Christine O’Donnell coming to Hazlet to raise campaign cash for Anna Little
This is not what I had in mind when I called on John Bennett and Sam Thompson, the GOP chairmen of Monmouth and Middlesex counties, to fix Anna Little’s overdraft.:
An Evening with Anna Little
Featuring Nationally Recognized Political Commentator, Author, and True Patriot
Tuesday, August 14th From 6:00 PM – 8:00PM
410 Route 36 Hazlet, New Jersey 07730
Patriot Ticket
Co-Host Sponsorship
Other Sponsorships Available – Please Call for Details
~ RSVP TODAY – Space is Limited ~
Call 732-658-5461
Please Mail Event Contribution Checks To:
Friends of Anna Little
P.O. Box 382, Highlands, NJ 07732
Please Include: Employer and Occupation in the memo line
(Information Required by Federal/State Law – if self employed list ‘self’ and industry ie: Attorney)
~Thank You to Our Host Committee ~
Municipal Chair of Old Bridge, Anita Greenburg, Assemblyman Rob Clifton, President of Affiliated Republican Club Wayne Pomanowski & Mayor Fred Rast of Atlantic Highlands
In case you blocked it out, O’Donnell was the 2010 Tea Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware who scored an upset primary victory over former Governor Mike Castle before going on to lose badly to Christopher Coons, costing the GOP the opportunity to take what had been Joe Biden’s Senate seat. Castle was considered a sure victor in the general election had he been the nominee.
O’Donnell was a deeply flawed candidate.
The NJ media has compared Little to O’Donnell too often. Once would have been too often. Now the comparisons will inevitably start again. The only thing that could prevent The Star Ledger’s Tom Moran or Politickernj from making such a comparison is if Little fails to get enough traction against Frank Pallone to warrant any ink.
The comparisons could start, mercifully, with failure to file notices from the FEC.
Governor Chris Christie campaigned for Castle in 2010.
He also appeared at least two fund raisers for Little in 2010. Those weren’t catering hall fund raisers. They were held at elegant waterfront private homes. This news makes one wonder about Bennett’s and Thompson’s clout with the Governor. This one makes one wonder if Christie will be stumping for Little in October.
On a lighter note from Politico:
A Mitt Romney spokesperson offered an unusual counterattack Wednesday to an ad in which a laid-off steelworker blames the presumptive GOP nominee for his family losing health care: If that family had lived in Massachusetts, it would have been covered by the former governor’s universal health care law.
“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News.
Read more:
OK everybody stop.
This election is not about whether Obama is a muslim. It is not about sheep brains. It is not about Obama’s college records or Mitts tax returns or whether Mitt is a heartless bastard or who ate a dog versus who tied one on a roof or even who is more competant. It is not about who lies in their campaign adds BECAUSE THEY ALL DO THAT.
This election is about one thing.
Do you believe that government is a positive force that can and should solve most of our problems? If yes vote for Obama.
Do you believe government is a neccesary evil that should do as little as possible and that the free market can handle most problems and or that most issues should be handled at the level closest to the problem (rather then at the federal level) whenever possible? If the answer to that is yes Then vote for Mitt Romney.
It is simple. That is what this election is about. It is about what should be the governing philosophy for this country. Everything else is just a distraction.
I’m not TR, but I paid for that message.
Bob English said at 7:55 pm on August 8th, 2012:
Nobody is accusing Romney of doing anything illegal as far as paying his taxes goes which makes it even more bizarre that he won’t just release them and get the issue behind him.
HARRY REID Accused Him Of Doing Something Illegal, Not Paying Taxes For 10 Years.
Was John Kerry Asked To Release The Same 10 Years?
OF COURSE FRACKIN’ NOT! He Only Released Two Years.
That John Kerry Is Wealthier Than Mitt Romney.
Bobbie, You Are A Hypocrite. All This “Release Your Taxes BS” Is An Attempt By The Thug From Chicago To Try And Find One Tiny Thing To Pillage Romney On.
Again, When Will The Thug Release His College Records?
I will try to make this simplier for you since its obviously to compicated for you to understand….you can have no legal tax liability (after various deductions and for other reasons) and therefore not pay/owe taxes in a given year or years. Why is that so hard for you to understand???
Numerous Republicans have said that Romeny should just release his returns and get it over and done with and get the issue behind him so people can discuss more important matters. Whether you like Romeny or not its hard to argue with that advice. You would think he would like to prove Harry Reid wrong but its up to Romney to do just that.
FYI, by the time John Kerry ran for President, he had been releasing his own tax returns for over 20 years.
Romney should just follow his fathers advice who released 12 years of returns.
While you are technically correct about having “zero tax liability” YOU FRACKIN’ KNOW FULL WELL, the context of the way Harry Reid put this outrageous charge, inferring that Romney illegally didn’t pay taxes. Reid is a disgusting and sniveling man.
Why don’t you question Reid’s land deals?
“Would like to prove Reid wrong?” What a frackin’ canard. WHY DOESN’T REID COME FORTH WITH PROOF, OR THE SUPPOSED PERSON THAT TOLD HIM SUCH BULL?
Why doesn’t Obummer release his school records?
Remember the other outrageous charge, that “Romney is a felon?”
And yet, we have the Obummer Campaign lying their arse’s off about Romney being a murderer.
QUIT COVERING FOR THESE LIARS and maybe we will have some respect for you.
And please, stop with the elitist tone. You have ZERO credibility.
And I don’t care that “numerous Republicans” have called for such a release. This is just an attempt by the Dumbos to find something to attack Romney.
Kerry only released TWO YEARS of tax returns for the Presidential Race. How about Pelosi and others releasing their returns? She was three steps away from the Presidency.
Follow his father’s advice? ROFLAO
His father is dead and has not spoken on this issue nor has advised Mitt to do so. Mitt is not his father and his father was not Mitt.
Another canard. All you libs do is equivocate and side step away from what the real picture is.
These are different times in politics, especially with the Thug In Chief using Chicago Style politics. And YOU continue to be duped by them.
Geeez….google “Kerry tax returns” and read something that was not put out by the Romeny campaign. …..Kerry was releasing returns for 20 years. By the time he ran for President there were only a couple of years worth that he had not released already which he in turn did release…so you could say that he only released two years at that time however all of the other years had been released already!!!
The difference in Romneys case is that he did not/has not released his returns for the prior 20 years like Kerry did.
LOL—there goes lil dicky and his cries of racism again—PUTZ
Flopsy—if Milhous’s grades were so good—-WHY DOESN’T HE RELEASE THEM??/ lt’s because he is hiding something, just like Romney’s tax returns??? lt goes both ways.
lf Romney is “hiding” something, so is Hussein—that one is for lil dicky the putz.
in 2005 there wrer 142 million Americans working, now there are 139.5 million Americans in the workforce and over 3 million more folks in the US——where are the jobs Milhous allegedly created???????
There were 200K less workers in July than June as per that radical right-wing hate group aka the Dept of Labor and that radical TPer Hilda Solis—racist.
Those like Bobbie The Elite & Richie Ambrosia Of Salad don’t listen to facts. Their rose colored glasses are glued to their forehead.
This is for all you ignorant assholes…you know who you are…
“And looking at monthly payroll statistics, Or someone as crude as you, youngster…
The numbers have gone from a loss of 818,000 jobs in Jan. 2009 — when Obama took office — to 16-straight months of positive job growth, including a preliminary gain of 243,000 jobs in Jan. 2012.”
Ahhhhhh, where are those numbers now Rickster? Anywhere from 80,000 to 163,000
Rick…that new poll that is showing Obama up by 9 points must be another “Lib” poll isn’t it?
Woops just saw that it is from that notorious “Lib” group Fox News.
When You Unleash Devastating Commercials & Comments Like “Romney Is A Felon, Romney Murdered My Wife” Which Are ALL Based On Lies.
This Is Done Of Course Because The Thug In Chief Has No Clothes, He Has No Record To Run On And Has Left The Economy In Tatters.
The Real Sin Is That People Like You FULLY Support Commercials Like That.
If you had passed reading in the first grade you would note that I have said in several posts in MMM that I don’t approve of a couple of Obamas PACs commercials including that one. I am also waiting for you to come out from under your rock and criticise some of Romneys commercials that contain flat out lies. You would actually have some credibility if you did.