Larry Luttrell Lunges At Lillian Burry

Democratic Freeholder Candidate Lawrence Luttrell at Four Seasons debate in Manalapan. photo by Rhoda Chodosh
In a move reminiscent of Congressman Rick Lazio’s aggression towards First Lady Hillary Clinton in the 2000 U.S. Senate debate in New York, Lawrence Luttrell, a Democratic candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder jumped from his seat and lunged towards Freeholder Director Lillian Burry Wednesday night at a candidates debate at the Four Seasons Club House in Manalapan.
Deputy Freeholder Director Gary Rich and Giuseppe “Joe” Grillo, Luttrell’s running mate, braced themselves to protect Burry as it appeared that Luttrell would leap over them to get to Burry. Rich and Grillo were seated between Burry and Luttrell. Luttrell pulled back before going airborne and turned to the debate moderator and shouted, “This is not what I came here for. If this is going to be a kangaroo court where we don’t follow the rules, I’m leaving right now.” Luttrell was living up to the name of the paper organization he created with his wife and mother-in-law to sue Monmouth County last year; R.A.G.E.
What apparently set Luttrell off was Burry asking him, “Is your name Pinocchio?”
On a rebuttal question to Luttrell’s comments alleging that Burry had a conflict of interest in the farmland preservation deal with former Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas, Burry said, “Let me read from Judge Lawson’s opinion. Are you familiar with it?” Luttrell then grabbed a microphone and cut Burry off saying, “I’m very familiar with it.” “Let me finish,” Burry said. “You asked a question, I’m answering it, those are the rules,” Luttrell the litigator said as he went on to lie to the assembled crowd of about 150 voters by saying that he lost the case because he was too late in filing his lawsuit to block the preservation of the Lucas farm. The moderator bent the prescribed rules of the debate to let Burry continue reading Lawson’s opinion when she followed the format with the question, “Is your name Pinocchio.”
As Luttrell threatened to leave the debate, the event chairman stepped in and reinstated the rules that the moderator had waived for Burry when she was cut off by Luttrell. Luttrell sat down and the debate continued. The moderator promised Burry she would have a chance to answer later in the evening. That never happened.
In his closing remarks, Luttrell noted that he had been to the Four Season debate last year as a losing candidate for freeholder. He apologized to the audience for his outburst and explained that he was under a lot of pressure. He did not apologize to Burry.
Lawson’s opinion ruling that Burry did not have a conflict of interest in the Lucas farm preservation can be found here.
another hothead in Freehold..the more one learns about these two Dem freeholder candidates, the scarier it gets. Wake up, people- every election’s important!
this is what i’ve been saying for years now, and why marlboro is in trouble. marlboro is run by chicago thug politicians namely jon hornik. here is an example. a friend was at a wake, and was voicing her displeasure with the hornik gang , she got a call the next day from his cronies basically letting her know that he didn’t like her comments. so you see a pattern of bullying by the dems. and these two where wholeheartedly given an endorsement by mayor jon hornik. can you imagine this little man winning, when he is physically trying to attack a 80 year old women? or the other clown that doesn’t know how to pay a traffic ticket? god help us if hornick, who is running their campaign, gets his foot in the door, the lawyers will have a field day. because if you boil it all down, this is about taking over monmouth, so johnny and his gang can get their lawyer buddies more work, he’s all tapped out in marlboro. all the free money that he raided from the water auth is gone, and he needs a new revenue source. lets go republicans we need to work to stop these dems before its too late. rich and burry for freeholder.
These two candidates are an embarrassment.
One’s a scofflaw, the other can’t control himself. “Under a lot of pressure” Mr. Luttrell?
What are you going to do when you are making decisions for the people of Monmouth? Is this the kind of behavior we want on the County Dias?
I’m just surprised that you didn’t use Frank Pallone’s term, “monkey court.”
Jailhouse Joe and Larry the Lunger!
Some really good headlines this week, maybe they can take thier sideshow on the road!
Isn’t it a fact that previous Republican mayor Matt Scannapieco went to prison for being convicted for bribery from developer Anthony Spallero??? Didn’t this particular developer pay the mayor thousands to downsize lots in order to put more residential homes on a given plot of land? Wasn’t the chairman of the Planning Board–who coincidently was the treasurer of Scannapieco’s re-election campaign–investigated also by the FBI?? Did he also get appointed to a state job???
Dems charge “War on Women”…oops, now reads, “Dem candidate lunges at female GOP Freeholder candidate.”
You can’t make this stuff up!
Chill pill time, fellas?
“And you can not handle…..PRESH-UHH!”
Is to work hard to ensure a landslide for our County Republican Candidates so that these two; along with Scolavino never surface again as candidates.
They’ve been an embarrassment since the first time they ran.
This is truly frightening behavior. It begs the question, if this is how he reacts when challenged by an 80yr-old woman in a public forum, what happens in private when no one is there to contain him?
Someone who displays such an outrageous lack of self-control, has no place in public office. His actions are very disturbing, to say the least.
Oh my oh my. Lordy.
It seems that Lord Luttrell has had a sissy fit. How embarrasing that must be to act like a little child.
Now, not to make like of this frightening situation, perhaps Mr. Luttrell needs some anger management sessions.
He should drop out of the campaign. Disgraceful
of low turnout and low- info voting, with “Hollywood Cory”at the top: these clowns have a paid guy in a gray jeep who is out-signing us, every day: hey, volunteers: it ain’t just about donuts and a few phone calls: get over to HQ and pick up some signs, and get them out, now: we don’t need these questionable people running our county!
I was unaware lawn signs vote?
didn’t SAY “signs vote:” that is so silly: if you’ve ever really done grassroots politics, you know perfectly well that signs are an integral part of the whole campaigning plan and mystique: the more free/cheap advertizing you can get from putting out signs, the more name recognition there is- some have even said that the last name some people see is the one that registers, and that they remember when they cast their makes it appear that there is outward support for the people, and everyone wants to be with a “winner”.. that is why all campaign plans that succeed have many parts and facets to them: intense use of lawnsigns is simply another, visual, and viable way to associate the name and office we want them to vote for! And, any incumbent who thinks they can get away with no signs, when their opponent has them, is cheating themselves out of extra votes!
Then, by your comment; why are Larry & Grillo flooding signs all over the place? I guess they find them useful, eh?
Jim Granelli
The truth is I’m littering the roads with Dem. signs to take volunteers away from direct voter contact and lure the County GOP into spending more $$$ on signs.
the Essex and Middlesex Dems gifted ya with enough bucks to buy all those signs, this least the GOP raises most of their money locally, that would be because a lot of people are intelligent enough to be grateful for the difference of living in a better- managed, more affordable county.. see ya along the roadways!
Saw the APP has a audio and somewhat of a video of the part of the debate being discussed. (Video shows Freeholder Burry and Mr. Grillo but nobody else.)
At any rate, thought it was interesting.
these guys are nowhere near ready for prime-time, their negativity and lies notwithstanding, we must not trust a half billion of our dollars to these people. Get out there on Nov. 4, don’t sit home, and send them a resounding message: stay out of Freehold!
[…] recent debate. Watch the outburst for yourself here. Art Gallagher of MMM described it as a “lunge.” At the very least, it wasn’t a reaction befitting someone seeking elected […]
[…] the record raises lots of questions about Grillo, who along with Lunging Larry Luttrell, his running mate, has waged a campaign that is nothing more the smearing the impeccable personal, […]