Scott’s “Trail Mix” for September 20

My endorsement by Trenton City Council President George Muschal was one of the highlights of a very, very good week for Team Sipprelle. George said I impressed him with “my heart.” My commitment to bring a new sense of empowerment to our nation’s most economically distressed citizens is a central plank of my campaign. It is time to introduce democracy to a city which has been ignored by Republicans and taken for granted by Democrats.
Tammy’s Rule
At a recent meeting, an undecided voter was listening to me intently, but saying nothing. At the end of my Q&A, I asked her what she thought. She reflected for a moment, and then repeated a comment I have heard literally hundreds of times, “It sounds really good, you sound committed, but I am afraid that once you get there you will become just like all the others, detached from our issues and focused on your re-election.” So, I coined Tammy’s Rule, so named for my questioner: Be courageous, be independent, and do not ever forget the people who sent you there. My personal term limits pledge will do wonders, as well, to keep me focused and give me a sense of urgency. You won’t ever see Scott Sipprelle wheeled in and out of the Capitol building!
I Reject Mr. Holt’s Politics of Division
This will likely become a recurring entry in my weekly updates. My opponent has added a new weapon of cynical political deception to his arsenal. Volunteers at his campaign office are now being asked to copy and sign staff-authored talking points onto campaign postcards, which are then mailed to voters. The new “Falsehood of the Week” is that Scott Sipprelle favors denying healthcare to people with pre-existing conditions. What can you say about someone who will say or do anything to cling to political office? We are better than that.
Our Weapons Are Stronger
Last week I met a woman with a powerful gaze emanating from her deep brown eyes. She took me by the hand and said, “You have to win this election. You have to win it for our young people.” I replied quickly and politely, “Yes, that is what we intend to do,” and proceeded to move on, before realizing that the woman had not released her grip. She pulled my face back to hers and repeated with passion in her voice, “No, I mean you really have to do this.” I have been so moved by the notes and personal letters from people who tell me that they have never before staked out a lawn sign or mailed in a political donation. I will not let these people-or you–down.
We have a wonderful series of events planned for the weeks ahead; I hope you can attend one of these gatherings:
September 24:
[email protected], or by calling (609) 902-2038.
October 1:
October 3:
Like Levy’s Rye Bread used to say:
Thank you for your continued demonstration of passion and purpose in our campaign for America’s future.