Robinson resigns from NJ Democrat State Committee

Bill Robinson, center, with Monmouth Dem Chairman Dave Brown and Asbury Park Dem Chair Joe Grillo. photo via facebook
Bill Robinson, the Democrat volunteer operative and sign guy who former congressional candidate Tiffany Kaszuba accused of “concerning” and “unhealthy” behavior has resigned from the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, according to one of the Monmouth County Democrats who is allowed to talk to MMM.
Monmouth Democrat Chairman Dave Brown (not allowed to talk to MMM) called for Robinson’s resignation from the State Committee and banned him from Party activities after he and Senator Vin Gopal (allowed to talk to whoever he wants) were widely criticized on how they initially handled Kaszuba’s concerns.
Our source said that the Party is doing legal research to determined if Robinson’s vacancy needs to be filled via special election held by the Monmouth County Democratic County Committee or if the County Chairman has the power to appoint Robinson’s replacement.
The source said the vacancy will not impact the outcome of the State Chairman’s race between current Chairman John Currie, Governor Phil Murphy’s choice, and LeRoy Jones, the Essex Democratic County Chairman and the choice of Senate President Steve Sweeney. Jones is leading that race by nine votes, even without Robinson, according to the source.
But the question remains, “What did Vin Gopal know and when did he know?” This turd had a long history of being a trouble maker