Steinhardt to run for Governor

New Jersey GOP State Chairman Doug Steinhardt has filed paperwork to run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2021, New Jersey Globe reports.
Steinhardt, the former mayor of Lopatcong, the General Counsel of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office, and former Governor Florio’s law partner, will face former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli in the pre-primary race for Republican County Party endorsements which come with historically favorable ballot positions known as “the line.” Perennial candidate Hirsh Singh has also declared but is expected to have little organizational support after his embarrassing conduct as a U.S. Senate candidate this year.
Steinhardt is expected to resign as State Chairman this afternoon.
Ciattarelli, who has been running for the nomination for about a year, announced this morning that he has already raised $1 million for the primary race. The former Assemblyman has announced endorsements from Atlantic, Somerset, and Morris County Republican leaders.
Hirsh Singh, a political neophyte, is running a smarter campaign than Jack. Had Singh started earlier and had more professional support, he could have outperformed Jack in the primary—he still might. Singh has a brighter political future than Ciattarelli who will be a MBA/CPA magazine salesman when the next New Jersey governor is sworn in next January.
Jack Ciattarelli is Steve Lonegan without a sense of humor. Nasty and not funny is just nasty.
Amazing turn of events in just three and a half years. Hopefully some more invigorating candidates throw their hat in the ring soon.