NJ’s Powerful Teachers Union Says Remote Learning This Fall

Joint statement adds pressure on Murphy to make remote-only the only option for reopening schools
By JOHN MOONEY , NJSpotlight
New Jersey’s largest teachers union along with its administrator associations added their powerful voices to the growing calls for a remote-only reopening of schools in the fall while the pandemic remains ongoing.
Leaders of the the New Jersey Education Association, the New Jersey Association of School Administrators and the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association released a joint statement late Tuesday that asked Gov. Phil Murphy to delay in-school instruction while conditions remained potentially unsafe.
“The stakes are too high, and the consequences of a wrong decision are too grave,” read the statement posted on NJEA’s website. “That is why we are calling on Gov. Murphy and the New Jersey Department of Education to direct all New Jersey public schools to open remotely this fall.”
and, if the schools aren’t open, not enough polling places, gosh, gee whiz, guess we’ll need all mail- in voting, huh? How long did it take to count a paltry 10-20% of votes that showed for the July primary? Happy New Year, we’ll let ya know who won, sometime… “ when ya can’t win on ideas, steal it..”
Hey Art, I get that it’s paid, but can you plz tell “ Gov. Bramnick” ( we have many govs, apparently,) that pop up one he’s got now, is really annoying? Thanks!