
Scudiery Speaks Out In Opposition To A Gas Tax Increase

Democratic leaders in Trenton are working on increasing the only tax in New Jersey that is not one of the highest in the nation, the gasoline tax.

In a February meeting with  The Star Ledger Editorial Board, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto said he favored increasing the 14.5 cent gas tax and that he favored a tax on water consumption.

Senator Ray Lesniak proposed a 29% increase in the gasoline tax in March.

Former Monmouth Democratic Chairman Victor Scudiery

Former Monmouth Democratic Chairman Victor Scudiery

Former Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Victor V. Scudiery wrote Lesniak to oppose an increase in the gasoline tax on March 25.  Not having heard back from Lesinak, Scudiery sent his letter to all members of the legislature yesterday and released it to the press:

March 25, 2014

Senator Raymond J. Lesniak

985 Stuyvesant Avenue

Union, NJ 07083

Dear Senator Lesniak:

I was disappointed to read that you are proposing raising the tax on gasoline here in New Jersey to pay help for repairs to our roadways.

Have you considered taxing the oil companies I believe that the road repairs should be their responsibility; after all, it appears we have no control over the increase at the gas pumps each week. In 2008 gasoline was $1.89 per gallon, look what has happened in just six (6) short years.  We continue to see a rise in gasoline prices weekly and the average person just cannot afford the current prices let alone another tax.

If the current taxes collected on gasoline were used solely to repair roads as was the original intent, instead of using it for other items in the state budget, it would not be necessary to add any new taxes.  These taxes would be more than enough funds to repairs our roads, bridges and tunnels, which incidentally are one of the highest labor and material costs in the nation.

It is time for all our Elected Officials to look for ways to cut and control spending and keep our residents financial hardships at the forefront.

Your consideration in this matter is appreciated.


Victor V. Scudiery

Victor V. Scudiery, President

Scudiery Enterprises, LLC

Posted: April 11th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats, Vic Scudiery, Victor V Scudiery | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Scudiery Speaks Out In Opposition To A Gas Tax Increase

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