Come Walk a Mile in Her Shoes on May 1 at Monmouth University
WEST LONG BRANCH, NJ (April 25, 2014) – Monmouth University will host Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event on Thursday, May 1 at 4 p.m.
Over 100 students, employees, and community members are expected to participate in the event, which begins on the front steps of Wilson Hall. Participants will walk one mile within the campus.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is the International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault, and Gender Violence. The walk is meant to provide a framework to bring awareness for all to stop rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. The walk is open to all, but there is an emphasis on targeting men. Men are encouraged to literally walk one mile in women’s high-heeled shoes to protest sexualized violence, and educate their communities.
For more information on this initiative, please visit http://www.walkamileinhershoes.org/.
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Posted: April 25th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: community, Education, high heels, men, Monmouth University, shoes, violence, walk, women | Comments Off on Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Today is the last Saturday and almost the last day for Women’s History Month. An annual declared month celebrated during March that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.
This year’s theme, ‘Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment’, honors the extraordinary and often unrecognized determination and tenacity of women. Against social convention and often legal restraints, women have created a legacy that expands the frontiers of possibility for generations to come.”
Asbury Park’s Stephen Crane House & The Asbury Park Historical Society
will be honoring Asbury’s own Mary Helen Peck Crane and her two daughters. In 1883, Mrs. Crane bought the cottage at 508 4th Avenue in Asbury Park and dedicated herself wholeheartedly to the work of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union as well as women’s rights. She and her daughters were also talented writers and artists. The Crane House will celebrate the lives and accomplishments of the Crane women. Mrs. Crane settled in Asbury Park to be near the Methodist stronghold of Ocean Grove and her son Townley, then the area’s Associated Press reporter.
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Posted: March 29th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, BizEturtle | Tags: arts, Asbury Park, film, lynn humphrey, Monmouth County, museums, refreshments, women | Comments Off on Saturday, March 29—Women’s History Month at Stephen Crane House
Song Parody Contest!
In honor of Senator Bob Menendez crying, “twice choking back sobs” today as Poltickernj put it, because Joe Kyrillos is distinguishing himself as the pro-women candidate in New Jersey’s U.S Senate race, MMM is announcing a song parody contest with the theme being “Joe Kyrillos is the pro-woman candidate in the New Jersey U.S. Senate race.”
The contest is open to all readers of MoreMonmouthMusings. Submissions will be accepted until midnight on July 31st, or whatever time Art Gallagher wakes up on August 1. There is no limit on the number a submissions any one person or team of people can submit. Submissions can be made in the comments of this post or by sending a message to Art Gallagher on facebook. Submissions can be made in your real name or with a pseudonym. By submitting a parody you give up any copyright or right to profit monetarily from the parody.
The winning song will be made into a professional quality video produced by our friend and professional videographer Joe Schilp. MMM readers will be stars of the video. The video will be launched on YouTube the week after Labor Day
To get things started, MMM publisher Art Gallagher reached deep into the MMM archives to find Lightshines, a prolific parody writer for MMM and other sites in the late 2000’s. Art asked Lightshines to write a parody entitled “Don’t cry for me Bob Menendez” to the tune of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Don’t cry for me Argentina.” This is Lightshines’ first entry in the contest:
After witnessing the sad spectacle of Bob Menendez breakdown when addressing a Union County Day Care Center (he didn’t get his nap?) we channeled Eva Peron who, feeling Senator Bob was a little too corrupt even for her, had this to say:
Don’t cry for me, Bob Menendez
The truth is we never liked you
All through your Hudson days
your dirty politics
You kept no promise
Now keep your distance
And as for fortune, and as for fame
That didn’t do much for us
Cause it seemed to the world that was all you desired
You’re an illusion
You are not the solution you promised to be
The answer was here all the time
Defeat you and all of your grime
Don’t cry for me, Bob Menendez
The truth is we never liked you
All through your Hudson days
your dirty politics
You kept no promise
Now keep your distance
Pick any song you like to write your parody. You can use “Don’t cry for me..” or any other song.
MMM is assembling a panel of judges who will select the final four parodies.
MMM readers will select the winner in early August.
Posted: July 16th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos | Tags: Andrew Lloyd Webber, Bob Menendez, Don't cry for me Argentina, Don't cry for me Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos, Lightshines, Song parody, Song parody contest, women | 6 Comments »
The Obama campaign will intensify its efforts to boost the President’s standing with women this week with a mailing to over 1 million female voters in more than a dozen battleground states, according to The New York Times.
The campaign’s effort to rally women around the health care law had been long planned, to coincide with the second anniversary of Mr. Obama signing it on March 23, campaign officials said. But the effort has gained intensity, they added, because of recent controversies over contraception, abortion and education in Washington and in state capitals that have energized people in the campaign’s far-flung field offices who are essential to putting any national strategy into action.
Late last year, two and a half months ago, the chatter was that Obama was in trouble with his liberal base as well as the rest of the electorate. The economy was the majority’s concern.
In the last two months, George Stephanopoulos introduced contraception into the GOP primary debate, Rick Santorum and the left stream media kept that chatter alive. Obama announced that contraception will be covered under ObamaCare and Rush Limbaugh called a law student a slut and a prostitute.
Now, instead of focusing on the economy, energy prices and the emergent inflation that hasn’t caught the media’s attention yet, we are engaged in a culture war designed by the Obama campaign to shore up the President’s support with his base and scare women about the evil white men who run the Republican party.
How easily manipulated we are.
The general election campaign is well underway. However the GOP is still fighting over minor differences between it’s potential candidates and is not yet engaged against Obama.
Posted: March 11th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, controception, easily manipulated, George Stephanopoulos, GOP, prostitute, Republcians, Rick Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, slut, women | 16 Comments »