Andy Kim, the Democrat candidate running against Congressman Tom MacArthur in the third congressional district is recruiting volunteers for his campaign among the Spring Lake Heights Democrats. Spring Lake Heights in in the 4th congressional district where Josh Welle, address none of your business, won the nomination to lose to Congressman Chris Smith in November. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 6th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Congress, Monmouth County News, Ocean County | Tags: 2018 elections, Andy Kim, CD-3, CD-4, Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Tom MacArthur, Josh Welle, Monmouth County News, Ocean County News, Spring Lake Heights, Spring Lake Heights Democrats | 2 Comments »

photo via JCP&L
Jersey Central Power and Light, the electric utility that services Monmouth County, announced today that they have expanded an environmental program to help protect New Jersey’s threatened ospreys.
The company is surveying their poles and other equipment to determine where osprey are nesting—or have given indication of future nesting–and then building new nesting platforms where the birds will not be in danger due to the proximity to electrical equipment. Specialized equipment is installed to divert and discourage ospreys from nesting in potentially hazardous locations.
Two osprey nests within JCP&L’s Monmouth and Ocean service territories, one in Union Beach and another in Brick, were relocated in 2016.
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Posted: December 27th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: JCP&L, Monmouth County News | Tags: JCP&L, Jersey Central Power & Light, Monmouth Beach, Ocean Township, Oceanport, Osprey, Spring Lake Heights, Union Beach | 4 Comments »

Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso
Monmouth County’s Division of Mosquito control has postponed tonight’s scheduled spray in Wall Township and Spring Lake Heights due to weather. The operation has been rescheduled for tomorrow, June 29, between 9:30 p.m. and midnight, according the Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, the freeholder who oversees the division.
The spraying is a response to evidence of the West Nile virus in the West Belmar section of Wall and northern Spring Lake Heights. Mosquito Control staff will conduct a ground spray operation on residential streets south of Belmar Boulevard between Route 35 and Route 71 in Wall Township and on residential streets north of Allaire Road between Old Mill Road and Route 71 in Spring Lake Heights.
“The goal of the ground spray program is to reduce the public health risk from West Nile in the area,” said DiMaso. “It is also important to remember to always wear insect repellant when outdoors, even if it is only for a few minutes.”
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Posted: June 28th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, Monmouth County Mosquito Control, Monmouth County News, Spring Lake Heights, Wall Township, West Belmar, West Nile Virus | Comments Off on Wall and Spring Lake Heights Mosquito Spray Postponed

Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Assembly Dave Rible, Congressman Chris Smith and Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso in Spring Lake, January 19 to kick off Phase 2 of the Wreck Pond Restoration Project
“A huge shared service partnership comprising all levels of government and non-profit partners working together to improve the environment, the safety of residents and their property.” That is how Freeholder Director Tom Arnone characterized the Wreck Pond Restoration Project, Phase II of which was kicked off yesterday in Spring Lake.
Congressman Chris Smith, DEP Commissioner Bob Martin, Assemblyman Dave Rible, Arnone, Freeholders Serena DiMaso and Gary Rich, Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton, U.S. Fish and Wildlife field supervisor Eric Schrading and American Littoral Society Executive Director Tim Dillingham gathered in the cold yesterday to commemorate the progress of the project that is coming to fruition after more than a decade of advocacy, study and planning.
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Posted: January 20th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Smith, Monmouth County News | Tags: American Littoral Society, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, Monmouth County News, Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights, Wall Township, Wreck Pond | 4 Comments »

Jonelle Melton
Three Asbury Park Men were charged with the 2009 murder of Jonelle Melton, a 33 year old Red Bank Middle School teacher.
Democrats Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey defeated Republican Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande in the 11th Legislative District. A Democratic SuperPac funded largely by the NJEA spent $1.5 million in the race, including television commercials implying that Angelini is inappropriately profiting from the drug abuse prevention non-profit that she leads.
For all the special interest money spent on behalf of the Democrats, Angelini lost to Downey by only 253 votes and the top vote getter, Houghtaling had only 713 votes more than the low vote getter, Casagrande. Low voter turnout in Republican strongholds Freehold Township and Colts Neck was the difference in the election.
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Posted: January 1st, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 11th Legislative District, Asbury Park, Caroline Casagrande, Colts Neck, Eric Houghtaling, Freehold Township, Joann Downey, Jonelle Melton, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Red Bank, Spring Lake Heights | Comments Off on Year in review: November 2015

Nate Novak
Republicans Sarah King and Robert Merriken each picked up votes in the recount by the Board of Elections this morning which was requested by their Democratic opponent, Nathaniel “Nate” Novak. Novak trailed Merriken by one vote, 638-639 after the provisional ballots were qualified and counted on November 9.
King, an incumbent councilwoman remains the top vote getter at 680. Merriken expanded his lead over Novack to 640-638.
Novak told MoreMonmouthMusings that he accepts the results and does not plan to contest the election. “We just wanted to make sure all the votes were counted, ” Novak said, “I congratulate Robert Merriken on his election.”
Novak said that he hopes to start serving on the Borough Council in January, despite is loss, as the replacement for Councilman Thomas O’Brien who was elected mayor. “I hope to get that appointment and run again next year,” said Novak.
Posted: November 24th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Monmouth County News, Nate Novak, Robert Merriken, Spring Lake Heights, Thomas O'Brien | Comments Off on Novak Concedes Spring Lake Hts Council Race
The results of the November 3, 2015 Board of Education election in Asbury Park, and the municipal races in Neptune City and Spring Lake Heights will be rechecked and recounted on Tuesday, November 24 at 10 am, at the Board of Elections Office in Freehold, pursuant to Judge Katie A. Gummer’s Orders.
The rechecks and recounts were requested via Petitions filed by Allan C. Roth, a Springfield, NJ attorney, on behalf of Asbury Park Board of Education candidate Barbara Lesiniski, Spring Lake Heights Council candidate Nathaniel Novak and Michael Skudera, a candidate for Council in Neptune City.
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Posted: November 19th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Asbury Park, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Asbury Park, Asbuy Park Board of Education, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Recount, Spring Lake Heights, Spring Lake Hts | Comments Off on Recounts scheduled for in Asbury Park, Neptune City and Spring Lake Hts elections