
Fox Poll: Obama up by 9%. 11% among Independent voters

The negative Obama ads, the negative media coverage from the London Olympics and the ongoing controversy over not releasing tax returns seems to be dragging down Mitt Romney’s support, according to a Fox News Poll released yesterday.

Obama leads Romney 49%-40% in the poll.  Last month the president’s lead was 45-41.

Romney’s approval rating has slipped from 52% to 46%.  Obama’s rose to 54% from 52% in July.

30% of Independents are undecided about who they will vote for in November.  Of those who say they have decided, Obama leads by 11%.

95% of the respondents said they were interested in the raise.  Among the 40% who said they were “extremely interested,” Obama and Romney are tied at 48%.  Last month Romney lead that group 53%-42%.

Posted: August 10th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: | 12 Comments »

12 Comments on “Fox Poll: Obama up by 9%. 11% among Independent voters”

  1. Screwtape said at 8:41 am on August 10th, 2012:

    It’s all over except the voting. Hopefully the GOP will learn a lesson. Liberal Republicans like McCain, Romney and Chris Christie are never going to get elected president.

  2. Rick Ambrosia said at 9:02 am on August 10th, 2012:

    Gee…just one more liberal “lamestream” media outlet in the tank for the President..oh, wait, my bad…its FOX. C’mon…lets see all you right wing nuts that don’t use your real name come up with some more lame excuses how this isn’t a true poll and Mittens is leading by 40%.

  3. Gene B. said at 10:10 am on August 10th, 2012:

    41% are comfortable with Obama.
    27% are comfortable with Romney.

    This is another reason why Romney is probably unelectable. 41% of the voters are comfortable with a Bible challenged, Constitutional hating socialist who has a hidden past. But only 27% of the voters are comfortable with his challenger.

    In terms of “unelectable”, I have changed “definitely” to “probably”. That’s because Obama is so bad for Americans that swing voters might be scared into electing Romney.

  4. Ralph said at 12:46 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    The reality is that the country is smart. The President has saved the auto industry, on his watch killed Bin Laden and dozens of top terrorist leaders, kept the country safe (wasn’t that GWB’s republican talking points), and had over 20 months of job growth after Bush Republicans destroyed the country.

    Are we perfect no? But he turned this country around

    the right wing racist nuts can talk about bible, being muslim, or any of the bullshit they ussually talk about but Obama will be re-elected overwhelmingly

  5. Bob English said at 1:05 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Obviously just another “Lib” poll using bad meathodology that is trying to supress Republican voter turnout!!!

    If I were Romeny I would wake up and realize that the middle ground in American politics (roughly 1/3 of voters) does not buy into all of the crap that the far right and Fox are spewing (for example see Genes post above.) I know most of my friends on MMM would not agree but I think you could make a good arguement at this point that Romeny is in effect being held hostage by Fox and the Tea Party and is not even able to take positions he believes in for fear he would offend that base. Good example yesterday when Romneys spokewomen made a 100% true comment about the woman mentioned in the Obama comercial that died …how she would have had health care in MA….right wing was up in arms over that comment with several calling for the spokeswoman to be fired, even though the comment was true.

  6. I DON'T BUY THE FOX PRESIDENTIAL POLL said at 1:33 pm on August 10th, 2012:



    The Following Is The Real Story…


    If The Economy Stays The Same, No Way Obama Wins & He Has Few Rabbits Left To Pull Out Of The Hat On That One.

    And Gene Bullc–p, Bobbie English Muffin, And Ricky Ambrosia Salad Are All NUTS, Certified Pyschos. Ambrosia A Hateful One At That.

    Beyond That, I Have Faith In The American People That They Are Smarter Than Little Ralphie.

  7. Rick Ambrosia said at 1:45 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Well…I don’t have a hateful bone in my body…LOL…except, of course, for idiots like you….LOL….

    What did I tell you…I knew that somehow the anonymous cowards would try and discount their God of Gods News Channel’s Poll.

  8. Whose Discounting Ricky The Salad? said at 2:48 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    I’m just point to polls that seem to coincide, but doesn’t that matter to you?

    What does a libtard do when cornered on the facts? He distracts like the Coward In Chief is distracting from the facts of his failed economic program

  9. Bob English said at 5:57 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    After what Grover Norquist said yesterday (“Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States.”) if I were Romney, I would say f___ Grover Norquist and start my campaign from scratch.

    Call a press conference, say that he is now running on his record as Governor which includes Romneycare and compromising with D’s in MA. to get things done. If people don’t like that they can stay home on election day but at least he would be being honost with people and gain a lot more respect than he is now getting.

    Then release 12 years worth of tax returns and sit in front of the cameras with his accountant all day if he has to and answer every question put to him once and for all. People might not like the answers but at least he could get that issue behind him….if he doesn’t, its going to follow him around right up to election day.

  10. That Obummer Is Leading In ANY Poll said at 9:26 pm on August 10th, 2012:

    Is disgusting with news like this:


    All it will take is one more month of bad economic news and the guy is toast.


    If The Economy Stays The Same, No Way Obama Wins & He Has Few Rabbits Left To Pull Out Of The Hat On That One.

    And STOP with the 12 years of taxes returns Bobbie Boy, it’s only an effort for Obama to find something to attack Romney on after accusing him of murder.

  11. Bob English said at 1:54 pm on August 11th, 2012:

    Have another drink of the Romeny koolaid!!! Not releasing tax returns because he is afraid he will be atacked for what they contain is beyound rediculous.

    Forget about the D’s saying he should do this. What about all of the nationally known R’s saying he should release them??

  12. Joe Killeen said at 5:21 pm on August 11th, 2012:

    Excellent choice by Mitt for VP candidate. Ryan’s ability to state the numbers, cite the math and look painfully upset when he can’t get anyone right or left, except for Mitt the Flip, to stand next to him, even if only for a photo op, will serve Mitt well.
    Ryan talks his numbers and mandate that 1/3 of SS tax goes to “private” money managers, “overseen” by government workers, best of both failed worlds, will have Mitt’s taxes on the back burner faster than you can say, “How much?” and “You did this all on your own?” No help from the tax laws? No help from the tax “incentives” that have made the financial industry larger than the manufacturing industry in this country?
    Amazing, simply amazing. That there is still such a level of political venom along side the evidence produced every day that PT Barnum was the smartest businessman American ever produced.