
Pomanowski Endorses Golden For Chairman

photo via facebook

photo via facebook

By Wayne Pomanowski

While there is no shortage of charges rumbling through Monmouth County political circles one can easily get bogged down in what the issue of this chairman’s election is all about. While I was President of The Affiliated Republican Club, I learned many things about heading up a political organization. There are four questions any county committee person is faced with.

Who has the talent to raise money?
Who has peacemaking ability to unify the party?
Who has the enthusiasm to grow the grassroots in each and every town in Monmouth County?
Who has the tactical skill to out think our Democratic counterparts?

If we look at the number of county committee seats – 204 are now empty.  The Affiliated Club is down in membership from close to 600 to over 200. The County Republican treasury alleged to having raised $700,000, ended the year with just over $4,000 on hand. And, here are the sad statistics – Registered Republicans in Monmouth County 96,820; Registered Democrats 99,820.

John Bennett is a fine man who has served his party; he is part of our rich past. As many of you know I have always poured my heart and soul into this party to keep this county Republican. I take nothing from John Bennett.
I am supporting Shaun Golden. Shaun will make a fine chairman and is part of our bright future.

Posted: June 3rd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , | 18 Comments »

Chairman Bennett Calls on Voters to Support Republicans on Primary Day

By John O. Bennett, Chairman, Monmouth County Republican Organization


John Benentt

John Benentt

Today is a great day to be a Republican! Once again, the opportunity to exercise one of our greatest Constitutional rights is upon us. Days like today reinforce the utmost pride I have to be your Monmouth County Republican Chairman.

It is my great honor to call upon all Republicans from western and central Monmouth County to the bayshore and coastal areas and ask them to support our candidates in today’s Primary Election. As always, we have a fantastic slate of Republican candidates, including our incumbent Freeholders Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Gary Rich and every municipal official who is up for election. I know that with a good showing today of voter turnout, we can send the  Democratic candidates a preview of what is waiting for them come November.

Please check the following list to see our Monmouth County Republican endorsed Candidates:

Rich Pezzullo for U.S. Senate
Chris Smith for Congress, 4th District
Anthony Wilkerson for Congress, 6th District
Lillian Burry & Gary Rich for County Freeholder

Don’t forget to vote for your local municipal offices!

So, before you head home tonight, please stop in at your local polling location and let your voice be heard. Cast your ballot for your local and county Republican candidates!

On to Victory

Posted: June 3rd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , | 14 Comments »

Keyport Republicans Endorse Golden For Chairman

In the race for Monmouth GOP Chairman, Sheriff Shaun Golden picked up the endorsement of the Keyport Republican Committee over the weekend.

Keyport Republicans at the 2014 Lincoln Day Dinner. Photo via facebook

Keyport Republicans at the 2014 Lincoln Day Dinner. Photo via facebook

In a letter dated May 30 and released this morning, Bob Burlew, GOP Chairman of The Pearl of the Bayshore, wrote,

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Posted: June 2nd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , | 12 Comments »

Another endorsement for Bennett

John Bennett Memorial Day 2014A group of Republican leaders from the Two Rivers (Navesink and Shrewsbury) area of Monmmouth County have released their endorsement for John O. Bennett to serve another two years as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Organization.

Rumson Mayor John Ekdahl, Oceanport Mayor Michael Mahon and the GOP Municipal Chairs of Eatontown, Little Silver, Red Bank, Shrewsbury Township and Tinton Falls issued a press release endorsing Bennett.  Mahon’s name is listed as the GOP Chairman of Oceanport, not as mayor of the borough where Bennett serves and Administrator.

We, as chosen Republican leaders in our respected (sic) towns, are supporting Chairman John Bennett for a second term as Monmouth County Republican Committee Chairman.

Our Party, over the past two years, has seen a resurgence of support and stability through the leadership of Chairman Bennett. Republican candidates from all levels of our government in the county have been able to capitalize on the benefits presented to them by his steadfast and dedicated work.

We believe that Chairman John Bennett and his proven track-record of success is exactly what our party needs to continue its growth. Whether it is raising funds or rallying support for our local municipal elections, Chairman Bennett has been nothing short of reliable in his support.
Now it is our turn to return the favor for the Chairman for all of the hard work he has done for us.
Please stand with us to re-elect John Bennett as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Party and continue the growth of our party.

Ekdahl is a pick up for Benentt. He was previously in Sheriff Shaun Golden’s corner for Chairman.

Posted: June 2nd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , | 13 Comments »

Holmdel Mayor and Town Leaders Supporting Shaun Golden for GOP Chair


Holmdel Mayor Pat Impreveduto

Holmdel Mayor Pat Impreveduto

Mayor Patrick Impreveduto, Deputy Mayor Eric Hinds, Township Committeeman Greg Buontempo, Joe Ponisi and Municipal Chairwoman Marcy McMullin and Vice Chairman Tom Scarano, are supporting Shaun Golden for Monmouth county Republican Chairman

Shaun Golden’s energy and interest in Monmouth County is evident in his enthusiastic approach to leadership. Shaun’s keen sense of community devotion is consistently demonstrated by his involvement with municipalities at the local level-either by appearing at events or regularly communicating with township officials.“Shaun’s distinguishing attribute is that he communicates a clear desire to offer help or assistance by calling me directly and often”, stated Impreveduto

“In my opinion, communication is paramount to any leadership position.  I’m sure he will use this skill and many more to lead the Republican Party of Monmouth County as GOP Chairman,” Impreveduto added.
We are urging all Holmdel Republican County Committee members to follow our lead and support Shaun Golden on June 10th.
We would be remiss if we didn’t thank, Chairman John Bennett for the hard work he has done to continue to make Monmouth County the leading Republican county in the State of New Jersey.
“But at this time we feel Shaun is the right man for the job”.
Posted: May 31st, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Promises Made, Promises Kept

An Open Letter to the Monmouth County Republican Committee From Chairman John O. Bennett

Dear County Committee Member,

The success of a Republican Chairman in Monmouth County has always been ultimately measured by one thing –Being victorious on the first Tuesday in November!

To that end, during the last two election cycles, we – Vice-Chairwoman Susan Cohen and our hardworking volunteers like you – have helped our countywide candidates score resounding victories that have helped the Monmouth County Republican Party restore its brand as one of the state’s best Republican organizations.

Along the way, we have delivered on every promise made during our campaign two years ago:

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Posted: May 30th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , | 31 Comments »

Manalapan Elected Officials Stand With Bennett

The four of the five members of Manalapan’s Township Committee, all Republicans, endorsed Monmouth County Republican Chairman John O. Bennett III for a second term as Chairman yesterday.

In a statement released by Bennett which can be found here, the Mayor Jordan Maskowitz, Deputy Mayor Jack McNaboe, and Committee Members Mary Ann Musich and Susan Cohen, the MCGOP Vice Chairwoman, said:

It is a great honor to stand with John O. Bennett in his campaign to seek a second term as Chairman and Vice-Chairwoman, respectively. The bottom line is that John Bennett has kept all of his campaign promises from two years ago, and the Monmouth County Republican Party is stronger today than it was then.
John’s first promise when running two years ago was to implement a new set of by-laws and move to a convention system when selecting candidates in order to make the entire process more democratic. John has done this, and now County Committee members select our organization’s candidates, not political bosses in the back room.

Manalapan Township Committee Members Mary Ann Musich, Deputy Mayor Jack McNaboe, Mayor Jordan Maskowitz, Susan Cohen and Ryan Green

Manalapan Township Committee Members Mary Ann Musich, Deputy Mayor Jack McNaboe, Mayor Jordan Maskowitz, Susan Cohen and Ryan Green

John also pledged to put in place a Board of Directors to meet and advise the Chairman, and he has met this promise as well. Now, Republican representatives from all over the county have a direct say in the County Party. He also promised to keep our County Party headquarters open and staffed full time, and has done this. The County Party headquarters has been an invaluable resource for Manalapan Township. Last year at the headquarters, our campaign volunteers made phone calls into Manalapan every Monday night on behalf of Governor Christie, our County candidates, and our local Township Committee candidates.

We encourage County Committee members not just of Manalapan, but all of Monmouth County to vote for JohnO. Bennett, a proven leader and party builder, at the June 10th Chairman’s Convention. Thank you.

The fifth Republican on the Township Committee, Ryan Green, has ostracized himself from his colleagues because he wasn’t selected to be Mayor. Maskowtiz has called for Green’s resignation and Manalapan GOP Chairman Steve McEnery likened Green to Edward Snowden while calling him a petulant pipsqueak. 


Posted: May 30th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

Dueling Endorsements for Monmouth GOP Chairman

All five members of the Freehold Township governing body endorsed John Bennett for a second term as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee.

Freehold Township Committee Members Eugene B. Golub, Thomas  L. Cook, Mayor David M. Salkin, Deputy Mayor Anthony J. Ammiano, and Barbara J. McMorrow

Freehold Township Committee Members Eugene B. Golub, Thomas L. Cook, Mayor David M. Salkin, Deputy Mayor Anthony J. Ammiano, and Barbara J. McMorrow

In a press release sent to MMM and posted on Bennett’s facebook page, Mayor David Salkin, Deputy Mayor Anthony Ammiano, and Township Commitee Members Thomas Cook, Eugene Golub, PhD and Barbara McMorrow said,

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Posted: May 28th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , | 23 Comments »

Bennett Doubles Down On Ethics Questions, Challenges Golden To A Debate

John Bennett Memorial Day 2014Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett wrote to Sheriff Shaun Golden today, reiterating his concerns about the potential ethical questions raised by Manalapan GOP Chairman Steve McEnery and Freehold Republican Chairman Anthony Graziano and challenged Golden to a debate to which all County Committee Members would be invited.

Bennett did not offer to buy breakfast, lunch or dinner for those attending the debate, but he was agreeable to MMM publisher Art Gallagher moderating.

Bennett’s letter can be viewed here.

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Posted: May 27th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , | 57 Comments »

Bennett: McEnery-Graziano Letter Raises Legitimate Issue. Says Golden Went Negative

Golden: “I’m not going into the weeds with with John… Let’s talk about the future of our Party”

Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett said that the letter released to MMM by the municipal party chairmen of Manalapan and Freehold Township raising ethical concerns about Shaun Golden serving as both County Sheriff and the GOP County Chairman was not a negative attack on Golden.  Rather, Bennett said, “They raised an legitimate issue that could very well impact that Party and the Freeholders. We may be giving the Democrats an issue that we don’t need to give them.”

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Posted: May 27th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , | 22 Comments »