By Tom DeSeno
The Asbury Park Press is the only daily paper targeting two New Jersey counties. If that sounds small, consider those two counties have a larger population than eight U.S. states. They double the population of Washington DC. That makes the AP Press important not only as a courier of news, but considering its monopoly, as a sculptor of opinion in our great national debate.
Owned by media giant Gannett, the largest newspaper publisher in America and parent of USA Today, there exists available resources to publish a product that mirrors the Press’ considerable responsibility (if Gannett is willing to open the spigot on resources, that is).
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Posted: June 13th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Hollis Towns, Media bias, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Randy Bergmann, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 7 Comments »
It is our character that supports the promise of our future – far more than particular government programs or policies. – William Bennett
By Tommy DeSeno
There were those of us, the values voters, who stood by stunned when the bar for personal conduct, vulgarity, sexual assault, law and American values was lowered by those who refused to remove Bill Clinton from office in 1998. We were told we were prudish, imposing religious values and should mind our own business by staying out of Clinton’s “private life.” That side won the culture war. My side lost the culture war. They may now reap what they have sown, and what they have sown is an acceptance of Donald Trump. This linguistic monster, whose polyglot range is a very limited dirty to deriding, was created by those who stood with Bill Clinton, who made the coarsening of American discourse official. They’ll never admit it. The left is married only to the moment with no view of history or legacy.
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Posted: October 18th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Elections, 2016 Presidential Politics, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Character, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Morality, Opinion, republicans, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno, Values | 5 Comments »
By Tommy DeSeno

Sheikh Usmani
It was revealed earlier this year that Asbury Park New Jersey’s boardwalk real estate is owned and controlled by an Islamic company from the Middle East, Capital Guidance. That company maintains a “Sharia Board” headed by a powerful Pakistani Sheikh, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.
Usmani wrote a book, Islam and Modernism, urging jihadists to lay in wait in Western countries until they have enough people here to launch “Jihad with Power.” He wrote that Jihadists should continue to kill until we submit to his religion, Islam.
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Posted: October 13th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park, Capital Guidance, Madison Marquette, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Sharia compliant mortgages, Sharia Law, Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Sheikh Usmani, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno, War on terror | Comments Off on Asbury Park Connected Sheikh, Who Avows Terror, Now More Influential Than Ever
By Tommy DeSeno

Sheikh Usmani
In Asbury Park, all the boardwalk buildings including Convention Hall, The Stone Pony and the Wonder Bar are owned by a Middle Eastern company named Capital Guidance, by way of a holding company they formed called Madison Marquette. Capital Guidance operates Madison Marquette from their offices in Reston Virginia, amid the fastest growing Islamic concentration in the country.
Capital Guidance employs a Sharia Advisory Board chaired by a Pakistani Mufti, Muhammad Taqi Usmani. When it comes to human rights, this scrivener of that area’s Sharia laws is a monster. He has a 30 year career of jailing gays, beating women for being raped and like atrocities, such as supporting modern slavery.
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Posted: May 27th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, War on terror | Tags: Asbury Park, Capital Guidance, Madison Marquette, Memorial Day, Monmouth County News, Sharia Law, Sheik Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno, War on terror | 1 Comment »
By Tommy DeSeno
Greetings, Bruce!
I hail from the City of your choosing, Asbury Park New Jersey. A fan since you named your first album after our fair city; I’m one of your loyal “kids huddled on the beach in the mist.” We’ve met on those nights you thrill the locals with impromptu performances at the Stone Pony, which made that venue famous.
I’ve noticed your occasional forays into politics, including your concert cancellation in North Carolina to protest laws about who gets to use what bathroom, and who gets to sue for discrimination.
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Posted: April 13th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park, Bruce Springsteen, Capital Guidance, LGBT, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Sharia Advisory Board, Sharia Law, Sheik Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Stone Pony, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 6 Comments »
By Tommy DeSeno
Call him Bonnie Prince Donnie.
In the 18th century, Bonnie Prince Charlie, aka Charles Edward Stuart, was the last Jacobite Pretender to the throne of England. The Bonnie Prince thought the English throne was his birthright, so he traveled the countryside picking fights with anyone who disagreed.
Donald Trump, our current Bonnie Prince, acts very much the same. His intemperance and penchant for vengeance is manifest in response to any challenge to him, with no crack too lowbrow, be it McCain’s heroics, Carly’s face or Megyn’s menstrual cycle. Only a Jacobean sense of entitlement could bring a Wharton grad into the gutter. Even Jeb knew the Presidency had to be earned, not inherited or claimed.
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Posted: March 22nd, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Donald Trump, Opinion, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 7 Comments »
By Tom DeSeno
This morning (March 2nd 2016) people in the shore area in the central part of New Jersey woke up to an editorial in the Asbury Park Press, the only daily newspaper that serves two large counties, viciously attacking Governor Christie and demanding his resignation.
“Wow” the people of Monmouth and Ocean counties must have thought. “This editorial staff must have really put a great deal of independent thought into this, to be this hard on the Governor,” they must have thought.
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Posted: March 2nd, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Chris Christie, Media, NJ Media, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Chris Christie, Courier Post, Daily Record, Gannett, Media, Monmouth County News, NJ Media, Opinion, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno, USA Today, USAToday | 7 Comments »
By Tom DeSeno
A friend once told me that he snot-chuckles like a 14 year old boy whenever he hears the name of the Russian female protest collective Pussy Riot. That’s culturally understandable.
Don’t mistake though the seriousness of these women and the issues that surround them. They are making a fascinating imprint on modern politics, power and protest.
On February 24 the House of Independents, Asbury Park’s new venue that is giving that City the artistic aesthetic it always pretended to have, is presenting “A Conversation with Pussy Riot: Hosted by John Cameron Mitchell.”
To get a proper perspective of Pussy Riot, you have to realign your point of view from American to Russian when dealing with political terms. It also helps to look at what they aren’t as much as what they are.
They aren’t a band, at least not in the traditional sense. There’s music, but it’s not their focus. It’s not even good music, probably by their own intention. The music is beside the point of their varied socio-political messages.
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Posted: February 15th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Pussy Riot, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | Comments Off on A Pussy Riot in Asbury Park
By Tommy DeSeno

Sheikh Usmani
With ISIS committing terrorism on 4 continents, and President Obama importing refugees from their home territory, now is a bad time to offer interest-free Sharia Law mortgages in America, but that’s exactly what one company is doing.
The beach town of Asbury Park, New Jersey has undergone a slow-grinding redevelopment for the better part of 30 years. Bereft of money in 2007, the City sold millions of dollars worth of storied boardwalk buildings including Convention Hall to a private company – Madison Marquette. Madison Marquette also owns concert venues near the boardwalk like the famed Stone Pony. They are positioned in expensive retail properties across America in California, Ohio, Washington DC, Florida and more.
What few know is that Madison Marquette is owned by an Islamic company rooted in the Middle East; a company whose other subsidiary specializes in “Sharia Law Compliance” and lures Sharia-following Muslims to 23 states with interest-free home mortgages.
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Posted: January 13th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, ISIS, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno, War on terror | Tags: A Capital Guidance Company, Amer Hammour, Asbury Park, Capital Guidance, Madison Marquette, Monmouth County News, Sharia compliant mortgages, Sharia Law, sharia-compliant, Sheik Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno, Usmani | 7 Comments »
By Tom DeSeno
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” — Juliet of the House of Capulet
I’ve written columns for many outlets over the past 15 years, and one practice I’ve always maintained is to spell out the whole “N” word when it is being used in an historical context, as in, “Slave owners referred to blacks as “N.” I do the same when quoting another person, as in, “He called him a “N.” I’ve also reserved the right to spell it out in condemnation of the word itself, as in, “It’s wrong to call anyone a “N.”
My thinking was that the “N” word is an insult when intended that way. I owe my American brothers and sisters with superior protective pigment the courtesy of not using that word as an insult, because it is worse than other words on the insult scale.
However, I don’t owe anyone a distortion of history. I don’t owe anyone less than exactitude when it comes to a quote, lest I be distorting history myself.
Yet every single editor I’ve had changes the spelled out word to the abbreviated “N word” before my column is published (I’m using the abbreviated “N” word now instead of spelling out the word, in recognition of Ricochet’s past practice).
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t use the word casually. I don’t use it in my own conversations and have not done so in decades. I think the only time I ever really used it was during a fistfight on the playground. There are different rules when throwing down — I would get called a cracker, a honky, etc. and I would yell out as many reciprocal remarks as I could. None of the white or black kids watching considered it racist. Afterwards, even the combatants did not. When you are in a fight, the rules of decorum are suspended. You’retrying to insult the guy you’re punching in the face.
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Posted: June 23rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Opinion, Race, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: N word, Obama, Opinion, Racism, Tom DeSeno | 11 Comments »