The New York Times published a report yestersay that argues that the coronavirus is racist. The Fullest Look Yet at the
Racial Inequity of Coronavirusis the headline.
The Times sued the CDC to get data that “is far from complete. Not only is race and ethnicity information missing from more than half the cases, but so are other epidemiologically important clues — such as how the person might have become infected.”
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: July 6th, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: COVID-19, Race | Tags: COVID-19, NY Times, Race | Comments Off on NY Times report: The coronavirus is racist

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The man who outlawed the Big Gulp and french fries in New York City is spending $1 million to rescue Cory Booker from his burning campaign.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Independence USA PAC’s ad touting Booker as a senator who can get things done will start airing on television today, according to a New York Times piece, Anxious Allies Aiding Booker in Senate Bid.
Mr. Booker’s bumpy campaign and shrinking lead in the polls are all the more unsettling to Democratic Party officials because Mr. Lonegan is a political anomaly in the blue-hued state: a Tea Party conservative who describes himself as a “radical,” opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest, cheers the current shutdown of the federal government and has relied on polarizing right-wing figures like Sarah Palin and Rick Perry as campaign surrogates.
Mr. Lonegan, despite his ideological alignment, appears to have tapped into lingering doubts about whether Mr. Booker can translate his outsize, self-promotional persona, so popular with the Democratic base, into the rigors of a highly disciplined campaign.
Check in at SaveJersey or tune into How I Met Your Mother tonight if you want to see the ad. I’m not running it unless Bloomberg pays me.
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Posted: October 7th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Cory Booker, Senate Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tags: #NJSen, Cory Booker, Michael Bloomberg, NY Times, Special Senate Election | 1 Comment »
By Alan Steinberg
Prior to the election, I predicted on various media appearances that if Mitt Romney lost the presidential race, a national Republican civil war would ensue after the election between 1) the GOP establishment and 2) movement conservatives and grassroots Republicans. I have been surprised how quickly my prediction was proven accurate.
The first major media riposte by the GOP establishment was a column published in the New York Times on December 3, 2012, entitled “Where Have You Gone, Bill Buckley?” by David Welch, a former research director for the Republican National Committee . It’s a good thing that Mr. Welch is a former research director, for in describing Bill Buckley, he demonstrated gross incompetence in historical research skills.
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Posted: December 6th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Republican Party | Tags: Alan J Steinberg, David Welch, GOP Civil War, NY Times, William F. Buckley | 1 Comment »
By Matt Rooney, Cross-posted from Save Jersey
The mainstream media is gleefully parroting the results of a new Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT poll released yesterday afternoon showing Mitt Romney trailing Barack Obama in three key swing states (PA, OH and FL).
Trailing badly, Save Jerseyans.
But stop the presses! Unfortunately for Romney haters, this poll’s sample was absurdly unrealistic. In fact, an absolutely ideal, hugely historic Democrat turnout model could only exist in David Axelrod’s or Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s filthiest dreams. And we don’t need to go there, nor would we want to.
Don’t believe me? Think I’m grasping for straws? Okay, then don’t take my word for it. All you need to do is compare (1) the party id gap “assumed” in yesterday’s Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT with (2) published exit poll data from the past two presidential elections. I did; look what I found…
2004 –> D +3
2008 –> D +7
2012 Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT Poll –> D +9.
2004 –> R +5
2008 –> D +8
2012 Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT Poll –> D +9
2004 –> R +4.
2008 –> D +3
2012 Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT Poll –> D +9.
Do NOT believe the polls, Save Jerseyans! It’s a sick joke. I don’t know if it’s indicative of bias, stupidity, or a base desire to “create” big news and attract an audience. My suspicion is that they’re using 2008 or better-than 2008 turnout models to zap your enthusiasm.
Don’t let them get away with it.
This is a very close race. Very close.
Posted: September 27th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Media | Tags: Barack Obama, CBS, Matt Rooney, Mitt Romney, NY Times, Quinnipiac, Save Jersey | 3 Comments »
The New York Times FiveThirtyEight blog has shifted its rating of the New Jersey U.S. Senate race between likely GOP nominee, State Senator Joe Kyrillos and incumbent Senator Bob Menendez from Safe Democrat to Likely Democrat.
In New Jersey, Robert Menendez, a Democrat, has middling approval ratings and is below 50 percent in the polls against the most likely Republican nominee, State Senator Joseph Kyrillos. Mr. Kyrillos would need to catch some breaks to win the race — his fund-raising has lagged Mr. Menendez’s so far, and he might need Mr. Romney to be more competitive in New Jersey than Republican presidential candidates have been in recent years. Still, there is a plausible path to an upset, and so we now classify the race as Likely Democrat rather than Safe Democrat.
Posted: May 16th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Joe Kyrillos | Tags: FiveThirtyEight blog. Joe Kyrillos. Bob Menendez, NY Times | 5 Comments »