
Biden Bails On Booker

Vice President Joe Biden cancelled his trip to New Jersey to campaign for Cory Booker’s Senate campaign, according to reports on PolitickerNJ and Politico.

Biden’s office said he cancelled the trip because of the government shutdown.

But, Politico reports that even if Biden wanted to work on reopening the government, Senate Majority Leader Harry Read has insisted that Biden not be involved in any negotiations.

Posted: October 8th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Cory Booker, Senate Special Election | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Biden Bails On Booker”

  1. Probably did him a favor! said at 9:54 pm on October 8th, 2013:

    How do you tell a sitting but dopey VP “thanks but no thanks?” Frankly! God help us, without the Biden “yuck” factor, now we have even more votes to try and catch up on!