
Banned from Facebook: The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers’ Unions

MMM reader Peter Carroll reports that facebook has removed a link to this video from his facebook feed four times today.

Posted: October 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Education | Tags: , , | 6 Comments »

6 Comments on “Banned from Facebook: The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers’ Unions”

  1. Peter Carroll said at 12:35 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Thanks, Art. Posting through your site seems to be the only way I have been able to get this video up on facebook. So far it has been up for 20 minutes and is still there. 4 times this morning it was gone within 5 minutes every time I linked to the youtube channel.

  2. blame bob english said at 2:41 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Blame your local BOE members, including far left extremist Bob English, for giving away the farm.

  3. brian said at 3:05 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Step one–get Right-minded people to run, step two—vote out ALL Edumafia incumbents……….

  4. Peter Carroll said at 3:39 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Now, 4 hours later, I just checked my facebook profile again and all the posts I made of this video are back on the page… What’s going on with facebook???

  5. Mob mentality said at 3:57 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    By certain union thugs explains a lot about the quality, or lack thereof, and the lib bent, of public education in America , over the past half century. As is the gradual slide down into socialism from the inside out, so is the dumbing down of America’s children. The selfishness of some adults will wreck the kids, every time.

  6. Bob English said at 5:06 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Blame…lol…just more proof that you dont know what the heck you are talking about!!!

    Why dont you take your big mouth and put up or shut up and run yourself???