
The Most Arrogant Man In The World


Posted: August 17th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: | 31 Comments »

31 Comments on “The Most Arrogant Man In The World”

  1. Plus ca change said at 12:17 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    Arrogant? Really? Why don’t you just use the word you mean…it’s called “uppity”.

  2. HillaryWatch said at 12:41 pm on August 17th, 2012:


  3. Rick Ambrosia said at 4:22 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    Yes…lets talk arrogance…

    Ann Romney: We’ve Given ‘All You People Need To Know’ About Family Finances

  4. Bob English said at 5:12 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    Romeny and his advisor already lied in 2002 when he was running for Governor they both denied that Romney had filed as a full-time resident of Utah. It was later revealed that Romney had amended his returns to change his claim of full-time residency in Utah to full-time residency in Massachusetts retroactively. At stake was whether he was eligible to serve as governor in Massachusettes. Romney would not release his tax returns when he was running for governor either…obviously with good reason.

  5. Joe Killeen said at 6:00 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    Art- keep it up there will be a slot for you on Fox News.
    Or have you given editorial control to Brian?
    I knew there was to be a particular slant to the site’s content but I was hoping for a glimmer of the “common sense” in the conspiracy.
    Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

  6. brian said at 4:25 pm on August 18th, 2012:

    Why is this half-a schvatsa so angry all the time?? Sleeping next to Grimace might be part of it………………

  7. Message to the Kucher said at 5:16 pm on August 18th, 2012:

    Oh please Brian if you are going to attempt Yiddish please get yourself a Yiddish/English dictionary and learn to spell your insults. I’m sure there is lots of room next to where you sleep for some reading material.

  8. TR said at 8:06 pm on August 18th, 2012:

    Nobody has a sense of humor anymore.

  9. Joe Killeen said at 9:12 pm on August 18th, 2012:

    The word is schvartzer, Brian. And I am not 1/2 black , I am half white.
    As to being angry all the time, I don’t see President Obama that way at all and believe me when I tell you for someone who has to listen to others hok a chainik, as much as he has since WINNING the last PRESIDENTIAL election, I admire the man’s equanimity.(this last word is in English)
    As for me I have spent my time angry at gonif’s, macher’s, nudnik’s and messkait’s to not put enjoying a good laugh at the top of my daily agenda.
    If you don’t believe me gey gezynterheyt you gornisht helfin. My NewYo Rican is much less polite so don’t start with the s@#c references if you have even the faintest idea of what is good for you.

  10. I'll Betcha The Muslim In The White House said at 10:45 pm on August 18th, 2012:

    Is Tickled Pink Over His Support For Egypt Now…



  11. Joe Killeen said at 5:26 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    I’ll Betcha The Muslim In the White House-or (IBTMITWH) for short-
    I am not in agreement with your take on The Most Arrogant Man In The World (TMAMITW) I have to believe that both these acronyms are proof positive that the world is running out of words to convey actual meaning. The ultimate result of the Blog Is Phere (BIP- like in watch your BIP.
    Okay back to the point- the courtship of Egypt by kingdoms, governments and well known actors began before the Islamic religion came into existence.
    George W. Bush 2 (SHRUB) included Egypt in his Road Map For Peace. I will bet you 1 CHris CHristie for 1 Corrie Booker that Paul Ryan has Egypt somewhere in his Road Map For America. Lets meet on the Asbury boardwalk tomorrow about 4 PM have a cocktail, watch the BMOC shrug off any questions he can’t come up with a flippant quip to answer and discuss the Middle East and the non existent Road from Mecca into the West Wing. Sounds like a plan to me.

  12. Bob English said at 8:34 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    Art…I am respectfully requesting that comments made that include religious bigotry (such as the one above from “I Betcha”) be deleted from this point on. They have no place anywhere. Nobody would stand for it if other religions where being referenced and we should not stand for it either in reference to the Muslim religion.

  13. Art Gallagher said at 8:55 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    Bob, are you saying the phrase “I Betcha The Muslim In the White House” is bigoted or are you objecting to the articles linked?

    There’s lots of language I don’t like here from time to time. There are words used here in this thread that I wouldn’t use.

    Yet, this is not a PC forum and I don’t want it to be.

    I’m not sure silencing offensive language really makes a difference.

  14. Bob English said at 9:11 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    Hi Art…I was referring to the phrase “I Betcha The Muslim In the White House.” To top it off its done anonymously. I wonder if people would talk like that in the presence of co-workers (some of who might be Muslims) relatives, neighbors, etc. Note that there are police officers and members of the United States Military who risk ther lives every day for us that are Muslims.

    I would be posting the same request if someone were making that kind of comment in reference to people of the Jewish, Mormon, Catholic faith or any other religion. I equate this the same way I would if someone were using the n word. If we sit back and say nothing, in my mind its condoning it.

    Sorry for the rant, its just how I feel.

  15. Art Gallagher said at 9:44 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    No apology necessary, Bob.

    1) It wasn’t a rant.

    2) Talking about it like that makes more of a difference, potentially, than silencing it.

  16. I'll Betcha Says To Bobbie said at 10:28 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    Oh Come Now Bob, How Is That Bigotry?

    Many, MAN Y people consider Obama to be a Muslim, despite his protests to the contrary. And,

    Besides, there have been so many more really hateful rants her from the likes of your friend Richie Ambrosia.

  17. Rick Ambrosia said at 12:45 am on August 20th, 2012:

    Gotta love the cowardly assholes Bob…they will never use their real name since they can’t back up anything they say. Innuendo and slander is all they have. Brave men all.

  18. Oh Rickie Boy.... said at 7:03 am on August 20th, 2012:

    YOU talk about innuendo and slander?

    What a laugher. You are the KING of if. Such a hateful person you are.

    You know, I wonder if Bobbie boy accepts the use of he word asshole over the word Muslim?

  19. Joe Killeen said at 8:27 am on August 20th, 2012:

    Oh Rickie Boy- doesn’t it, just the slightest, raise the hair on your neck, that the smart money crowd that is pouring money into the political campaign at unprecedented amounts is made up of 47 people in a country of 350 million.
    Doesn’t it, just the slightest, make you wonder why? What are they getting for their money? The issue, as outlined by yourself and other True Re publicans is that we need to put fiscal sanity back into our government? Did I get that right, if I didn’t let me know, because I think that’s an easy position to dispute and dissect, coming as it does in the midst of the largest rip off to date by the smart money crowd of the rest of us.
    What do these 47 people expect from their favored sons and those who are needed to put them in charge of the public’s piggy bank?
    Remember we are talking about spending BILLIONS to influence millions to obtain jobs that pay Thousands. Where is the physical sanity and cost effectiveness of these actions.
    The fact that you and others who choose to make this election a mythological struggle between good and evil, race against race, or the moral against the immoral shows the Who Wants to Be A Millionaire substance of the “ideological” differences in this election. It is easy to foresee the coming judo matches staged at Camp David with Putin and his Pussy Riot crew as the background for the Road Map for Pipelines of fascist oil and gas flowing into the pipelines owned by the Koch brothers and the anointed ones in the group pictures filling Murdoch’s Fox networks as they enter the Casino on every Corner built by Sheldon Adelstein’s dollars.
    All of which will show up nicely next to the skyscraper Cathedrals of the Correct built by debt arranged by Donald Trump.
    Dick Cheney will come out for that ribbon cutting.
    Wake up oh sainted ones if you continue on with your suckers crusade you will get what you wished for. It will be the new order of the Suckers Brotherhood.
    Oh and there will be no free lunch at the convention.


  20. Joe Killeen said at 10:42 am on August 20th, 2012:

    This is from the Columbus Dispatch, Ohio is a “swing” state. Why does someone promise to invest 100 Million at minimum to defeat Obama this election? Well it isn’t because gambling, that ole time religion favorite, doesn’t favor the house. Still want to talk about arrogance, religion, race and whose got the larger prejudice gene pool.
    Brotherhood of Suckers thats the Brotherhood you have to worry about closer to your home.


  21. Joe Killeen said at 11:08 am on August 20th, 2012:

    In the interest of fair and full disclosure the clip below is from 1- a woman writer for the 2-NY Times.
    It isn’t the source or that the words have been taken out of context that has me passing this along on this site. It is that the words are well strung together and pertain to another religions take on the Ryan and Romney 10 Commandments on money and people.
    No Muslims, Christians or asparagus were hurt in this production
    From Maureen Dowd:

    “Even Catholic bishops, who had to be dragged toward compassion in the pedophilia scandal, were dismayed at how uncompassionate Ryan’s budget was.

    Mitt Romney expects his running mate to help deliver the Catholic vote and smooth over any discomfort among Catholics about Mormonism. (This is the first major-party ticket to go Protestant-less.) Yet after Ryan claimed his budget was shaped by his faith, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops deemed it immoral.

    “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote in a letter to Congress.

    The Jesuits were even more tart, with one group writing to Ryan that “Your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

  22. Art Gallagher said at 11:42 am on August 20th, 2012:

    A perfect example of why The Church has lost so much of its relevancy and moral authority during ours lifetimes.

    They have abdicated one of their most criticial societal roles, taking care of and lifting up the poor, to the government. Much of The Church’s so called charitable works are today funded by the government(s), making them in effect government social programs, not charitable good works.

    The decline of Catholic charities and Catholic education is a direct result of The Church abdicating these roles to the government. The pedophilia scandals have only been the icing on the cake on The Church’s decline of its cultural influence.

    It shows in our culture.

  23. Susan Christopher said at 1:55 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    I can’t believe what I have been reading!!! Mr. English I think you are misinformed!!! Yes people tout many different religions, but we are all AMERICANS!!! But apparently the guy in the Whitehouse is not proud to be an American. Wasn’t it Michelle who said it is the FIRST time she was proud to be American when her husband was nominated to the Presidency? What about the black panther leader who just threatened to have his foot on the necks of the Republicans at the convention. Is this not racist??? Don’t hear anyone from the this administration condemning that!

  24. Go Hillary!_2016 said at 3:03 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Obama is a horrible president. It should have been Hillary in that office. She has all the experience and leadership skills that Obama lacks. The world would look very different today had she been our President for the last 4 years.

  25. MLaffey said at 4:01 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Art is right on with his comment.
    We as individuals and through voluntary associations have an obligation to help the poor. It must be voluntary not throught the coercion of the Government.
    and on a similiar note.

    Red states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study.


  26. Freespeaker1976 said at 6:37 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Yes Mike Laffey, very appropriate link,

    Wasn’t it Algore who gave only $300 to charity one year, or is that the average of the recent Democrat Presidential Candidates?

  27. Bob English said at 8:57 am on August 21st, 2012:

    Susan…in all do respect, my comment had to do with what I considered an example of religious bigotry. You start out your last comment by saying I am “misinformed” and than started talking about something else that had nothing to do with what I previously posted which I stand by 100%.

    When you said I was “misinformed” does that mean you disagree with my prior post or do you agree with it?

  28. Joe Killeen said at 10:55 am on August 21st, 2012:

    In 1960 the first Catholic elected President moved that religious bugaboo into the history books. A little under 200 years from when the US declared its independence.
    Since 1980, 32 or so years, the precepts, status and position of fundamental Christianity and its role in the administration of our government has grown in both actual and philosophical importance.
    In under 40 years we are now discussing the abdication of what is considered a basic tenet of the Catholic faith and what is seen as a basic premise of fundamentalist belief.

    That religions are the creators, administrators and providers of any social net that exists in a society, not the government.
    A question, that the religious beliefs of one candidate or another, one person or another, should be a matter for consideration in deciding who we hire to run our government. That is a heresy in the philosophy of American democracy. Not something to be championed.

    We have a great deal to take pride in our being the inheritors of the greatest experiment in government by the people for the people.
    It is essential to that experiment’s continuance that we maintain the separation of church and state. Political philosophies and their differences are what political debate and elections are about, not what one’s belief are in regards religious traditions.
    That is something we abhor in other countries where religious beliefs become the creator and interpreter of the law.
    It was thought as important as the right to free speech by the originators of our democracy to be given its own line item- Complete and everlasting separation of church and state.
    To attempt to co-mingle the two directly or indirectly is forbidden by our constitution. That is the 800lbs. gorilla in the voting booth this November. Money, priorities,social compact, free market, all our secondary to the attempt by some to break a fundamental principle of our country.

  29. Art Gallagher said at 11:29 am on August 21st, 2012:

    Who do you say is attempting to co-mingle church and state or to abridge free speech rights, Joe?

    I see more of a threat to the first amendment coming from the left, ala Chick-fil-A and the mayors of Chicago, Boston and San Francisco.

    With regard to the decline of The Church’s cultural significance in our society, in my mind that is the fault of The Church’s leadership, faithful and not so faithful.

  30. As Usual Bobbie Boy... said at 9:56 pm on August 21st, 2012:

    You’re wrong.

    @Susan nails it. I believe Obummer to be a Muslim. Why is it bigotry to describe him that way.

    Oh, that’s right, you libs think it’s also racist to be against failed “President.”

  31. Hey Bobbie Boy said at 11:39 am on August 22nd, 2012:

    Here’s REAL Bigotry For You…


    Let’s Here You Condemn This. Oh, That’s Right You Won’t Since You Failed To Condemn The “Romney Is A Murderer” Ad.

    Oh, BTW; Before You Trot It Out…

    I CONDEMN WHAT TODD AIKEN SAID…and have sent an email asking him to withdraw.