick, we are hitting a nerve with you; because all you could do was come back with the same “smarmy politics of personal destruction.” Talk issues one thing, insult; that’s another.

  8. TR said at 7:30 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    Extremism has really become an empty word. It really is in the eye of the beholder.
    By virtue of the apparent definition Ambrosia uses could argue that since the majority is against Obamacare I could argue that Obama, Pallone and Ambrosio are extremists.

    Of course that would be silly they just have really bad ideas. But a fair amount of people agree with those bad ideas so to call them extremists would be silly.

    I mean think about how the word is used in the modern lexicon. People who are suicide bombers and people who belong to the Tea party are both called extremists by liberals. How much more nonsensical can that label be.

    There really isn’t a definition its what I say it is. So I could call Rick an extremist but I would rather just debate his really bad ideas.
    I know I won’t convince him but I figure I will have a better shot at convincing somebody on the fence if I actually discuss the issue rather then just engage in calling Rick names.

    Apparently Rick does not agree with that approach.

  9. "At least, 4 once, be honest!" said at 10:04 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    OMG, this is justUNbelievable, folks: Pallone, who, when he first ran for State Senate in ’83, had only a SHORT term as a”maritime attorney,”(whatever that is), as a “real job,” has been NOTHING but a well-paid elected official since, his calling Anna, a private att’y. through all her political life,calling her a :”career politician,” is not only distorted and wrong, but just plain SICK!.. voters, please, listen to the cries of the desperate, now that you all are paying attention and GET it!.. these folks,from Nobama right on down, in every ’10 race, HAVE, and WILL, SAY/DO ANYthing, TO STAY IN THEIR CUSHY JOBS:only YOU can turn THEM OUT/send THEM HOME, PLEASE!.. at your own peril, allow these mostly left-wing nut-job socialists, to continue to steal more of your money and freedoms, EVERY single day they get to stay there!.. FOCUS on your life, your hard-earned tax dollars, and get out and get RID of all these “Phoney Palloney” jerks!

  10. FrankPalloneNotForNewJersey.com said at 11:43 pm on September 13th, 2010:

    There is only one “Extremism” and that is far left wing extremism Frank Pallone.

  11. Gary from Jersey said at 10:40 am on September 14th, 2010:

    The problem isn’t Monmouth voters; Pallone gets his support in Middlesex, thanks to Democrat redistricting.

    The key is to successfully explain to voters up there that Pallone has done them immeasurable damage by voting for taxes and regulations that have cost that county thousands of jobs. Elect him again and guaranteed he’ll do even more damage.

    PS. Tarring Little as a career politician is absurd. Pallone started feeding at the public trough onthe Long Branch Board of Education and hasn’t held a private sector job since.

  12. not a pallone supporter but said at 12:11 pm on September 14th, 2010:

    Gary, Lets keep our facts straight. Board of Education members get paid NOTHING and recieve NO benefits. I am sure he has fed at the public trough but not as a Board of Ed. member

  13. Gary from Jersey said at 12:21 pm on September 14th, 2010:

    Not a Pallone Supporter:

    The fact that being on the Board of Ed. is a non-paying job is immaterial. It was his springboard into paid politics, a position he used to become known outside Long Branch. There doesn’t have to be money in the trough to get some people to eye it hungrily.