If you missed Art’s interview with News12’s Jim Murdoch from Sandy Hook this morning, or even if you saw it on TV, News12 posted a longer version on their website and made it shareable:
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Posted: May 9th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News | Tags: Monmouth County News, News12, Sandy Hook, Seagulls Nest | Comments Off on ICYMI: Art’s Interview with News12’s Jim Murdoch during the demolition of the Seagull’s Nest
Posted: December 6th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Caneiro Murders, Jennifer Caneiro, Keith Caneiro, Monmouth County News, News12, Paul Caneiro | Comments Off on Video: “Somebody is dead here” –Colts Neck 9-1-1 call

Luke Margolis, Art Gallagher and Jay Lassiter on the News12 set
Your favorite blogger appears on News12’s Power and Politics with Luke Margolis this weekend opposite the indefatigable Democratic activist Jay Lassiter.
Our topic was Congressman Chris Smith’s commitment to human rights and his controversial comments regarding LGBT rights vs human rights last month.
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Posted: February 13th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, Gay Marriage, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Humanity, marriage, Marriage Equality | Tags: Art Gallagher, Boko Haram, Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, Human Rights, Jay Lassister, LGBT rights, Luke Margolis, marriage, News12, Nigeria, Power and Politics, Same Sex Marriage | Comments Off on Gallagher on Power and Politics this weekend
By Art Gallagher
News12 New Jersey has effectively fired reporter Sean Bergin for telling the truth.
In a report about Jersey City Police Officer Melvin Santiago’s murder, Bergin went off script and closed the segment by saying, “The underlying cause of all of this, of course: Young black men growing up without fathers. Unfortunately, no one in the news media has the courage to touch that subject.”
News12 executives responded by proving Bergin’s point about the spineless media. They suspended him and then offered him a one day a week job, for $300 per week, covering fluff like broken fire hydrants or other inane subjects. They covered their asses by saying the discipline was for breaking company policy. Bergin turned them down and quit.
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Posted: July 17th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Media, News, NJ Media | Tags: Jersey City Police Officer Melvin Santiago, News12, Sean Bergin | 15 Comments »
News 12 televised the moving dedication of the Empty Sky Memorial of New Jersey residents who perished on September 11, 2001 this morning and early afternoon.
NJTV broadcast an episode of Sesame Street and a repeat of Caucus New Jersey.
Posted: September 10th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 9-11, Empty Sky Memorial, NJ Media | Tags: Empty Sky Memorial, News12, NJTV | 1 Comment »
News12 is doing an outstanding job covering the hurricane for New Jersey. The major network affiliates in New York and presumably Philadelphia are doing the what they usually do….cover New Jersey as an after thought to their home cities.
News12 is only available to cable subscribers. FIOs and satellite TV users are without comprehensive New Jersey news, which in the case of a hurricane or other disaster can be life threatening.
NJTV, the successor to NJN, is broadcasting an episode of Sid The Science Kid.
Hopefully NJN veteran Michael Aron, who has recently taken over the news operation of NJTV, will have the resources to build a bureau that provides New Jersey the news coverage it needs or will develop cooperative agreements with other outlets so that all New Jersey residents can get the news they need when they need it.
Posted: August 27th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media | Tags: News12, NJ Media, NJN, NJTV | 2 Comments »
MoreMonmouthMusings will have a live feed of the Monmouth County Medical Society’s Health Care Forum starting a 7PM.
The Little campaign sent a robo call to 40,000 Democrats in the 6th district this afternoon asking them to call Frank Pallone and encourage him to attend the event. Those same 40,000 will be called again at 7PM for a teleconference whereby they can listen to the forum.
Additionally, News12 told the Little campaign that Pallone wants to debate Anna Little on the station next Friday, the 29th, according to campaign manager Larry Cirignamo.
Posted: October 21st, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County Medical Society, News12 | 2 Comments »