Burry and Rich Are Renominated by Monmouth GOP
Freeholder Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Gary Rich took a first ballot victory over Howell Councilman Bob Walsh at the Monmouth GOP Convention this morning.
The unofficial results are:
Gary Rich 294
Lillian Burry 227
Bob Walsh 199
In the race for the U.S. Senate nomination, there was no first ballot winner. Murray Sabrin and Rich Pezzullo qualified for a second ballot which is now being taken.
The first ballot Senate numbers were are follows:
Rich Pezzullo 164
Murray Sabrin 105
Brian Goldberg 72
Robert Tukevage 44
Curley LOOSES again! Maybe he’ll turn back to a democrat after loosing so many battles as a republican
While it’s unsettling (to say the least) that Side-show Bob (Walsh) managed to get approximately 199 votes, it helps to restore my faith in mankind to know there were enough level-headed Republicans to stop this vulgarian at the gate and maintain a class act like Lillian Burry.
It’s over. No need for recriminations. Let’s get back to business. Nothing to see here.
That said, will Walsh run again next year against Curley, or will he finally get it after what, three tries now?
Silence Dogood, Redux
Congratulations are due to Lillian & Gary, however, there were NO LOSERS at the convention. All 3 displayed class and dignity through out the campaign. Many Republicans I know had a difficult time making a choice as all 3 candidates had many positive attributes.
Someone I know recently mentioned that the “Competition” would make our candidates better; and better prepare the Party for November. Based on the manner that all 3 conducted themselves and Bob Walsh’s call for unity and defeating the Democrats, I think they made a good point.
A win for the county but a loss for Howell. No doubt that he will once agin try to dupe the voters in Howell that their issues are all he cares about and try to convince them that they are lucky he lost, so they can have him all for themselves. If they fall for that they deserve him.
I second that.
The second Jim G, although far down the list in stature 🙁
Jim Granelli
Bob Walsh should run in November to shake up the status quo.
Can’t win forever playing defense…someone needs to play offense.
My good man, are you suggesting Mr. Walsh of the Township of Howell should go back on his word at the convention to join with the Republicans this fall to win?
Oh Lordy, just how divisive are you dear fellow?
Silence Dogood, Redux
one more year….
John Curley is up next year. I don’t think Bob would have challenged him.
Unless Freeholder Curley retires, I don’t see Walsh ending up as a Freeholder next year or challenging Serena & Tom the year after.
Bob will have a few years to wait, and I wonder if he will still be interested.
read the message…
You are saying Walsh will challenge Curley or Curley will retire…
but you’re getting there..