Credit: Amanda Brown Dick Zimmer The smart money is betting that the gridlock that plagued the legislative process in Washington, D.C., during the past four years will become even worse now that Republicans have won decisive majorities in both houses of Congress. Surely, nobody will be shocked if lawmaking in Washington remains paralyzed for the next…
There has been no better chance, and there is no more urgent time right now,for the GOP to grow a set, dig in, and pass bill after bill, whether the dictator-in-chief signs them,or not-to reflect the historic mandate that was given to them- by us!- born out of our intense dislike for the direction these people are taking this country, and our clear message to them:to stop the madness,and begin to fix things..this is it: should be no-holds-barred: we need to render them powerless and again, show the clear differences,between the disgraceful robbing of our liberties and the way the Founding Fathers expected us to be governed: if we blow this over the next two years, (and I fear we might,) we can kiss 2016 goodbye: save the parade, time, and millions! Don’t disappoint us, GOP!