
Booker fears Obama’s wrath more than he fears burning buildings

Newark Mayor Cory Booker caused a stir on NBC’s Meet The Press yesterday morning by defending private equity firms, Mitt Romney’s role at Bain Capital and calling the negative ads coming from both Romney and Obama supporters “nauseating.”

Booker, who made headlines last month when he ran into a burning house to save the lives of his neighbors, was calling for a higher level of political discourse, urging both campaigns to lift the country by focusing on the big issues rather than getting bogged down in the small minded attacks.

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During his Meet The Press appearance, Booker said he was on the phone with the White House often and that he was a surrogate for the President’s campaign.

There must of been some high level phone calls to the Mayor after the NBC appearance.  Probably from Vice President Joe Biden’s gaffe handlers.   A few hours after Bookers remarks threatened politics are we know it, the Mayor took to YouTube to restore normalcy.

The heat coming from Washington must of been hotter than the fire the Mayor ran into.  It became a threat to the fire in his belly.

Posted: May 21st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Media, Mitt Romney | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Booker fears Obama’s wrath more than he fears burning buildings”

  1. Tom Stokes said at 10:16 am on May 21st, 2012:

    flip flopping (at the point of a gun?).

    Run Booker’s original comments in an ad …

  2. Bob English said at 3:31 pm on May 22nd, 2012:

    Bain is an issue since Romney made it an issue (his work experience.) I think what Booker is getting at is that both sides should be honost when discussing Bain and let the chips fall where they may.

    Note that Booker also called for a stop to all of the Reverend Wright nonsense from the other side.