Middletown Dems Funded By Erotic Bookseller
By Art Gallagher
Well, suddenly election season is not so boring.
Earlier this week the Middletown Democratic Executive Committee reported to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission that they received a $2600 contribution from Bookazine Inc, a Bayone based book wholesaler.
Bookazine specializes in the wholesale distribution of homo-erotica. Their catolog includes such titles and Handjobs Anthology, Volune 22, Tug Harder 2, and Bustin’ a Nut. I’m not going to write the sub-titles.
Reached for comment, Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo said, “What’s your problem?” Asked if knows what Bookazine sells, Caliendo said, “No comment on anything,” and hung up.
Democratic Township Committee Candidate Carol Fowler said, “I wouldn’t know about that,” when informed that Bookazine had contributed to the campaign. When informed about what Bookazine sells, Fowler said, “That’s too shocking to even process.”
Fowler’s running mate, Jim Grenefage, could not be reached for comment.
Mayor Tony Fiore, who is being challenged by Grenafege and Fowler said, “The Middletown Democrats should return that donation. If they have any sense of decency and what is right, they will return the money.”
Fiore’s running mate, Stephanie Murray, a book seller herself, said “The Democrats should know where their money is coming from. This contribution shows a lack of judgement and insight.”
I think someone needs to research how the incumbents in Middletown matched up the “special” dirty section with the name Bookazine in the first place. Looks like someone is very familiar with that section- or do they just have a “wide stance”?
this must be the “big-town”‘s craziest campaign yet!.. am almost glad I live in “Blue”-Bank, now, costly though it is!!
One Hung Low – by Desevo & Co
Running on Empty, Again- by Middletown Dems
Babbling by Fowl One
Street Corners with Short Desires by Grenafege
I hope Chris Christie is near the phone to take a call from his favorite blogger.
“Well, suddenly election season is not so boring” – At least there is one sentence in this piece of garbage that has the ring of truth.
hahahahahahahahahaha…. guess this blog won’t be revised until the extradition process is completed…. hahahahaha.. hopefully the last we hear of MMM and the rest of his merry clowns.. you sling enough mud some will eventually get on you… hope it was worth it AG..
I see the smurfs are back in strength, Art.
Art Gallagher Has Been Arrested
Art, I hope and pray you make bail shortly. I am sure these charges are unfounded. God bless, my friend.
Incidentally, if you want to be notified when Art’s custody status changes, use the VINE link:
Art – here’s a blurb from a past Democrat Press Release from Alex DeSevo, (the crackpot king) complaining about donations to the GOP:
DeSevo concluded, “If they did know about this money, shame on them. If they didn’t know about it? Well, how can we expect them to be responsible leaders if they won’t take responsibility for their own campaign?”
I guess what goes around, comes around.
@Digger.. really? you’re still trying to continue with the posting about other criminals? just after Art “the thief” Gallagher gets arrested? like nothing happened? try to keep just a bit relevant..
we’re sure it’s all a big misunderstanding.. and it’s not Art’s fault… whatever.. hypocrites…
The most ironic thing is that Art is in the Monmouth County Jail getting watched and guarded by the jail employees who, by the way, are earning $200,000 a year of taxpayer money to “guard” Art. What irony? The double dippers in Freehold have Art in custody ! Give the guy a break.
The $4 million wasn’t cut, it was nonrecurring expenses; the 25% premium contribution affects about six officers; Ideal Beach Association did all the leg work for the neighborhood watch program–Fiore showed for the picture taking ceremony; the next two years will see a 7.5% pay increase; tell the residents on Wilson Avenue how well the project to stop tidal flooding (Pat Short initated this project) is working after the pump station was eliminated and there is no electricity to work the gate; and the dedication to preserve land in Lincroft can’t be a reference to the high density housing approved by the zoning board member Steph Murray at the Avaya site. If it is a reference to Bamm Hollow the legal costs that ended up reducing homes to be built from 200 to 190 has to be part of the financial equation. Finally, for now, health insurance cost the taxpayer about $25,000 per employee — add the health care costs for Parkinson and his wife and the rest of the sewerage board.
Time to double check the ELEC reports. It appears the contribution check that jailbird Art reported on did not go to the Grenafege and Fowler campaign.
Monk: Just checked the ELEC report. It went to them: