Mehta limps to victory in U.S.Senate primary
Monmouth County saves Mehta’s candidacy

Now that all the votes that are going to be counted have been delivered, it looks as though Rik Mehta has survived his own embarrasing campaign and a spirited clown show by Hirsh Singh to win the Republican nomination of U.S. Senate.
There are late arriving and provisional ballots yet to be counted, but Mehta’s 11,290 vote margin against Singh will probably hold.
According to Decision Desk HQ Mehata has 38.75% of the vote in the Republican primary and he leads Singh by less than 4%.
Of Mehta’s 11,290 vote margin of victory, 15,628 votes came from Monmouth County where the likely nominee is winning by 10,440 (58.56%).
Only Union (61.24%) and Somerset (59.50%) Counties have produced higher pluralities for Mehta. However the GOP turnout in Monmouth (26,689) far exceeds the turnout in Union (8,089) and Somerset (8,139).
In Passaic County, Tricia Flanagan has lost her early lead and now trails Mehta by 46 votes.
In the Democrat primary, Senator Cory Booker received more votes statewide than presidential nominee Joe Biden received.
Booker received 626,225 of the 706,230 votes counted so far in the Dem Senate primary. Biden received 609,277 of the 707,572 votes counted so far in the presidential primary.
For Dementia Joe, less votes than Spartacus.
As to the Republican Senate Primary, Singh was an embarrassment at the Monmouth County Convention, thus losing that line IMHO.
All three campaigns, Mehta, Singh and Flanagan were also embarrassing.
Now, will Flanagan, Singh and Joey Rullo please get off the stage? No one wants them.
will whomever are the combined voters for the others and independents turn out against Booker? He’s certainly angry and extreme, but is over the Cong candidates, can affect the county candidates under them.. as usual, Booker and Frank luck out.. sad..