Thousands of residents across the state are waiting with bated breath for Memorial Day weekend to arrive, as Gov. Phil Murphy announced on Thursday that beaches and boardwalks will be open for the official start of beach season next week.
Thousands of others decided: Why wait? Awakening to sunny skies and balmy weather Saturday morning, a countless number of New Jersey residents flocked to the many beaches across Atlantic, Cape May, Monmouth and Ocean counties that are currently open to the public.Local officials are at minimum prohibiting group activities and sports at the beaches to curb the sp… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 17th, 2020 | Author:admin | Filed under:COVID-19 | Tags:COVID-19, Jersey Shore, New Jersey | Comments Off on Most beaches across the state are already open. Here’s what the scene was like at the Jersey Shore on Saturday.
The coronavirus pandemic has already upended teachers’ lives, banishing them from their classrooms to teach students from home.
Now, as a grueling school year nears its end, some New Jersey teachers are receiving a cruel reward: A pink slip, courtesy of the crushing economic weight of the crisis.
Facing a Friday deadline to notify those teachers who won’t be brought back next year, many districts have already told non-tenured educators they won’t be offered a contract for the fall until schools know just how badly their finances will be hurt by COVID-19, said Richard Bozza, executive director of t… Read the rest of this entry »
Gov. Phil Murphy said Thursday night he’s taking a “big step” by allowing New Jersey beaches to be open this summer, with restrictions, as signs continue to show the coronavirus pandemic is slowing in the state.
But, Murphy stressed during an interview with CNN’s Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo, he’d be forced to “pull back” if cases spike again after people begin to gather en masse at the Jersey Shore.
“We’ll have no choice,” he said.
And that, Murphy said, goes for any of the “baby steps” the state is taking as he begins to slowly and gradually life the restrictions he’s put in place over the last two months to the … Read the rest of this entry »
Photo by Kevin Sanders courtesy of New Jersey Globe
Senator Vin Gopal (D-11) submitted the following response to Tom DeSeno’s column criticizing his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Senator Vin Gopal
I appreciate Tommy DeSeno more than he knows.
I know we disagree on a lot, but I firmly believe that if we hadn’t implemented aggressive social distancing measures over the past 2 months, we could have 80,000 deaths instead of the 10,000 horrific deaths that we’ve seen in New Jersey. That’s not my opinion: That’s according to every public health report–including the President’s.
New Jersey’s hospitals reported fewer than 4,000 coronavirus patients for the first time in six weeks, down by half since the state hit a peak in mid-April for a key number Gov. Phil Murphy has said will influence his reopening timeline.
The state’s 71 hospitals had 3,958 patients with confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases as of Wednesday night, according to state data. That’s the lowest number since the state began publicly tracking hospitalizations on April 4 and follows four straight weekly declines averaging more than 1,000 patients.The state hit a peak height with 8,084 hospitalizations o… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 14th, 2020 | Author:Art Gallagher | Filed under:COVID-19, New Jersey | Tags:COVID-19, New Jersey | Comments Off on Coronavirus patients at N.J. hospitals down by half since peak with steady declines of 1,000 a week
Three of four municipal elections this week, Allenhurst, Keansburg and Loch Arbour, were uncontested. The fourth, Deal, four candidates competed for three seats on the governing commission.
As of 8:20:57 PM on Tuesday night, 1,190 of 6,651 registered voters (17.89%) cast ballots in the four municipal elections. More people will read this article.
It was the summer of 1983 when Henry Will’s family first joined Ocean Grove’s tent colony, a collection of more than 100 canvases attached to small wooden cottages that are set up each spring in a tradition that dates back 151 years.
The living quarters are close. So close, Will said, that you could easily listen in on the television show your neighbor is watching if the volume is right.
“You can’t have a TV on in your tent and have it playing really loud because other people are gonna be bothered by that. We have to learn to be flexible because you’re living in close proximity to each other,” s… Read the rest of this entry »
They answered, as they took their fees, ‘There is no cure
for this disease.’ Hilaire Belloc, 1870-1953
Tom DeSeno
By Tom DeSeno
This is not to dethrone doctors from their rightful lofty place
in society; it is to dethrone them from an even higher place, so high that they
don’t deserve it. They don’t deserve to
be seen as infallible, nor do they deserve the power to usurp the decision
making of the people’s representatives in government when it comes to public
policy. In particular, referring to the public policy of not allowing live graduation
Medicine is an inexact science. That is why it is regularly referred to as
“medical arts.” While biology is a pure science,
virology in particular is the applied science that makes use of the biologist’s
library of accumulated knowledge.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon followed his call for insurrection by moon gazing with a serious framework for New Jersey to contain COVID-19 while unleashing our economic engines.
Sen Declan O’Scanlon and Governor Phil Murphy discuss the micro management of sports betting at Monmouth Park, January 2019
Senator Declan O’Scanlon
Under the leadership of Governor
Phil Murphy, New Jersey residents have responded remarkably well given the
unprecedented and deadly invisible enemy we have faced. We have flattened
the curve and reversed the trends of COVID-19. We have changed our behavior,
likely forever. I credit the Governor with making some tough calls and
sympathize with the difficulty of challenges he’s faced, and will face going