Republican Deputy Mayor Evelyn Malsbury O’Donnell picked up 11 new votes during the Democrat requested recount of the Howell Township Council electtion and Democrat Andre de Garmeaux picked up 1 vote.
Charles J. Traina, 20, of Middletown, was arrested today by Township Officers after a months long investigation into ant-police, anti-government, and anti-Middletown Township acts of vandalism in the Oak Hill section, Chief Craig Webber announced.
Howell Deputy Mayor Evelyn Malsbury O’Donnell is maintaining her lead in the the election recount
The recount of the election for a seat on the Howell Township Council started on Monday at the Monmouth County Board of Elections office in Freehold. So far the results are unchanged.
State Senator Vin Gopal of the 11th Legislative District renamed his public figure facebook page to Re-elect Senator Vin Gopal this morning and announced a virtual campaign kickoff event for January 21 over the weekend.
Julian Lee, 25, of Freehold, was arrested in Atlantic City yesterday, December 3, and charged with Attempted Murder for the Monday, November 30 shooting and stabbing of a 28 year old Holmdel man, according to an announcement by Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni.
The subjects have been removed from the house at 465 Branch Ave, according to a source within law enforcement. The dwelling has yet to be searched. Continue to avoid the area.
Due to Police activity Branch Avenue is closed from Sycamore Avenue to Rumson Road. Please avoid the area of Branch Avenue and South Sunnycrest until further notice.
Attention: In keeping with Coronavirus
concerns, all attendees should practice social distancing and wear facemasks.
And confirm if the event is being held before going.
Friday, November 27:
• Happy Thanksgiving Weekend
•Holiday Lighting & Holiday Express
Concert (Red Bank) – MORE
The Murphy family dined out again in Monmouth County on Wednesday night with a meal at The Butcher’s Block in Long Branch.
The Murphy’s with The Butcher’s Block owner Tom D’Ambrisi
There’s no hypocrisy involved in wearing “STAY THE FUCK HOME” hats while dining at The Butcher’s Block.
“Might not agree on everything; but we do agree on one thing…. Stay The Fuck Home!!! ” was the caption @theblocknj posted on Instagram for the photo of the Governor, First Lady, their son and owner Tom D’Ambrisi. The younger Murphy and D’Ambrisi are wearing red hats with the slogan “STAY THE FUCK HOME.”
Democrats in Eatontown and Howell are hoping that recounts will overturn their narrow losses in municipal races for council seats, NJGlobe reports.
Eatontown council candidate Mariel S. Hufnagel
In Eatontown, Democrat Mariel S. Hufnagel, using the pronoun his, petitioned the court for a recount against Republicans Mark Regan Jr, an incumbent councilman, and James Corcoran. Hufnagel trails Regan by 10 votes, 3,228-3,218 in the unofficial count. Corcoran has 3,105 votes and Democrat Danielle Jones leads the field with 3,250 votes in the election for two seats on the Borough Council.