Governor Chris Christie announced via twitter that the statewide travel ban for the blizzard that wasn’t will be lifted for areas south of I-195 effective at 7am.
Seastreak announced that it will provide ferry service to New York City from Highlands (which is north of I-195) at 8am.

Posted: January 27th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Chris Christie, Seastreak, Seastreak Ferry, Snowmageddon, Travel Ban | Comments Off on Commandant Christie Lifts Travel Ban South of I-195
The National Weather Service cancelled the blizzard warning for New Jersey at 3:51 this morning. A winter storm warning remains in effect.
The travel ban in New Jersey ordered by the Christie Administration has not been lifted as of 5:55 am. NJ Transit is closed. Seastreak crews are standing by to resume ferry service for Monmouth County commuters once the travel restriction has been lifted.
Meteorologist Gary Szatkowski of the National Weather Service in Mt Holly issued an apology to decision makers, politicians and the general public via twitter at about 1 am.
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Posted: January 27th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: blizzard of 2015, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, National Weather Service, NJ Transit, Seastreak, Seastreak Ferry, Snowmageddon | 10 Comments »
Col. Joseph R. Fuentes, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police and Director of Emergency Management has signed a directive prohibiting vehicular traffic on all roads in New Jersey effective at 11 Pm this evening, January 26, 2015. A copy of the directive which includes exemptions from government personnel, public utility vehicles, public and private plow trucks and healthcare workers and patients can be be viewed here .
Governor Chris Christie said via twitter that the ban will be subject to revocation at day break depending on the conditions then.
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Posted: January 26th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Monmouth County, NJ State Police | Tags: Bizzard of 2015, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Col. Joseph Fuentes, Emergency Management, NJ State Police, Nor'Beaster, Snowmageddon | 3 Comments »

“I smell smoke and I think my house is on fire.” “Where is the nearest pond to go ice-skating on?” “I think my father is having a heart attack.” “My cable just went out. Do you know when it’ll be back on?” Those are just a few examples of calls that Morris County-area police departments say…
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Posted: January 26th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: 9/11, Blizzard, Emergency Management, EMS, Juno, New Jersey, Nor'Beaster, Snowmageddon | 2 Comments »
FREEHOLD, NJ – Meteorologists are predicting hazardous weather overnight in Monmouth County and the Department of Public Works and Engineering is monitoring the situation and prepared to take action.
“The County’s snow room is open and we are monitoring the storm’s progress and we have 135 trucks outfitted with spreading and plowing capabilities,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. “Our process helps us manage the personnel needed at the County’s ten highway districts and dispatch crews as needed.”
According to the National Weather Service, snow, freezing rain and windy conditions are expected in Monmouth County overnight.
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Posted: January 25th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Press Release, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | Tags: Emergency Management, EMS, Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County, Press Release, Public works, Snowmageddon | Comments Off on Monmouth County Government Ready For Snowmageddon
Governor Chris Christie has declared a State of Emergency in anticipation of the snow storm that is expected to bring high winds, heavy snow, mixed precipitation, storm surges and sub-zero temperatures throughout the state. A potential mixture of hazardous travel conditions, fallen trees and power outages and coastal, stream and river flooding beginning this evening.
Christie’s Executive Order authorizes the State Director of Emergency Management to activate and coordinate the preparation, response and recovery efforts for the storm with all county and municipal emergency operations and governmental agencies. Additionally, the governor authorized the closure of all non-essential state offices tomorrow, Friday, January 3rd.
“The impending weather conditions over the next several days will produce a variety of dangerous travel conditions throughout the state,” said Governor Christie. “I’ve authorized state officials to take all necessary action in advance of the storm, and my Administration will continue monitoring conditions throughout the remainder of the storm. I encourage all New Jerseyans to stay off the roads if possible so that our first responders and public safety officials can safely respond to any emergency situations.”
Posted: January 2nd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Snow | Tags: Chris Christie, Snow, Snowmageddon | 1 Comment »
Public Works crews pre-treating the roads before it snows

Photo via
FREEHOLD, NJ – Meteorologists predict three to eight inches snow could fall in Monmouth County in the next 24 hours, and the County’s Public Works crews have been busy today applying liquid salt brine and rock salt to the County roads.
“Pre-treating the roads is key,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. “Magnesium chloride-treated rock salt is much more effective and, therefore, there is a savings in man hours and material. We use 30 to 50 percent less material and require less spreading trips, depending on the snow event, for the same result.”
Road crews from the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering apply liquid salt brine to the County’s roads, followed by an application of salt treated with magnesium chloride. The pre-treatment prevents the snow and ice from bonding to the road surface, making it easier for the plows to clear the snow. The County maintains about 1,000 lane miles of roads.
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Posted: January 2nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Press Release, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Tom Arnone, John Tobia, Monmouth County, Press Release, Snow, Snowmageddon | Comments Off on County ready to battle snowstorm