Ciattarelli calls for independent investigation into nursing home deaths

Jack Ciattarelli, the presumptive Republican nominee for Governor of New Jersey, today called upon the State Legislature to empanel an independent commission to investigate into the thousands of deaths in NJ nursing homes and long term care facilities that resulted from Governor Phil Murphy’s mandate that those facilities admit COVID-19 positive patients.
Ciattarelli suggested the commission be modeled after the 9/11 Commission which was chaired by former Governor Tom Kean.
“That 8,000 of our state’s seniors and veterans perished in isolation and secrecy – many with their families not finding out till days later – was tragic. Now those families and all New Jerseyans need to know whether it was a crime,” said Ciattarelli. “That is why today I am calling on legislative leaders in Trenton to form an independent, 9/11-style commission, with full subpoena power, to investigate this matter and provide complete transparency about what happened, why it happened, and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.”
The successful small businessman, a CPA with an MBA from Seton Hall, was critical of the Democrat legislature that was quick to investigate the Christie Administration’s Bridgegate scandal but has ignore Republican calls for an investigation into the nursing home deaths.
“Bridgegate was a disgrace and deserved investigation, but nobody died because of it,” said Ciattarelli. “That Trenton Democrats were quick to issue subpoena powers to investigate that, but not this, reeks of partisan politics and cover up.”
Ciattarelli added that, in light of the damning report by Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James, revealing that Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Administration has underreported nursing homes deaths in New York by 50%, New Jersey Attorney General Grewal owes the public answers for his inaction.
“The heroic actions of New York’s Attorney General to expose the lies of a Governor in her own party says something very powerful,” said Ciattarelli. “It’s time for Attorney General Grewal to do his job and take action. If this nursing home scandal isn’t worth an investigation, what is?”