Who will govern women?

Posted: October 27th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2017 Elections, LD 13, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2010 Election, 2017 elections, Byrnes for Freeholer, Governmen, LD 13, Monmouth County News, Sean Byrnes | 2 Comments »
I guess Sean learned how to spell or proofread at the same school he learned ethical conduct. He is the only candidate running who has been issued a Notice of Violation by the Local Finance Board for unethical conduct.
Too bad.
I actually liked him (while disagreeing on issues), but his being supported by an extremist anti-Catholic group and his attendance at their meeting only shows how poor his judgement is.
Don’t vote for Sean, but do pray for him that he may finally see the error of his ways and cleanse his heart and soul of the hatred being spewed by anti Catholic bigots; his attendance at their meeting and his failure to condemn their bigotry speaks volumes.
Maybe Sean should read the recent Newsweek OpEd which was viciously anti Irish Catholic; that might wake him up as to how far leftists have gone overboard.
See, if only they had changed the freeholders to county commissioners (like “Flippy” D’Amico wanted) Byrnes wouldn’t have that problem. I mean, what could he do, leave the “o” out of “county” or something?