Monmouth Poll: Christie will be re-elected The only question is by how much
“Christie’s level of firm support means the eventual winner is not in question. The only unknown is the final margin of victory,” ~ Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Governor Christie meeting with business owners at McLoone’s Pier House in Long Branch, April 18, 2013. Photo by Art Gallagher
New Jersey’s gubernatorial election is more than a month away and Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray has called the race for Governor Chris Christie.
In a survey conducted last week and released this morning, Christie leads challenger State Senator Barbara Buono 56%-37%, a nearly identical margin to the August Monmouth poll of 56%-36%.
80% of likely voters say they won’t change their mind on who to vote for on November 5. 60% of Independents, 89% of Republicans and 25% of Democrats say they will vote to give the Republican governor another four years. There is no gender gap. 56% of men and 55% of women say they will vote for Christie.
Buono’s name recognition has improved significantly since the August poll, but as voters get to know her, they are not impressed. 67% have an opinion of Buono, up from 52% in August, but more than half of those opinions are negative. 38% still don’t know enough about Buono to form an opinion.