By Matt Rooney,
Having trouble keeping track of the Bridgegate sideshow going on in Hoboken, Save Jerseyans?
Fear not; we’ve put together a streamlined timeline for you to consult/post/share and, once you’ve reviewed it from beginning to end, I don’t think you’ll conclude that the chronology is flattering for Hoboken’s Mayor:

Winter 2010 to Fall 2012
Mayor Dawn Zimmer is only one year into her new job when she decides to endorse the Governor’s property tax cap. She’s backed other major initiatives since then.
October 2012
Hurricane Sandy strikes New Jersey and floods much of Hoboken.
November 2012
Over the next year and change, Zimmer repeatedly — both online and in the real world, too — praises Chris Christie for his Sandy aftermath assistance without qualification:
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Posted: January 26th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bridgegate, Christie Administration, Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken | Tags: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken, Kim Guadagno, Matt Rooney, SaveJersey | 5 Comments »
By Nicole Sanders,
As part of my ongoing effort to introduce candidates to the voting public, Save Jerseyans, I started a weekly column called Meet the Candidates. In essence, it is a past day stump speech updated for the virtual world.
We are now entering the final stretch of this campaign cycle with only a few days left before Election Day 2013. At Save Jersey, we are dedicated to keep you, the voter, informed and that is why I am pleased to introduce you to Monmouth County Freeholder Thomas Arnone.

Freeholder Director Tom Arone
Freeholder Arnone graduated Neptune High School and then went on to attend Brookdale Community College. Since the early 1980’s, he has owned T. Arnone’s Landscaping and he’s currently the Vice President of Property Management at PRC Group in West Long Branch. His prior political experience includes serving as a Neptune City council member from 1997-2003 and then as the mayor from 2004 through 2010. He was elected to the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders in 2011 and continues to hold that position to this day.
My interview with Freeholder Thomas Arnone is below the fold…
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Posted: November 3rd, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Nicole Sanders, SaveJersey, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on Meet Tom Arnone
By Matt Rooney,
If you watched last night’s final #njsen debate, Save Jerseyans, then you heard Cory Booker (D-Twitter) use the word “tea party” more often than his opponent’s name.
Booker is a lot of things but “stupid” isn’t one of them. He came to play this time after flubbing the first debate. and reading plenty of polls which suggest that both the Tea Party and the ongoing federal shutdown are losers for Steve Lonegan. His buddy (and occasional bully) Barack Obama shared a similar experience in 2012. Plenty of smart people think Booker carried the day (and probably the election along with it). And they might be right.
What stuck in my crawl was Booker’s dogged insistence that people like Steve Lonegan are the problem in Washington.
It’s a crock, folks.
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Posted: October 10th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election, Cory Booker, Senate Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tags: Cory Booker, Matt Rooney, SaveJersey, Special Senate Election, Steve Lonegan | Comments Off on Too Many Empty Suits
It’s Time to Free America from the Scourge of Kitchen Appliance Violence
By Matt Rooney,

Some folks out there on the Left are really complaining up a storm today, Save Jerseyans, over what the New Jersey State Senate’s gun control package does not include.
I’m a little miffed, too.
Vile firearms are only part of the problem. I want to know when our politicians will step up and restrict ownership of multiple pressure cookers? The evil, senseless implements of destruction reportedly used in last week’s Boston Marathon bombings.
For the record, I don’t accept the contrived right wing argument that anyone and everyone has a constitutional right to purchase a kitchen appliance no-strings-attached. Sure, the Founding Fathers did significantly limit the government’s right to restrict private property ownership and commerce in the U.S. Constitution, but did the framers ever contemplate a microwave? Or automatic cake mixer? Or pressure cooker? It’s hard to argue that they intended to protect our right to own something so dangerous and technologically advanced that didn’t even exist in their own time!
Butter churners? Sure. And butter churning has the added benefit of combating childhood obesity and reducing the user’s carbon footprint
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Posted: April 26th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Humour | Tags: Kitchen appliance viiolence, Matt Rooney, Pressure cooker control, SaveJersey, | 2 Comments »
Senator Paul Stages Rare One-Man Filibuster of CIA Director’s Nomination (VIDEO)
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
As of this writing, Save Jerseyans, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is engaged in one of the most dramatic practices unique to American-style democracy: the Senate filibuster.
Typically, U.S. senators “filibuster” a nomination or legislation by refusing to provide a majority of the 60 votes required for cloture. Paul is using the much rarer one-man approach made popularly famous by Mr. Smith Goes to Washington whereby one Senator continues to speak on the floor until he decides to stop (or simply cannot carry on). The Senator’s aim? Holding up the nomination of John Brennan for CIA director; he hopes this gesture will raise awareness of a controversial new Justice Department policy that many believe would permit drone strikes on American citizens without any due process whatsoever.
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Posted: March 6th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: CIA, Drones, Rand Paul | Tags: CIA, John Brennan, Matt Rooney, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Rand Paul, SaveJersey, | 9 Comments »
By Matt Roooney, cross posted from SaveJersey
The ObamaCare backstory gets worse all the time, Save Jerseyans.
We can never really know what happened in chambers. That said, emerging anonymous accounts seem to comport with what we can plainly observe about this repugnant capitulation to unconstitutional, unrestrained big government by Chief Justice John Roberts.
It was supremely political.
Be assured, I’m not leveling this charge simply because I don’t like the decision! The Chief Justice simply didn’t do a very good job of masking his purely tactical motivations.
If you read the conservative Kennedy-Alito-Thomas-Scalia dissent (click here – pdf), one of the first things you’ll notice is how the dissent frequently refers to the majority opinion as the “dissent.” Is the current batch of High Court clerks just sloppy? Or is something else going on here?
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Posted: July 6th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: U.S. Constitution, U.S. Supreme Court | Tags: Affordable Care Act, Chief Justice John Roberts, Matt Rooney, ObamaCare, SaveJersey, U.S. Supreme Court | Comments Off on Supremely Political: Did Roberts Pen BOTH Opinions?